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Everything posted by Bug

  1. I'm just curious about your tag line;"Screw Lipitor". You do know that it is a cholesterol lowering drug not a erectile disfunction medication right? Or am I missing the point?
  2. I was picked up by a pterodactyl at Frenchman's Coulie. He carried me up to the concert and set me down on top of the band stand. I didn't have any witnesses but I remember it as well as I remember the rest of the weekend.
  3. Powers? In Icicle Canyon? That would be wind and rain. PARTY!!!!
  4. PM recieved and replied to. I'm diggiing for my kit.
  5. is close but not quite there. Seems appropriate knowing the parties involved but stil,... nope. Billy with a girl. baa My date.
  6. Use the search engine on CC.COM. Enter "Mountie". Or just post for partners on the Partner forum and be honest about your ability level.
  7. Yo. If you get out and do this again somewhere, PM me. I have a couple hangers and bolts I can contribute.
  8. Kurt Kleiner was into this in Missoula 20 years ago. No head cam tho. And rap was in its infancy. Darn nice vid.
  9. Black tower is at the top of the ridge where the red line veers descender's right at elevation 7500.
  10. PM resent. I wear size 11. These boots ARE bigger than most size 11's.
  11. That's why I took my girlfriend down loose scree on slab a couple weeks ago. It's the "Scree Test". If she passes, you move on to the "Bushwhacking Test". And so forth. Very few old girlfriends return my calls. But great pics. Goats spend 90% of their life within a 1 mile square area. So they know every hold on every route they do. I once tried to follow a nanny and kid in the Sawtooths and ended up asking for a rope. 5.9 slab above a 600 foot drop. They scampered across it like it was a playground.
  12. I still have the parakeets and NO you can't bite their heads off. The boots are still available too. Check you PM's
  13. Looking at the left side that fell off reminds me of the guys who were on Triple Couloirs during the last earthquake. They had just clipped into rock anchors above the second gulley when it hit. The ice they had just stepped off of peeled and fell. Anyway,...... Nice post John.
  14. Yes. I am always amazed when I stand on the mountain and look up. What a thing to have in our back yard! Imagine being 11 and looking up at that. Imagine all the doubts and fears and just finally realizing you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into. She will probably not even want to leave camp. But I will get her roped up and moving, conditions permitting, and take one step at a time. If she does not get more comfortable, we turn around. BUT IF WE MAKE IT, well just think about it. Olivia went to the IMAX two years ago and watched the Everest movie. Ever since then, she has been talking about WHEN she will climb it. I told her she will have to climb a few smaller mountains first. She looked up at me with those big brown eyes and replied "You mean, like Rainier?". And she has been asking to climb it ever since.
  15. Robson looked massively intimidating. Nice slide show Colin.
  16. Too much to read. But great pics. So you cornered a goat? I was on that route once and I swear the goat ahead of me was dropping rocks on purpose.
  17. Now we are looking at Baker too. Maybe just go up to Camp Schurman and play in a crevasse. At any rate, for those of you who are a bit more conservative, the safety factor is a day-to-day, moment-to-moment thing. Why you were on the steeps while the seracs were calving is beyond me. No insult intended. I ALWAYS get off the slopes by 1PM and that is in June. Right now, I probably wouldn't even get out of camp unless temps dropped to 35 or less at night. Check the statistics on Rainier accidents. Most of them happen after 2PM. Soft snow is a problem for a few reasons. I avoid it. Throw in a kid or two and I get even more conservative. But that conservativism is tempered with a few years of experience. I know how to squeeze in a climb and keep it within my safety standards. It doesn't do much good to talk about what I know because the only ones who really get it already know it. The rest have to get out and learn it by practice. So I can understand both sides of the opinion scale in this thread.
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