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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    What would you do?

    Thanks Kev. He has been actively looking for him for 7 years. The father's family has even hired a PI to find him. No deal. He hides well. He is paranoid.
  2. Bug

    Climbing Mentor

    Just kidding Joe. Wait till you see what happens to innocent females who post here for the first time. Step 1. Move out of Tacoma. All the best climbing is above Peirce county lie. Step 2. Advertise free beer. Step 4. Offer to carry rope and rack.
  3. Excellent plan. Familiarize yourself with the traverse from Liberty Cap to the Emmons route just in case you get caught in a whiteout. That area gets particularly high winds. Take a shovel in case your tent blows away.
  4. Bug

    What would you do?

    Ah yes. I got a BD Gadget headlamp and a pair of Sabertooths. Thanks!
  5. I had to brace for the possibility of losing one of my daughters when she was 5. She pulled through. I cannot imagine the pain these parents went through.
  6. Bug

    What would you do?

    Well, he's still 50% of the equation. Can't write him off, even though he wrote himself off. Yes and no on both counts. He did not chose to be the way he is any more than an alzheinmers victim choses that kind of brain mallady. And as such, I think you have to weigh 1. What he would have wanted for his son when he was a healthy dad. 2. How much it will hurt or hinder him to be "used" now vs how much it might help his son. At least you had the empathy to get involved in the first place. That's a plus in my book. Thank you for your responses. It is good to have a sounding board.
  7. Bug

    What would you do?

    Thanks for the feedback. I guess I don't give the dad's wants/needs much thought. I kind of think of him as dead. It is so sad to see his body and think about what good things good people have to say about him when he was healthy. Now I am just trying to salvage as much of the son's childhood as possible. But I am a debutante and should back off.
  8. Get a room you guys. This is a family site.
  9. Bug

    What would you do?

    Benefit; Son (now adult) sees father and gets to see how mentally deficient he has become thereby alleviating the feelings of abandonment. Perhaps he would even have pity rather than anger. Worst case: Son does not recognize mental deficiencies and retains or re-enforces bad feelings. Bear in mind that the voices from ten years ago were products of stress which induced the episode. He has since been homeless, living in his van realatively stress free. No bills, no responsibilities other than the occasional day job to cover gas and food. He is also vaguely aware that his circumstances are not "cool" and does not want to be seen by his brother, sister, etc. I suspect that he would react to his adult son similarly.
  10. Bug

    What would you do?

    He had some kind of temp job near there. Thanks, that reminds me to look where he said he was going to. But here I am again. Do I push this?
  11. Bug

    What would you do?

    Thanks, being a paranoid schizophrennic, he would not participate in anything too organized. So sticking to professional avenues means son never seeing father again.
  12. Bug

    What would you do?

    My ex-wife had an ex-husband who was very strange the first time I met him. They had a son. When Ex-husband ran out of money,and couldn't get a job, he lost his apt, truck and freaked out. The stress triggered a semi-latent schitzophrenia and he started hearing the voices of "five evil demons telling him to kill his son". We filed a restraning order and I served it to him in a soup kitchen (awkward, painful, now 10 years ago). Ex-Husband falls off the face of the earth. I saw him now and then but his own son has now gone 7 years without seeing him or hearing from him in any way. Yesterday was my birthday and I was in a happy mood as I kissed my girls goodbye and left for work. As I pulled out of my driveway, there was ex-husband pulling in next door. It takes me a few minutes to process. I go back to say "Hi" and see if he is looking for me/a danger to my daughters. It quickly becomes clear he has no idea I live nearby and he even cheerfully asks how "my wife" is. That would be his ex-wife. He does not ask about his son. I ask if he wants to get together for coffeee that night. He agrees to meet. I know the chances are slim to one but.... this is where you come in. I call ex-wife and tell her about the meeting and appointment so that she can arrange to have her son meet his father (son is now 22). Father never shows. Son is sad. We talk about the effects of mental illness etc but I do not think it registered. Appropriate? Would you have arranged this meeting? Stay out? Discuss.
  13. I'll take the crampons. Where are you?
  14. Bug

    Climbing Mentor

    You aren't a female posing as a male so you don't get harrassed are you? We get a lot of that around here. Check your PM's
  15. Oh. Sorry. I only deal in online courses. But if your company has a Premier Contract with Microsoft, you might be able to sneak into a pre-scheduled in-person course. Like How to climb big piles. How not to climb. How to spray. Etc.
  16. https://partner.microsoft.com/global/program Join the partner program or have your company renew its enrollment and apply the Advisory Hours toward online training.
  17. Stay on the path util you get to snow. Then wnader aimlessly being VERY careful to stay off the glaciers. Most of the ridge to Muir is open and above the glaciers. You can get plenty of space and peace and quiet away from the crowds if you drop just a little to the east of the crest but again, don't wander onto the glaciers unroped.
  18. I have a synthetic mummy bag that my 10 yearold just outgrew. I would use it as a half bag but my summer bag (Moonstone polarguard 3d) is only 2oz heavier. I go out for three or four days and start with 25 pounds counting water and no climbing gear. Many years ago, dad and I went backpacking in the Bitterroot divide country for six days. The first day we hiked up a canyon about 15 miles and our ride went home. When we stopped for the night and unpacked, I was sans sleeping bag. Dough! I built fires on both sides, piled pine needles a couple nights (this worked great), borrowed all my dad's extra clothes, etc. It did not adversly affect our trip and he loves to bring it up to this day. But for an extra 2.5 lbs I'll take the comfort of a sleeping bag & bivy sack any day.
  19. I've had some cold nights in bivy sacks. I like my 24oz bag over my coat and pants, inside a bivy bag. That's 2.5 pounds of pleasure.
  20. Bug

    8mm rope

    9mm plus or minus is fine. Divide the rope into four sections. Each climber clips into a loop. The end climbers carry a coil that is three meters longer than the distance to the middle person who is equi-distant from both.
  21. Put your false teeth in a baggy so the snaffles don't pee on them.
  22. Cheap light fire starters; tie a little light twine in a small bundle and dip it in wax a few times. It will light easily and burn about 10 times longer than a match.
  23. When you get to a cold camp, change out of wet shirt and eat a little bit of easily dogested food. If you eat too much, it will cause too much blood to go to your stomach and you will get chilled.
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