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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Climb: SnowCreekWall-Champagne with the ridge-top traverse Date of Climb: 10/17/2004 Trip Report: Well it's not realyy alpine and it's been a long time since the ropeup but it seems worth a TR. Alpinefox responded to a call for partners to climb Champagne. I accepted and turned down Dr Crash since the route finish was a little scetchy beta-wise. So after too few beers Friday night, (no tap), we got an alpine start at 8 or 9 AM. The goats were at the base of the wall to great us and scurried over to me when I took a piss. All parts present and accounted for. Alpinefox even got a picture. Calm down ladies. The picture was of the goat and my back. Check it out in the gallery if you are into watching it goat-style. So we started up the gulley and roped up below the chimney section. Alpine fox led the chimney pitch and the first pitch of Champagne since I had already led them in the past. From there, we contiued up some good and some mediocre climbing to the traverse to the upper chimney where a good ledge was found. At the top of the chimney, another good ledge was found. Maybe it wasn all the ledges, or maybe it was the hot sun but we thought we heard the balefull moan of Matt, Dryad and uhm... that other guy as they wrrestled with the crux of Outerspace. Check out Aplime's pics in the gallery. Very nice profile of the wall. From the big ledge on top, we traversed right and led up a nice wall with a perfect 5.7 layback except for all the licken.. Then Aplinem lead over the ridge top and along the crest for a ways. That is where it seemed alpine. We contiued in this traverse for a few more pitches of great climbing that reminded me of the upper N Ridge of Stuart before the gendarme. Very nice and even did a short 5.8 crack with a dike. Then we descended to the notch where Ampline got a pic of a beautiful splitter and dropped down to the top of Outerspace. A nice day all in all. I recommend it. Gear Notes: Usual Snow creek wall rack. Be prepared for the ledges. Approach Notes: Approach as for Outerspace and stay below base of rock as you traverse right to a dead tree. Then proceed up the gulley.
  2. Get off at 4 on Thurs, 14th and heading for the road to the back side of Persis. Climb the obvious descent gulley to the s ridge of Persis and bivy somewhere. Fri start casual and wander to summit of Mt Index and back to car. Need to be in Redmond about 6PM. Anyone interested?
  3. She is a teenager standing up for what she believes in. Where you when you were that age? Sorry to be serious in spray. I'll go away now.
  4. Dip your rack in latex.
  5. Bug


    Why don't you move this thread over there and see how long it lasts? It would probably drum up some business for them. Unfortunately, that seems to be where CC.COM is heading.
  6. Spray paint rubs off quickly except for in the etchings of the brand names etc. Just spray dots on those. Nail polish lasts longer.
  7. Bug

    rope vd?

    You can bite your rope. Just don't let any mucas membranes touch your teeth for fifteen minutes afterwards.
  8. Uh yes but you would be like the bubble boy that everybody stares at. Seriously, NO. It covers the ears. All wool and booties are spoken for.
  9. Bug

    rope vd?

    According to a nurse I know, anything you bring to your lips could be infected with herpes. The life of the critters varies with temp, moisture, toxicity, etc. It is conceivable that you got it from a rope but highly unlikely compared to drinking fountains, pipes, soggy-ended joints,.... .
  10. Bug

    rope vd?

    Yes but is there anything else missing?
  11. If you are serious, PM me.
  12. YO. CC.COM Bach party! What's your address Paul?
  13. Cleanin out. Wool gloves of various quality. All have a hole or two. A few lonely socks. Whitewater booties. Whitewater helmet. Going to the trash soon.
  14. Merrel Super Comps are the old leather tele boot with the plastic reinforced upper. My feet are wide and they are a little too narrow for me.
  15. I saw a UFO land in JT one night. Todd Skinner walked out and thanked them for the lift.
  16. Obviously missing are those who would actually take up the Bush banner. While I strongly dissagree with them, it is sad that we no longer hear from them. But that has been beat to death in another thread. It reminds me of listening to my father get all heated up over polotics. He would rant and rave even though everyone in the room agreed with him. Very boring.
  17. I do not carry a daisy chain unless I am aiding and then it pisses me off how often it gets hung up on everything. Don't let the salesmen screw you. Spend your money on another draw or piece.
  18. Always assume you are about to die. Never trust a little when you can place a lot. New stuff is better than old stuff. What is new in this paper?
  19. It's at home. I'm not. No carousel, clock or anything fancy. JC Penny. Old. Brown. Damn cheep. If you have lots of questions, you probably won't want it. If you are dirt poor and can't have a microwave unless someone gives it to you for driving to where I work or live then this is your microwave. No refunds.
  20. Well actually no. But it would do a chicken. I'm sure the thermometer isn't picky. It is a pointed metal thing that is connected to a jack that plags into the wall of the microwave. It's like a guitar jack. When the music stops the food is cooked?
  21. JC Penny brand with thermometer to stick up a turkey's ass. Name your price.
  22. OMFG and all this time I thought that was a snafflehound!
  23. I think he is out for a long day hike. There was no lunch food left at camp and the stove etc were put away and covered like he intended to be away for awhile. Looking out from where his camp was, or the top of the rock nearby where he ate a dinner, I saw a basin up Colchuck ridge that looked accessable to a backpacker but with a few cliffs to avoid here and there. From there, it would be easy to hike up the ridge a ways until you get to some outcrops. Just my two cents.
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