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Everything posted by Geek_the_Greek

  1. Didn't find any extra screws, I'm afraid. Maybe one of the other parties picked it up?
  2. I have a pair of Head Radial SL's (195cm - top of the line slalom skis in 1990) with matching Ascension skins. Ok, the bases could be better, they've been drilled twice (alpine bindings, now have Riva 3 tele bindings with no height inserts), and the skins need new tail clips, but otherwise it's a good setup. Skins are form-fitting, in good shape, and had good glue last time I checked. Yours for $20, in Seattle (not worth shipping these anywhere).
  3. Good stuff! We climbed it on Sunday, with one party ahead of us and 2 parties behind us (not sure which one you guys were, Gyselink). It was kind of stomped out, but still great fun. Yet another NF Chair peak TR, complete with incriminating photos: Good times Mjolner, I think we saw you guys skiing down below us (got one photo from way above). We could hear every turn - scrape, scrape...
  4. What an effing great thread! A modern-day warrior Mean mean stride, Today’s tom sawyer Mean mean pride. Though his mind is not for rent, Don’t put him down as arrogant. His reserve, a quiet defense, Riding out the day’s events. The river
  5. I think John is on to something. Who would you rather date: the useful or the sexy? I heart stereotypes...
  6. I was forgotten too... ...but I left early, so it's understandable. Nice chatting with Trog, Ketch, Matt (little bit) and Dougie, and of course GY. I can't believe I missed an opportunity to meet the legendary Archenenemy, but that was the other side of the table. Maybe next time.
  7. I don't know about love, but many of his wrongs are forgiven in my books by his donations to KEXP.
  8. Well, we sure wouldn't want that... Glad we cleared that one up. Now why am I not in bed? Good night, world.
  9. Going to pull some plastic now, thanks. Don't want to catch the fat virus and look like this guy.
  10. I guess in retrospect he should've tried to do as many flips or tricks in the air as he could. He might have even landed on his feet at the end of it all. He could have done an octuple daffy or quintuple backflip or something. Does anyone do daffies anymore??
  11. Correct, no alligator. People were getting confused here, so you know, I'm trying to help.
  12. Hey looky! You just identified why ice/mixed climbing is basically aid climbing with a different set of arbitrary rules, that are eroding by the day.
  13. Bon Echo, Ontario? Admittedly, this would be stooping low for a western climber, but it does look like fun.
  14. I dunno if this has been said yet, but you're never going to subject a single strand of a double rope to factor 2 forces. If you climb above the belay and fall with no pro, both strands catch you. If you place pro on one strand and then fall, the fall force is reduced (because you have placed intermediate pro), but yes, it is absorbed by a single strand. Is this the answer you were looking for? Max fall factor with double ropes (on a single strand) < max fall factor with single rope. Yes, that's the "smaller than" sign.
  15. Wasn't Mtn Hardwear originally started by former TNF owners (employees?) who were pissed that TNF was selling out? Hmmm. I suppose time and money will cure most principles.
  16. Just to add my 2 cents: In the backcountry, the biggest issue you will have (most of the time) is dealing with untracked snow. Around here, that frequently means thick chowder, weird layers like heavy-on-top-of-light snow ('upside down snow'), crusts (the much-despised surface breakable crust being all too common and annoying), inconsistent wind effects, etc. It's just harder when you have to battle just to stay afloat without either rocketing downhill out of control or coming to a dead wallowing stop. All the issues of rhythm, balance, and control which you will hear about in lessons go on top of that. There are plenty of challenges and joys you get to deal with at the lifts. Going fairly fast on low-angled terrain, for instance, is one thing you will be able to do easily on blue runs after a season or two, which is still fairly hard to achieve in the BC on a winter snowpack (it's easier on spring corn). The fact is, chopped up and packed down snow is much more predictable, even though it's faster (all the snow wallowing around your ankles and calves in the BC slows you down big time). To make a long story short, you will have different challenges to deal with at the lifts and in the BC. To be a good all-around skier, you will need to be competent at both, but because it's so easy to get a lot of vert in at the lifts, those skills will come quicker than the BC stuff. So yeah, mix and match, and expect to have a slow learning curve in the BC.
  17. Saved by the bell I can't believe how easy that was to find on the web...
  18. Changed to 06 to avoid confusion. At first I thought this was another "let's bump up an old topic and relive the good times" thread.
  19. It's all about the music, isn't it?
  20. Knowing all the audience participation shite that goes with the Rocky Horror Picture Show
  21. Yeah, no shit. Thinking about the DFA "Have you outlasted your nemesis" thread, methinks um, maybe the folks who left actually have more of a life, or got cool jobs or something.
  22. Using the terms Snafflehound Gaper Horsecock Bling bling as often as possible in posts
  23. Ah, you know us greeks. It used to be cool to be gay, then it wasn't, now it's ok again. But, you know, not my thing.
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