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Everything posted by Bug

  2. I'll buzz in about 6 with larvae and a heap of dung.
  3. There was a Korean climber who threw himself at the Cassin two years in a row and got helicoptered off from the same exact spot (17K) two years in a row. There was a Japanese climber with no fingers on his right hand and two on his left due to a little frostbite on a K2 speed ascent. Is it good style to climb after that in any way but solo? Who would tie your boots? If you don't thank the rescue crew the first year they save yur ass, is it a sign of weakness to thank them the next time they save yur ass?
  4. Call me a pussy, pussy. I live to climb another day. Several freinds are not so lucky and their style was impeccable. Alex Marvin Peter
  5. The problem with little kids is that they are so flexible, and their hips are so small, they can wiggle out of any harness like Houdini. I have a five and seven year old. I always take a selection of runners and cord to tie them in with. I make a diaper harness and tie the back of the leg loops up. I twist a runner twice, put the X on their back and an arm through each loop. Clip the front to the biner on the diaper sling then tie a cord from the X to the middle of the back of the waist belt. They haven't wiggled out yet. They mostly like to be hauled now and then bounce around near the bottom doing wild pendulums. They have a blast and are getting use to the rope. I have one pair of shoes a little too big for the seven year old but they still work better than tennis shoes and she doesn't try all that hard anyway.
  6. Went up there old and hung over last Saturday. The white book doesn't give you much info on the start. The old Becky book is right on. Go up the lf flaky corner by the tree at the notch. Traverse left and then up the curving crack to the bolt with a sling on it. The standard route is wet and mossy (maybe it would be three stars without the moss) below the bolt. The variation left is pretty nice and there is a crack just around the corner that protects well. Watch out for the small hollow rope eating flake halfway out the traverse. It caught my rope when I was up 60 ft.
  7. Whew. For a second there I thought I was an outcast. And everyone knows there's no place to go after this.
  8. That barmaid at Gustav's was looking at me dude. actually if see knew you were a guide, she was wondering if you spoke hungarian, based or if mommy was going to pay your bill!!! Or she was wondering what the fuck you were doing with a popsicle up your piehole at a bar. Hmmm. Not sure what all the hostility is about. I'm not a guide. I'm just a climber willing to climb with other climbers. I was taught the basics by a friend who was taught the basics by a friend etc.......
  9. That barmaid at Gustav's was looking at me dude.
  10. I did that route ten years ago. Is that hollow flake still at the bulge below the traverse?
  11. I am going up with another inexperienced climber (he took a class on crevass rescue) May 30 -June 1. Muir, Disappointment cleaver. Tag along if you can. Check your PM's.
  12. Ehmmic posted her story and admitted guilt. I am glad she is safe. I am also glad she posted and started this debate. I don't know if she knew what she was getting into but she triggered a good discussion on ethics and rock degradation. She will not forget it. Same for others. That is a good thing. A few learn and the rock stays in good shape a little longer. Climb on Ehmmic.
  13. Self delusion is my specialty. 18900 was what another guy told me. Maybe I was talking to myself but it was on the internet so it must be true. Anyway, it's out due to it's small summit. I will be back on Denali within the next two years. Hopefully, I will be able to get above 19000 a couple times. I'll do the WR with friends then, conditions permitting, I will do the upper W Rib. Thanks for the info.
  14. I'm meeting a friend in Leavenworth this weekend. Next weekend we could go up to Index if you don't mind two little girls coming along (5 and 7). They talk alot but won't climb. PM me. I'll answer next week.
  15. Carry minimal bivy gear, get a day pass for each day you will be out, and lie, lie, lie.
  16. How old are you? What gear do you have (climbing and bivy)? Have you been in the Enchantments? North Cascades? What grade do you climb at now? And finally, how far can you carry a keg?
  17. Forest Service "management" means shutting out any one who isn't pouring money into a corporate coffer. If "too many people" like to camp in an area, Forest Service standards are violated and the area will be shut down. You can clearcut a salmon spawning drainage until it is a dead mudhole but you cannot camp by the road in Icicle canyon because of the impacts you might cause. If we leave access in control of the Forest Service we won't have any.
  18. Bug

    fixed pins

    Well hell. The book says it's OK to wang that sucker into oblivion. Let's go ahead then.
  19. Bug

    fixed pins

    Call me whatever you want. I haven't taken a pin to Index in 15 years. Green drag on and Town Crier are easy aid routes. Please don't scar them any more than they already are. There are lots of examples in Yosemite of routes that are scarred beyond recognition. This isn't chest beating or meant to be negative. There are lots of folks on this site that can tell you what the standards for any given route are. Who on CC.com isn't?
  20. Check out this site. It has good information on fat/muscle/exercise/diet kind of stuff. http://www.hussman.org/fitness/
  21. If old age is a symtom, I am HGH deficient. Are there any clear symptoms or conditions that you know of? My Dr didn't know anything about it. My main concern is the pain in my hips that seems to be arthritis. Glucosamine helps a lot. Some of the HGH marketing says cartlidge growth is one of the things HGH helps with.
  22. Has anyone heard anything about HGH? All I can find is marketing hype.
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