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Everything posted by epb

  1. Bite me rat. Just looking for opinions and info. Those BD frontpoints look like scredrivers tips. All the other points on the crampon are fully sharpen, was wondering what the deal was before I started filing. No other crampon I have ever own or seen, has had their frontpoints come filed down flat liek that. Seemed strange. As far as my questioning in regards to the Sabertooths vs. G12's....I got these sabertooths for 25 bucks, and was wondering if they were worth a go instead of buying another pair of G12's. Everyone seemed to get down on them on "the worst piece of gear you own" thread....so I figured I might not even bother with them and just get some cash for them instead, and put that toward another pair of G12's. None of my mates own a pair of Sabertooths, so I figured I would ask for some info on the cc board. What's so fucking stupid mate? [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  2. I just bought a pair of BD Sabertooths for general use. What's up with the frontpoints on them being dull as shit right out of the box. The frontpoints look like flat head screwdriver tips. How are these supposed to be sharpened? Anyone know? I'm also considering just selling them, and picking up a pair of Grivel G12's instead. Anyone got any opinions on these two crampons.
  3. I've never used Revivex, or heard of it. However I'm sure it's probally the same as Nixwax...which I used on an old goretex parka. Worked great. However, make sure you wash it first with Techwash.
  4. Was wondering if they would be a good subsitute for plastics. I'm not a big fan of plastics, they're big bulky and uncomfortable. Personally I would like to get rid of my Invernos for ever. The only benifit to plastics, seems to be their added warmth and removable liners. However, the Extremes have some sort of insulation that no other leathers have, so I was wondering if they could match a good pair of plastics for warmth or what? If they can match them for warmth, what are disadvantages to the Extremes? Anyone have any thoughts on the subject? [ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  5. Terminal G...what's up with OR gear sucking? I've never owned any, but everyone I met that does raves about. I've bever heard a single person complain about it, before you that is. What's up?
  6. Dating a "climber chick" ok....but dating a girl who is interested in climbing. Big mistake. I learned that the hard way. I dated a "climber chick" who really turned out to be the latter...a chcik interested in climbing. After spending a day rigging top ropes on 5.4's instead of being out climbing real walls, made me clearly recognize the mistake I had made.
  7. This thread is absolutely amazing. Dude is coming on to the cc board, apparently serious, looking from dating tips...casuse all he knows for a good time is climbing and being a drunkard. Sounds like you allready are living the good live man , don't ruining it with a girlfriend. Oh yeah, Best part is he is getting serious answers! No spray? I'm dissapointed. BTW. Dates are for suckers. If they don't pull their panties down at the bar, then your inevitablly going to be wasting your time. Rather go sPend 15 mins on the net porning, and then hed out for a full day of climbing. You'll be much happier.
  8. I second that notion
  9. epb


    DB...I share yor pain. Clicking that second link froze my computer
  10. epb

    Clogged Pipes

    I agree Fish. That shit is whack. However, in their defense the number of good ice routes are much more limited to that of rock. If some one is toproping the first pitches though, they should always give way to someone who wishes to lead it...in my opinion, and they usually will from my experience. It's not like they have to remove their anchor and fuck off there toprope, they just have to sit back for a half an hour or whatever while those desireing to led it pass them by. That's just the breaks of being a beginner...like caveman.
  11. Is Dick Pumpington your real name? Cause that woudl be amazing. If not...you could have gotten a little more clever. ya know...Like Lambone or something.
  12. quote: GFs may be a waste of time but its a funner waste of time than many another pastime. but not a funnier waste of time the the cc board! [ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  13. That is by far the best argument I have heard against soloing..."cause it will be too much of a mess for other climbers to clean up." Amazing. Man you don't need to go and help a soloist when he falls. Cause he isn't going to need it. He will be meat waffles. Just let the vultures do the cleaning up. I wouldn't expect anyone to pick up the my pieces. Just let them dry out and decompose in peace. By the way, does anyone have a figure on the amount deaths of climbers while soloing? Is it even high?
  14. Caveman why you trying to pretend that you can read? .
  15. I think Lambone is feeling left out...someone get him a tissue quick.
  16. Wait, does Dan Larson really suck?
  17. epb

    Ice axes?

    mtnrgr... I'm 6'1" as well and climb with my 66" grivel air tech axe almost everywhere. Seems to be ther perfect all around length for people of our height. On Barrabes Grivel Air Tech Racing = 59.59 US and the Air Tech = 71.05 US. (They both normally sell well over a hundered dollars as Bronco said).
  18. epb


    Kid Rock sucks my ballz man. Axel Rose is the only piece of whitetrash that's allowed to scream out my radio.
  19. I'm suprised at the fast service you all have gotten with Barrabes...my order still hasn't arrived, hmmm. However, sportsextreme on the other hand rocks. 4 days flat.
  20. epb

    Message for Dwayner

    [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  21. This is just something I'm throwing out, some people on this board probally know something more about than I do...but can't one get custom moldable liners for plastics like they can with ski boots? I'm sure it's probally expensive, but getting a perfect boot fit seems to be quite important to you. So does anyone know what is up custom liners for plastics?
  22. epb


    Yeah that is good shit man. (Thanks Chuck...I missed the link the first time) [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  23. epb


    [ 12-10-2001: Message edited by: epb ]
  24. epb


    Sure it does..I was just in there with caveman. After you losers signed out with the quickness.
  25. You know what I'd say. "Good morning, thanks for the wake up call"...I did have to take a load off. Then I'd carry on and do so right above them, nice and proper like. I'd then crawl back into my sleeping bag and catch a few zzz's while those inconsiderate bastards spend a another hour cleaning the shit off their faces. Screw getting woken up by some pushy bastards below. I don't care how considerate and polite someone is...if they are stepping on my dick while smiling, it doesn't mean i'm gonna smile back.
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