how is that a change from the status quo? its not like the war powers act passed after vietnam was in any way unclear, yet its been ignored for going on 40 years? for whatever reasons, presidents can and do get away with doing practically whatever the fuck they want to with the military.
excellent cause - i'm sure there's many folks on this board, myself included, who'd be happy to help you with your climbs. other than cash, what can we do to help you get up the hill?
don't know if metheads are smart enough to try the door handle first
seriously, the best approach is to drive a shitty car w/ a trunk to put yer shit in - that still didn't keep tweakers from sawing through my gas tank for reasons unclear to me though
ummm....dood. were you, like, trying to take me seriously and stuff?
don't you know the internet exists primarily to make jokes and post pictures of cute kitties?
got a handful of fawked-up camalots and aliens needing trigger wires replaced and i'm sick of my half-assed solutions breaking - anyplace in portland that can do it right? mail away places? the site's search option hasn't helped much
i've done it (though, for giggles, i think i did it to get to town crier) - it's fun, but then so is the more popular alternative since it's so freeable
strange indeed you could do an aid pitch faster than folks doing a free pitch
not like the italians were somber in the wake of mussolin getting strung up neither - course, then, they do have a bit more history of killing tyrants...
come on, it's not like dirty sailors were gonna pass up a perfectly good opportunity to get a feel, dontcha know?