Can your shell of perception be stretched at all?
"While he seems to enjoy being taught, he doesn’t like referring to his discourses as teaching. “Yes, I have no teaching, no philosophy. All I have is methods, which you can call a technology. If you ask me to say in one sentence what my central message is, I would say, ‘Do not settle for the limitations of your experience. Try to break it and move to the next level. If you do that, you will know there are many levels of reality outside and within yourself. Don’t settle for who you are right now.”
But why not? He throws the question back at me. “Don’t you want to play golf a little better tomorrow?” We all want a little more of what we know best — money, love, power, knowledge. “There is something within us which does not like boundaries. If we find unconscious expression of this, we call it materialism. If it is conscious, we call it a spiritual process. You can either walk with your eyes open or closed. I am saying why not keep them open.”"