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Everything posted by Bug

  1. The South African experience proves you dead wrong. Crime rates in Joburg are among the world's highest. Because of this many homeowners are armed. Because of this, many burglars enter and shoot the first person they see, assuming the owner is armed. Out of desperation, homeowners contract with private security firms, who respond to tripped alarms. They fire two shots in the lawn, then come in blasting. Many homeowners are shot by their own private security firms every year due to false alarms. The proliferation of guns has turned what would be simple property crimes (which suck, admittedly) into homocides. Just sayin. The 'common sense' that's behind many of these gun arguments is very often 180 degrees wrong. Almost everyone I knew in Montana growing up loaded their own ammo. I see this as a corporate run for monopolistic practices. The essence of this law will make large weapons corporations the only place to get ammo and they will then control the price more easily. I am talking about keeping gun laws and ammunition access pretty much the way they are. I doubt that you are arguing that if we keep going with the laws that currently exist, we will end up like South Africa. Right? I would argue that there are other variables in the mix that make S Africa a different scenario.
  2. Some decent comments for once, but do you really understand what the elimination of semi-autos would leave? Bolt action, lever action, pump action, single fed. That's it. Did you really mean to say this? How about revolvers? Some consider them semi-auto, some don't. No. Not every Semi-automatic. Just those that are clearly designed to take out dozens of people. It does not seem like a good idea to have anybody spraying bullets indescriminantly. If someone tries to burglarize my house, I can put two in the chest and one between the eyes from 50 ft no problem. And my 357 is not going to be slowed down a lot by a flimsy modern door or drywall. Owning a gun requires responsibility. If you are going to pull one out and pull the trigger, you should have taken the time to know what you are going to hit. If you can do that, you don't need a military clip full of ammo. And for most people (without good aim), the best defensive gun in a house is a shotgun.
  3. Just a few humiliation techniques. Carry on.
  4. Your ignorance of how many bullets it takes to stop a zombie is appalling. But I do not like this or any other gun control other than for automatic and semi-automatic weapons. I just do not beleive that honest people without guns are going to be as safe as they are with guns out there. I mean, if a robber has to wonder if he is going to be shot he will likely not rob as often. If he knows he will be up against an unarmed person almost every single time, I think robberies will increase. Purely opinion but $0.02.
  5. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Cheerio then!
  6. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Sorry you weren't able to read the post were I made a few different points. But that would explain why you post so many empty insults with no thought or counter point. There just isn't anything to back up your points so why make them. Right? I mean, you have been flaming anyone who did not totally agree with you and Bush/Cheney for years now. Now that it is clear that they were focused on getting richer off the backs of people like you, and didn't give a rat's ass about this country, it must be a hard pill to swallow. All those years and you were just wrong. Wrong about Bush/Cheney and wrong to be such a mean spirited person.
  7. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Um, actually, yes. Ya think? Hmmm, lemme see: Waterboarding with no lasting physical effects or...slowly strangled to death by a chord hung from a crane in front of a large cheering crowd... Ok, I've decided now. I'll take the waterboarding please! I didn't know you were gay. Must have been hard to come out in this forum.
  8. Yeah. Something inside me is stirring. It is almost like sex only lasts longer. My legs know what it is. My bloodshot eyes must be retrained on the eastern horizon. Mountains. Lots of them. It is time to pack.
  9. Sick sarcastic irony was your point? OK.
  10. Bug


    Is it as much as a bitch to harvest as say.....oil? Yes. Energy return on energy invested for oil is currently around 40:1 while for hemp oil it is less than 5:1. (and note: 1.3:1 for corn ethanol and around 20:1 for tropical sugarcane ethanol) Not counting the economic costs of global warming with oil and deforestation with tropical sugarcane.
  11. Bug

    Fucked up...

    I am sure the Christian right would support that given the power. Abstention IS the answer right? Oh and if you do have sex and go to an abortion clinic, they will shoot you. I'm so glad we aren't in Iran where they have religious fundamentalists running ammouck. I mean, what if they got into our Supreme court? Well, they'd prolly stop at abortion right? Or would they go after gays? It is a sin you know. It even says so in the Bible (can you help me with which verse that was?). And once they erradicate that sin, they will need another one to focus on. Eventually, they will be knockin on Bill's door for posting prn on the internet. Keep them guns handy Bill.
  12. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Your anger is sad. I wish you well.
  13. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Yeah. They should have waterboarded him instead. So much more humane.
  14. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Fuck! I knew it. Obama is a terrorist! After all, the US is the REAL terrorist, and these ILLEGAL wars are really terrorist operations, and Obama is just going to continue them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously, you were sleeping through that part of history as most good republicans did. al Quaida attacked us on 9/11. Their leaders were in Afganistan. Iraq did not attack us. al Quaida leaders were not in Iraq when we attacked. Get it now? Of course not. Because then you would have to admit that you fell for a big lie and were as wrong as you could be. But you do not have the huevos to admit that.
  15. Bug


    Hmm. It used to be there. Anyway, Google it. The laws making hemp illegal were passed at almost the same time that Dupont filed a patent for nylon.
  16. That's disgusting. Why would you want to climb?
  17. Bug


    Go to http://norml.org/ and look at their history section. The politics of hemp are twisted.
  18. Bug

    Fucked up...

    In an interview with Barbara Walters last night, Obama said that there are still al Quaida training camps in parts of Afganistan and Pakistan. He would focus on those and on finding Osama Bin Laden. It was not much more than a sound bite.
  19. Bug

    Fucked up...

