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Everything posted by sk

  1. bolting protectable crack=BAD
  2. beer is a renewable resource
  3. dru, you=funny [ 06-13-2002, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: sk ]
  4. just a fan
  5. When you quote Kesey, you aught to at least give the man credit may he rest in peace
  7. Britney Spears we all have to hate someone
  8. quote: Originally posted by jon: I love cashews
  9. I thaught this was suposed to be some kind of battle... not a love in. you all suck
  10. quote: Originally posted by erik: I'LL ...anyone heard of second hand physcadelics???? p.s. tim, i had to give that up for the good of the entire world.... It's called a contact high. As the toxins escape your skin via sweat... you can pass along the fun
  11. who dat in the pic???
  12. quote: Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by sk: quote:Originally posted by Dru: $5 on shelley. thanks dru... it's shelly for future reference So your parents couldn't spell, that's Ok I will pretend like they could. i supose I could spell it chelle. it's short for Michelle
  13. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: $10 says Shelley climbs Rainier b4 Larson does this season. that would be a good trick.. you gunna carry me???
  14. quote: Originally posted by Dru: $5 on shelley. thanks dru... it's shelly for future reference
  15. quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: i DON'T KNOW? SOUNDS LIKE YOUR FLINCHING TO ME hmmm does this look familure to any one??? just wondering
  16. whatever pencil dick. Even if that was the case, it's not like YOU could help me
  17. I didn't know flintching made a sound... What you want to battle cage with me sukka?? bring it on
  18. You wish, you wanna be!! Loosers like you don't even make me flintch and i'm a girl
  19. quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: Lamebone and Greg W a couple of hard ups who would kiss the ass of any female who would look at them(few I am sure)keep it up you complete pussies amuse me ...now shut up Lamebone you little CUNT What was that??? I thaught I heard something. Cavey, did you hear something????Hmmm Must be a flash back or something
  20. then you have it made... doncha bronco??? Space is one of those newagey things that rednecks don't talk about
  21. jon you rule
  22. climb on!!! wife and family should bring joy, not be a burden everyone needs time and space to themselves, especialy parents
  23. that funny dru lawgodess... girl you rock
  24. c'mon sista, I would share
  25. thats right. they all want me
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