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Everything posted by epb

  1. Dead lifts are killer for your grip I agree. I used to do dead lifts when I was lifting. Also shoulder shrugs (for your traps)...when I first starting doing these, my grip would go before my traps would feel any work. Everyone told me to use straps to take the weight of my hands...I didn't, and my grip got amazingly stronger withing a few months just from having to hols the weight and shrug with it.
  2. Oh yeah, the girl I was talking about above, was a dancer....and exotic dacer though. However, she also was into ballet and all the other kinds of dance I know nothing about.
  3. >>I got a gut jam this summer in a chimney<< I guess a beer belly does have its uses
  4. clever Trask
  5. yeah but you need some special shit to drill through plaster with so it doesn't all chip off and fall apart (as I found out that happens when I was hanging some pictures ) ...it's not the same as drilling through dry wall. [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  6. nice site chuck. Keep it up!
  7. I know the disadvantages in regards to the height of a climber. I was wondering about hand and finger size specifically. As far as height goes though, I think that it kind of equals itself out...some routes may be alittle hard for a small guy some a little harder for a short guy. Some routes even have two ratings when the difference in height makes a major difference. However small hands and fingers would seem to be nothing but advantages (on face climbs at least).
  8. yeah, I was thinking about bringing my grip master to class..however I though people might get the wrong idea
  9. epb


    Figger Eight...this one is for you
  10. I was wondering if a hang board is the way to go...however I have no wear to hang it. My walls are plaster, and I can't drill into them
  11. I don't know man, a pull up contest could get quite embarssing. BTW I'm really weighing in at 300 and the only climbing I do is up the stairs to my bedroom. That is when I'm not to durnk to make it off the counch.
  12. Gymnasts. I took this girl out climbing back in highschool. She never climbed a day in her life. She was a gymnasts, and a hell of a good one. SHe had trouble at first getting the hang of things but when she learned how to move on the rock she was ace. On here 4th time out she was climbing 5.12's at smith (on TR)...her and my midget buddy (see my post on "Little fingers Big fingers") . I felt pathetic. It tooks me years of training to climb 5.12's, and she was pulling 5.12's her 4th time out!!! LUckily she didn't have that great of apassion for climbing..or things could have got very embarassing for me when she starting to climb 5.14's her second week out. This kind of shit depresses me...I need a drink [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  13. The shit would be to be a heavyweight and still be able to pull off endless pullups and all that jazz. That way you can atleast have some luck with the ladies.
  14. It's all in proportion though man. The little guy may not have to lift as much, but in respect to his body weight he is doing a hella of a lot more work than th ebig guy only pulling off a 3 or 3. The little guy after all has smaller arms and muscles.
  15. The Needles SD rock! I thought it was pretty cool when a helicopter would fly through the valleys and I would be up on a wall looking down at it! On one occasion a helicopter came back and hovered off in the distance for some fat ass tourist to take pictures of us climbing. I thought that was cool. Slightly dodgy, but cool. I really wish I could have gotta a hold of the flicks the fat bastard took. That would rock! I could trade off with him the picture I took of him and the helicopter. [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  16. epb


    Man I wish more people would insult me so I could have an excuse to use all the cool little gremlins.
  17. Paul Derick = Seed Spitter. I understand derick. It's like Dan Larson and his pipe, he just can't climb with out it...regardless of whether his partner Scott'Adidas (aka Scot'teryx) can handle all the smoke on the route.
  18. I was climbing at Smith a while make with a midget buddy of mine..dude wears like a size 4 shoe and has hands like half the size of mine. Since Smith is mostly face climbing and many 5.12's are barely overhanging if at all, therefire grip strength (and hand size???) play the major role on the climb. As far as reach goes, it has its pros and cons. However hand size seems to mean a lot when it comes to climbing. Like a finger tip crimper for me is a bucket for my mate, and a one finger pocket is a two for him. Is seems liek it would be a lot easer for a person with tiny hands to rock up that 5.12 face climb than a person with gorilla paws? (however, I know this is not always the case). I was wondering about this when I heard about some 10 year old kid climbing 5.12's. Shit, a 5.12 at smith would be all buckets for a 10 year old, as it was for my mate. What's up with this any how? Should there be likw two ratings or something, one for gorilla people another for the little people? (BTW I couldn't really care less about the whole rating thing, I'm just wondering what's up with the whole hand size thing)
  19. Do you actually do a set regime with it?
  20. That's raw man.
  21. >>Folks, it's safer in the hills than it is around the house<< True to that mate.
  22. Anyone ever do any grip or finger strengthing exercises? On rock I find my fingers and hands go limp before my arms for the most part. I used to have a gripmaster and all, but I gave up on it. Any ideas?
  23. no need to go to canada, just check out sportsextreme.com or barrabes.com. I have now ordered from both. Sportsextreme is usually a little more expensive and has less of a selection. However there shipping costs are about a 1/5 of what barrabes are. Plus the people at sportsextreme are sound...they want to expand things, so the more business you give the more new shit they will start to carry.
  24. yeah pretty catchy. BTW Between the cobras and the rages...I'd go for the rages, cobras are overkill for general use. I know you get proform so your probally not to interested but the rambo II's rock, and you can pick up a pair for 220 (~110 each)! at sportsextreme. [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  25. Marcus your right about not going back down to a dead hang on each pullup. For the reason giving by courtney's theory of time under tension. When you go back to a dead hang, you release the tension. Thats's no good. [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
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