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Everything posted by sk

  1. quote: Originally posted by RedMonk: n. and my oh my them girlies at Gustav's Just wondering: but how do you know those "girlies" arn't married
  2. Ummm. Gee, my feelings are so hurt. I don't know what to say. I, I, Umm well, get a sense of humor. My husband has one and just incase some one else feels the need to say it, yes he would need one to be married to me
  3. I think you boys have a bit of an ISSUE do you want to talk about it?
  4. quote: Originally posted by mattp: Unlike Peter, I enjoyed your trip report. And congrats on the traverse. Way to go, Alpine K! Ditto, the pics were GREAT!!!
  5. quote: Originally posted by rbw1966: . Its all about personal responsibility. THAT IS THE TRUTH!!!!!
  6. You are correct. My mistake. However, I did just climb on Belle's rope last week and in his defense, it was not stinky [ 05-20-2002, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: sk ]
  7. Hey Rob< I totaly agree. We leave with the kids if they get out of controle as well. If they start to cry, we move or go home. Awareness is so important. consideration. Happy climbing. Maybe we can get the kids and dogs together one day. My munchies LOVE dogs.
  8. Hey cap, if I run into you camping, I'm gunna send my kids to your site to rummidge in your stuff. My 6 yr. old realy likes cams. Who said I should keep my eye on them, Takes a villige right? I should just let my little ones run free and do what ever they want to do. Who needs civilisztion, or considerstion. Who gives a rats ass about or fellow creatures, or how any one else feels. BTW your dog bites my kid, and there will be hell to pay. I dig the hippy dog thing. I know a dog named spirit that is pretty much a woman in fur. But, she NEVER causes a problem. Realy depends on the dog, and the kid. Would it realy make you feel good if YOU and YOUR DOG ruiend some one elses trip? A puppy pissed on the rope, not a dog. Puppies will pee on anything.
  9. I run into that alot! Some dogs are way cool and fun to have along, and actualy entertain my kids. Thats alot of fun, and then I get to climb SUPER hard . There is balence in the universe Some places it's just better to not have the kids along at all. We try to stay aware of that.
  10. quote: Originally posted by trask: I agree to a point, SK, but if attacked by a dog, that dog needs to be neutralized first. You can't go around stomping people anymore unless you have deep pockets and plenty of free time for court. I do agree with you trask, If a dog was threatening my children I would not hesitate to do whatever I had to do to keep them safe, as much as I love dogs. We actualy have had a mean dog at rope-de-dope @ smith cause some trouble. He was tied, but, he was MEAN and did NOT like kids. The owners were fairly cool about the whole thing, and no one got hurt, But I didn't get to climb much because I was on super kid alert. [ 05-20-2002, 09:57 AM: Message edited by: sk ]
  11. I agree the behavior of children and dogs is determined in most cases by the training and teaching of the parent/owner. Hate to equate, but owning a dog is very mich like having a child. I don't think most people take the responsability seriously enough. So perhaps instead of kicking the dog, it would be more apropriate to kick the owner. not that I aprove of violence, but if you feel the need to strike, it should be in the correct direction.
  12. We will keep you posted as we get closer to the weekend
  13. i did have a crabby weekend. NO ROCK CLIMBING ( rain, rain, and more rain). that explains it did get a three mile hike. My sunday "church". Planning to head for sun (smith) next weekend... Who's up for it? Oh and Scott, Of course I don't know you silly .
  14. Bible boy, I'm sure you are cute and all, But I'm too old and TOO HOT for you
  15. You ass, I already baught the wine, cooked dinner and shopped for the shirt. YOU DON"T GET ANYTHING . I'm not even speaking to you any more. Excuse me. I have to find a BETTER date for this evening
  16. Bonus points for landing on gym worker who " realy only likes to boulders". bonus bonus points if it's a woman
  17. sk

    Bad Belay

    quote: Originally posted by rbw1966: Why were you belaying her on a boulder? She was just learning how to climb. It was her first trip... third climb or so...
  18. sk

    Bad Belay

    I was a bad belayer ONCE. My sister in law was just starting her climb, just learning. we were on a practice bolder at smith. She was trying to work out the first move, and was getting advice from the more expeienced climber we were with. I totaly wasn't paying attention, she jummped on, (didn't say climbing) and fell off. She landed on her feet, it was just the first move... But I felt SOOOOOOOO BAD. I should have been paying more attention. Learned my lesson though.
  19. Don't coil if you don't have to. Flake the rope out after you use it. Eventualy it works out, and stops being so twisty. Climb more, much more.
  20. sissy, ninny, Jeez it's taken me a good ten years just to learn how to spit. I encourage my sons to spit (outside). I would rather see that phlem on the gound, evaperating, than clogging there lungs, and making them sicker. For gods sake, it's not like it's poo or something Besides... who carries a hankie any more. P.S. i have yet to leave the house today. Working at home rules [ 05-17-2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: sk ]
  21. So when is your B-day????
  22. Lets see if today is realy trasks b-day than that makes him a taurus. They are notoriusly Picky and have very expensive taste. Good wine, Well cooked meal, and an expensive silk shirt... Dark colours, something with burgandy in it. I love birthdays [ 05-17-2002, 11:08 AM: Message edited by: sk ]
  23. Saw Big Brother and The Holding Company many years ago (13 or 14) at the Wow hall, They had this woman singing for them, I think she had just one arm. It was just about the greatest show I have ever seen. She sounded soooooo MUCH like Janis. It was a religious experience. That I was high as a kite helped. But realy changed my life... "Bye bye bye baby bye bye, I may be seeing you arround when I change my living standards and move up town..." Have not been to that rock fest... Looks great!
  24. But then what is a week with out risk to life and limb?
  25. What ever you say
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