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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Burn out or peace out?

    I purposely posted here to see what kind of response I got in a "flame-on" environment. The lack of harshness on this thread is surprising. I must be blocked out by more than I suspected. Compare Choada-boy's replies to that of KasKad... One is openly confrontational and harsh. The other is disagreeing in a humorous manner. Porter disagreed humorously as well. Just an observation. P.S. No petuli oil. Just a lot of work.
  2. So..... this is a TR about two failed attempts? Cheers guys. Way to get out there and slog!
  3. Bug

    What would you do?

    Dad has not been seen again since that one chance meeting. And yes, he would not recognize his son.
  4. Bug

    Burn out or peace out?

    That'll leave you with a lot of free time! That IS one of the other reasons. Maybe I will actually get some work done...........
  5. Bug

    Burn out or peace out?

    It is not fake. At least I am not and I have met a few other people on this site who are not fake either. The way we interact is not fake. Normal social protocols are not what I am looking for. If the only path to being "other than normal" is being harsh, then you reasons for being here might be better addressed in an anger management class. The focci of most posts in spray have nothing to do with climbing. Is your harshness in this case due to the fact that my questions rub you the wrong way? Or do you have a logical arguement for why I should censor myself? I do not think you should give a f@#$, but you clearly do. Otherwise, why would you bother responding?
  6. Bug

    Burn out or peace out?

    Hmm. My feelings are not hurt. I just see no point in us bashing each other purely for the sake of bashing. It is not an activity I am currently feeling enriched by. "Get a life"? That is the point.
  7. Bug

    Burn out or peace out?