    But it is OK for a Christian country to invade a Muslim country and occupy it indefinately (100 years by McSame), for what reason? Oh WMD? Uh, the dude that blew the whistle on that lie had his CIA wife outed by VP Cheney who was protected by Bush, and so forth. We have killed thousands and thousands of Iraqis for what? To get rid of Sadam? Why not go after Mugabe? Oh yeah, no oil. The US represents itself as a christian country. Our war in Iraq, illegal by UN law that we helped write, kills way more people every month than were killed in 9/11. Argue with me all you want. Its the rest of the world you have to convince that we, the USA, has not become the primary terrorist in the world today. It reminds me of the first time I went to the principal's office for fighting in first grade. The biggest kid in the class pushed me so I pushed him back. When the principal asked him what he did then, he said, "I punched him so he would be nice." And we are not even punching the people who pushed us first. As you said "Because the religion that spawns these idiots will continue to do so until it is forced to reform from within or until sufficient pressure is brought to bear upon its more civilized adherents to stand up and be counted." Hopefully Obama represents that "reform from within". If you cannot rise above them, you ARE one of them.
  20. I think he is still waiting for Tvash. The 40 pound weigh is still there.
  21. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Fuck you, Bug. Seriously, not just spray. You are an asshole. Your attacks have been consistant and abusive. Either take what you dish out like an adult or take your ball and go home. This is just a game or a virtual world. Most people here will not hold your posts against you in the real world. If you stay and continue to spew venom, just remember that verse, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You are not a nice person on this board and I continue to be dissappointed with your finger pointing as though you are somehow above it all and being victimized. Seriously, read your last 100 posts in spray, or your last ten replies to something I have posted, and tell me you are proud of your Christian demeanor. Or point out in a respectful way where I am wrong and I will reply with equal respect. The opportunities are many as you well know. Better yet give up this cesspool and direct your energies more productively. Your anger is getting the best of you here and I know how bad that feels. Regardless of what you do, I have met you and see good in you. I hope you let that overshadow your persona on this board. Keith There are a few assholes on this board to whom I consistently dish back what shit they fling my way. There are a quite a few people who are pretty cool, and I have had no problem with them, and have been consistently respectful to them, unlike your BS claim above. I once thought you were in the latter group. If you want to be in the former than so be it. You don't think I'm nice? Well, right back at you buddy. We've met in person, and I expect a different level of respect from someone I have met. I post very infrequently these days. And yet, you fling my name out at random in a personal attack. You are just as disrespectful, divisive, and unpleasant as you have recently claimed I am. You are disappointed in me? The feeling is mutual. When you post something that I dissagree with, I reserve the right to reply. We all post here to everybody who reads this board. These are not private discussions we are having. When you viciously attack one person for their stand on an issue, you attack those who agree with that poster by implication. I have come out vehemently against the prevalent viciousness on this board. I was vehemently attacked even by you for bringing up this point of discussion. And that is all this board is. A place for us to discuss our ideas and beliefs. Who you CHOSE to become here is your responsibility.
  22. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Pat Gallagher, making shit up about a subject like racism isn't cool. When I next see you in person you're going to be asked to account for this lie. You shouldn't have posted it if you didn't want people to read it. Don't blame me, amigo. Look in the mirror; he's your problem. Posted what? Muslim bashing? That's not racism--nor is it any worse than the constant Christian bashing you are guilty of. The only difference is that my distaste for Islam is grounded in fact. I think you have issues that can only be resolved with your mouth and left nostril immersed in a mud puddle, your right elbow secured snugly behind your back. FW, I am a Christian and have traveled in Muslim countries during times of war. While the soldiers were hostile, the civilians I met were, without exception, amoung the nicest and most hospitible I have met anywhere. "Muslim bashing" by you or anybody else is no different than the "Christian bashing" we have seen on this board. Not all of us Christians are alike. Lying and war-mongering are not fundamental values of Christ yet, "MY PRESIDENT" has done just that. You and I will be held accountable for that if we travel abroad. We will be seen as Bushite/Christians (even Tvash will be seen this way), and feared by reasonable people in much the same way that our people have feared al Quaida. Islam is just not as violent as you make it out to be. It rose out of Saudi Arabia in 644 AD. Most of the Medditteranian basin was Muslim within 50 years. Some of it was taken by the sword which had a rich tradition of skill and honour in the desert. The reaction by the Christians of the time was violent to the same degree. The honour of battle in the desert does not translate into blowing up a train full of civilians. I would hazard an educated guess that those terrorists are in for a large dissappointment when they die. But mostly, it will be the people who led them there who meet with negative consequences. This will not be unlike the deaths of many Christians over the ages and into today. Those who would not recognize Unconditional Love as the primary teaching of Christ may well be amoung them. I hope you do not take this board so seriously that it would ruin your day. To you and all who post here, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!
  23. Bug

    Fucked up...

    Fuck you, Bug. Seriously, not just spray. You are an asshole. Your attacks have been consistant and abusive. Either take what you dish out like an adult or take your ball and go home. This is just a game or a virtual world. Most people here will not hold your posts against you in the real world. If you stay and continue to spew venom, just remember that verse, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You are not a nice person on this board and I continue to be dissappointed with your finger pointing as though you are somehow above it all and being victimized. Seriously, read your last 100 posts in spray, or your last ten replies to something I have posted, and tell me you are proud of your Christian demeanor. Or point out in a respectful way where I am wrong and I will reply with equal respect. The opportunities are many as you well know. Better yet give up this cesspool and direct your energies more productively. Your anger is getting the best of you here and I know how bad that feels. Regardless of what you do, I have met you and see good in you. I hope you let that overshadow your persona on this board. Keith
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