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Everything posted by epb

  1. epb


    Anyone know where to get a deal on a set of aliens? (or have a set for sale by chance). I haven't been able to find any great deals online. Thanks
  2. epb


    Wall hammocks! Sorry
  3. epb


    They are so cheap and light (~22oz). For alpine walls, or walls that only require one bivy they seem to be a decent alternative to ledges. Obviously they can't compare in comfort to ledges, but I'm pretty much sold on the idea of getting one. However, I don't know which one?
  4. epb


    Anyone had any experiences with any of the hammocks out there? Was wondering if anyone had any opinions in regards to comfort, setup, etc...Maybe either the Pika Parastite Hammock or Mtn Tools Room with a View? (any others?) I'm thinking about picking one up, but never known anyone that has bivouaced in one.
  5. Thanks. I guess I'll just give em a call. I'm passing through so no harm in stopping regardless.
  6. I know its a bit away, but I was thinking about passing through Zion in June. I know the close something like 80% of the routes from Jan - August due to peregrine protection. Does anyone know where to get info on what walls are closed??? I was paricular intrested in knowing if the routes in Temple of Sinawava and the routes on Angel's Landing would be closed.
  7. 11UK/12US Scarpa Vegas (Sold as the Infernos in the US) - BRAND NEW! $200 E-mail me at epb607@aol.com if interested.
  8. >>yeah, but we've already seen caveman's fat ass blowin' snow. True to that...and I can live with out seeing it again.
  9. epb

    Call of the wild?

    That's pretty wicked man. Trask where you get all your funny and fucked up pics from? (like that gangha yodi) [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  10. Volvos arn't sports cars man.
  11. Yeah but chicks dig criminals.
  12. I guess I'll give em go. They can't be that bad for general purpose. I'll still be using my Rambocomps for steep ice and mixed routes any way. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  13. >>i am a dumb shit. Don't get so down on yourself Rat. It can't be that bad.
  14. This one's for you Slappy. It is embarassing though. However, in my defense, what other crampons have front points shaped like chisels. So what's up with the methedology beyond there shape, why not make them proper points like the rest?
  15. I'm living on the wrong side of the country this winter that's for sure. Not to mention the wrong country. BC rocks!
  16. 15 posts later and we have an anwser! Thanks Will and Dru. I was getting a little worried. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  17. epb

    yoda say...

    That's amazing.
  18. I don't know mate...why don't you let me give it a go with her, and I'll see what I can come up with. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  19. God damnit. How the hell can a flat head screwdriver head be sharp...there is no point to be sharp??? I gotta be missing something here. Rat was right..I must be a dumbshit.
  20. Looks like RURP has got a groupie. What a stud
  21. My opoosable thumbs. Sorry caveman...maybe some day.
  22. OH yeah (Fairweather)...sounds like your just making excuses to justify you lazy ass lifestyle. Classic. Enviromentalist are all radicals...waaaah. Rather than discredit the movement that exists, why not keep the movement you once supported alive (or revive it)?
  23. I love when people (aka Fairweather) try to destroy a good notion by calling the people who support it hypocrates. Just because some enviromentalists are hypocrates doesn't mean their ideals are bogus. Come on duuuuuuuuude don't be so childish. No one is perfect in this world.
  24. Dru I have Rambocomps, and I spit on your M10's
  25. That's good to hear lambone. However, the frontpoints just don't seem like they could penetrate any ice the way they are. Being shaped like flat tip screwdrivers, I can imagine in soft ice or snow how they could possibly hold better then normal points...however on hard ice, I can't imagine them penetrating it very well.
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