    Rob. "Spray is what you make it." Agreed that I am responsible for how I feel. And I am able to respond (response-able) how I choose. Contemplate the focus factor. Porter. LOL.
  8. Lately I just do not have any inclination to fight on this site anymore. I am not sure what has happened. I use to love a good arguement and exchanging ideas about various things. You guys and other genders, are a lot of fun. But I find myself tiring of the harshness. It is not that I think harshness is never appropriate. It is a part of life sometimes and I use it to discipline my children. We all need a kick in the butt sometimes. What makes me hesitate to hang here a lot anymore is the culture of harshness. Harsh words are the norm and the basic, common language. It is the one consistent theme through almost every thread. OK, I have to admit to taking an Isha Yoga course too. It has me all peaced out and more aware of the negative or positive impact I have on the people around me. I know I have been amoung the worst at times so please do not take this as anykind of judgement. I have no underlying need to hurt you guys. Even though may of us do not take these things personally, some do. I just do not feel comfortable partaking nor even exposing my self to large doses of the negative exchanges that go on here anymore. There are better choices available. TR's and info exchanges will be my primary use of the site for awhile. Carry on.
  9. Thanks for reminding me. I'm out of Scotch.
  10. I'm sorry, but that is complete and total bullshit. I reject this as well and it has nothing to do with the debate. I love how you guys are trying to justify the extremist muslims who kill over a friggin' cartoon by blaming the west, and accusing our people of being the "haters" and "nazis". Where death threats are made and some carried out, the individual perpetrators should be sought out and prosecuted. If they resist with violence, they should be subdued with whatever force is necessary. You reject that we are all capable of being Nazis while at the same time standing up for acts that are considered war crimes by the rest of the worls and many of us here in the US. There is no justification for the extremist muslims nor is there any justification for the extremist factions in this country that have led us into another unwinnable war against a global entity whose vast majority had no intention of committing violent acts against us.
  11. Nope. It was brought up by the people who foment hatred against ALL muslims. Did you see the "I doubt it" part? Regardless, dwell on that feeling. This is patently unjust. A workable solution that directly addresses the specific problem is needed and deadly force is warranted. Free speech is the issue in the original discussion. Unfortunately, it turned to hatred of all muslims rather quickly. I cite Deitrich Bonhoffer. He was a catholic priest and a renowned philosopher. He chose to stay in Nazi Germany in order to fight the good fight against the Nazis. He was one of the masterminds behind the nearly successful assasination of Hitler in the bunker. My point is, what made people "Nazi" is in all of us and it takes people like Deitrich Bonhoffer to show us the way. Deitrich was at once proof that a people is not inherently evil and that moderates need to stand up even at great cost. He was the very last man executed by the Third Reich.
  12. I disagree. Someone posted early that if you don’t convert to Islam than you were put to death. Uh….not so peaceful. So atheists are not peaceful either right? Look at China. If you openly practice religion you are persecuted at best. Does that make ALL atheists intollerent of religious practitioners? And there is a Surah that reads something like, A Muslim will respect any pious man regardless of his faith. Read the German article above. Think about how the sane people in the world could work toward peace. Can we really kill all Muslims? Is that what you want? I doubt it. What are the options? I think it starts with looking at ourselves, NOT because we are inherently wrong but because we have the ability to change ourselves without violence. And it will not take that much to remove the fuels that stoke rabid fundamentalism.
  13. Blame America First! Moral relativism! F-Yeah! Inaccurate knee-jerk reaction. America has a part to play in stirring the pot. As the most powerful country in the world, we should be setting the example for others to follow. We have stumbled on too many occasions. That is not blaming us for the problem. It is looking at how we might help avoid giving our enemies fuel to recruit with. Going into Iraq the way we did is such an example. We lied about why and conquered another country. This does not say that muslim extremeists are right. They are not. Why say "Bring it on"? When we went into Afgahnistan there was almost no reaction. We went in to do eliminate the people who flew jets into the World Trade Center. Clear and reasonably justifiable. Instead of following those same people into Pakistan, we left them alone inside that country and attacked another Arab country. Everyone over there beleives it is for money. Why fuel that? Why risk that? We could have squeezed Hussein far more than we did. The no-fly zones were a weak joke. The oil shutdowns were they way to get to him. We refused to enforce that option. There were alternatives and we failed to execute them.
  14. Hitler was able to prove that ALL jews were a threat to German society and then proceeded to kill them off. You know the story. Now we have a bunch of fundamentalist Muslims getting out of hand. They will certainly be remebered by history as blood thirsty criminals but why condemn all muslims? Hatered of all Muslims is just wrong. Islam is a peaceful religion. If it IS the one true religion, Islamic terrorists will most certainly burn in Hell. The selective passages that are used by Isamic Extremeists and anti-Muslims are misrepresenting the religion. But as a religion, it gets misused just like Christianity. Look at what Christians did to the Aztecs, Incas, North American Indians. We are not criminals or bad people but still we have allowed our government to treat the Muslim world and other third world peoples badly. We are insulated by our media and our popular unwillingness to look at the effect our lifestyle has on other peoples. If it were not the Muslims, it would be some other group that eventually rose against our oppressive tactics. Ask any Palestinian. ElSalvadorian. Guatamalean. Nicaraguan. The list goes on. It is too easy to hate.
  15. Bug

    'Earth Hour'

    Look at it this way. If I put you in an empty pool and peed in one end, you would just move to the other end. If Everyone who turns off their lights for one hour also peed in the pool, you would be in deep water (or something). More importantly, all those people would be aware of the fact that they are not alone in making the world a better place.
  16. Bug


    There's oil in Canada? Invade! There's still a few months left.......
  17. Bug

    Its snowing

    What a waste...
  18. My name is not unique but I have yet to hear anything similar to the names my teachers used to yell at me.
  19. Bug


    I was at Devil's tower several years ago and there was a pimple faced kid with braces and a ranger uiform givig a talk on "How to Climb". Meanwhile, the guy who had put up most of the hard routes there at the time was emptying the garbage.
  20. We are and always will be "fucked up". The FREEDOM and RESPONSIBILITY to discuss it and act on our beleifs is what makes this country great.
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