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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Pounding pickets into hard snow is really hard on the pickets. I have one that looks like it was chewed on by a robot. That may be part of the reason jaee is mocking the Lowe's idea.
  2. Arctis Expedition size 11. With slightly used aveolite liners. $75.00. These are perfect for cold weather mountaineering. Still in great shape.
  3. Mine is exactly like the one on the website. http://www.bdel.com/gear/camalots.php
  4. It is actually 6 X 7 and I am asking $15. It is brown with ties on all four corners and in the middle on the long sides. It is in perfect condition and retails for $40.
  5. Bought it 2 years ago. Not sure when the "new style" came out.
  6. Bug

    Trango 3, $200

    Sent you an email.
  7. I didn't pay retail. It was a smokin deal. A friend of mine got pro deals through a guide service out of Bishop. $20 apiece is still a good price. Peace.
  8. Scarpa slippers kids size 1 1/2, $15. good shape. Montrail slippers kids size 1, $20. Used once.
  9. Used on Denali a couple times. No hard storms. Still good for Denali. Check it out.
  10. I bought this for a Backbone trip but didn't ever use it. Now it sits in my closet. I paid $107 plus tax.
  11. I have a single 6x8? you can PM me.
  12. Wow. That's what I paid for a set in 1983.
  13. I went to Bernard Clark's estate sale a few years ago. Got some ice screws, biners, pitons and other stuff from the 50's.
  14. Nice troll. It will cost more to put the new hardware up than it will to take it down. I feel pretty nuetral about this whole bolt-chopping thing at Index but it seems clear to me that the anchors being chopped are being selected carefully. That does not mean it is totally "OK" but to blast away with pure rhetoric makes the blaster look uninformed.
  15. Yes, that was me (Montanan). I still like my lasik. Especially after Sun AM in blowing fog, snow, rain, sweat, and glissading spray. I saw your tracks over to main Daniel. Nice job!
  16. Look at his first photo. It would be a cruise if the snow is firm. Have to leave the trailhead before 3:30. But even if it isn't firm, there are endless variations up there that would keep you off the snow.
  17. Went up to East Daniel over the weekend. Packed up Friday about noon and left the trailhead about 3. A Subaru gave me a ride from Scatter Creek as I was not sure my car would make it through. I wandered slowly up to Peggy's pond and bivy'd about 9PM. The weather was overcast and I was right at snow level. The snow was still a few feet deep but melting quickly. The next morning I woke to partly cloudy skies and rolled out of bed. There were two guys below me by the tracks. After they left, I packed up and headed up too. It warmed up quickly as the clouds parted. The snow was still soft under a one inch crust and the crust was melted by 10AM. I followed some old tracks up the bottom and cut into the newer tracks at the top of the circ at the base of East Daniel. From there they cut up right and gained the ridge. They then cut back onto the face and continued up. I cut straight up without going to the ridge to avoid the bergschrund they negotiated. We met on top and they turned back soon after. Was it my breath? I was on my way to Marmot lake so I dropped off the west side. When I got down to where I could see the notch to Marmot it was clear that it was not an option. The snow was way too soft on steep slab. So I bivied and waited for the next day. The next day dawned grey and overcast. There was a dusting of snow. In spite of the colder weather, the crust was still only an inch and a half thick with 3 inches of slush below. Besides that it was often almost zero visibility. So I dropped off the east side in the circ north of Peggy's pond. There were some interesting route finding problems complete with waterfalls, a bear den, and the obvious wet cliff bands. Eventually, I ended up at Hyas Lake where I built a fire and dried out. My legs are tired and all my gear is wet. Success.
  18. The road is now passable to most vehicles. There is still a slightly deep water crossing at Scatter Creek. I didn't try to cross it with my Toyota Paseo but a car similar to mine made it. The extra three miles along the lake is a nice stoll anyway.
  19. Ionic Ogio Performance in brand new condition.
  20. Yes. Head up the road toward Persis but instead of zagging left to the Persis trailhead, go straight ahead and park in the head of the basin. Walk up the old road until it starts to turn left and then cut through the brush to the right to get in the creek bottom. Walk up the creek to the headwall and climb the slabs right of the waterfall (easy 3rd class). push through about 20 feet of brush and you break into the talus or open snow depending... Head up and left and skirt the base of the cliffs to gain the top of the ridge between Persis and Index.
  21. Climbing is like sex. The rock and I share the experience and what "works" for me might not be useful to the observer. If you are watching someone climb for instructional purposes, try to find someone with a similar body, size, weight, shape, etc and same gender. For instance, I am kind of big-boned and stalky. If I climb with someone tall and thin, we are going to approach lots of problems differently.
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