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Everything posted by telemarker

  1. Just as the title sez. Looking to buy some Trango S Evo's, size 12, 45 euro. Or technical boot of equivalent performance/weight. Men's, or if you're Amazonian woman and looking to unload these, that's fine too. Send PM, or email: touring29@gmail.com Thanks! John
  2. Coincidence? Not sure. I bet Croft takes dumps, and I too take dumps. I think I'm seeing a pattern emerge that goes beyond coincidence.
  3. Great talking with you guys! Thanks for the sunscreen. Let me know when you're headed out this way again and I'll certainly take you up on your beer offer! Enchantment Ale kicks ass, and so doea Brass Ass and chips/salsa at South.
  4. Trip: Colchuck Peak - North Buttress Couloir Ski Date: 3/6/2010 Trip Report: Colchuck area offered up so much last week, why not go back in for a repeat? Scott McAllister and I did just that. To start off, I woke up at 3:30am and had some eggs, coffee, a pancake, toast, cereal (with lactose free Silk, very vanilla), a bagel and more coffee...Then I got on the road and drove 25 minutes to the trailhead. But I digress... I've wanted to ski this since reading the Hummel's TR from a few years ago. Scott and I booted up just to the top of the couloir only, leaving the rest of the NW face for a future trip. In the right conditions, it looks like it would make a great descent from summit back to the lake. The shot descends at a consistent grade. I'd say it's very similar to the cannon mtn. couloir, but steeper and easier to get to. There was no icy bulge that was present last year. Just good-edging powder the entire distance. We watched our friend Erik shred it earlier in the morning, and couldn't resist laying down our own tracks. The snow up there Saturday was fantastic, from couloir back to the lake! Moon and Colchuck in the morning. Scott with Mt. Cashmere behind. Colchuck's NE Couloir left and North Buttress Couloir right. Dragontail looking impressive. Erik's descent earlier of the NB Couloir. The tiny black dot 1/3 of the way down the couloir is him. A look down from the top of the couloir. Scott riding the couloir. Gear: Skis, poles, skins, #4 big bro (did not use), neutrino(did not use), TP (did use).
  5. 'Sucks for skiing'?! I beg your pardon, but unless you like you're skiing right off the road, the skiing remains quite excellent up high. Love Castle Rock! It's getting prime, except for the ticks.
  6. I thought you grew up skiing in the French alps as a young lad?
  7. Piston: we put in a nice trail up to the lake. There were a couple large, natural release slides that occured a day or two before we got up there. Other than those, the snow was very stable. You should be fine with snowshoes!
  8. Thanks! I'm sure this line has been skied many times before we did.
  9. Trip: Colchuck Peak - NE Couloir Ski Date: 2/28/2010 Trip Report: This was a surprising weekend for the east side. Mission Ridge got 8 inches of snow Thursday/Friday. Chump change for Steven's, but quite a pleasant surprise for the eastern half. So it was no surprise to fine a foot to 15 inches of new snow on the way up to Colchuck. Will and I had ideas, and we finally settled on the NE Couloir given the new snow amounts. Of course, that doesn't really make too much sense... Kyle Flick and Scott McCallister joined us for Saturday, where we had a nice run up and down the glacier. The place was deserted, and we weren't complaining about it. We tried to scope out our options but weather rolled in so we booked it back to camp. Sunday, Scott turned back due to a torn hip flexor, so it was left to Will and I to make something of the weekend. Under amazing skies, we reached the top of Colchuck. I don't think I've ever summitted this damn peak in the 12 years I've been running around these hills. Weird. We scoped the best way into the NE Couloir, eventually finding an easy but slippery downclimb. The first few turns into the upper NE Couloir was actully side slipping on iced up snow. We started out on a more eastern aspect, but the more we traversed over to the north facing slope, the better it got until it was perfect powder for edging. We reached the "mandatory air" over an ice bulge by steep side stepping down a snow fluting over ice. The air was only about a 6 foot drop, and I wouldn't think twice about it in any other situation. However, the landing was still steep, and the exposure below that landing was daunting should you blow it. I was able to ass smear and come to a stop, and Will did the same. From there, it was continued steep, powdery turns until the couloir pinched off like a lap-band, about the length of my skis. Below that, we were shooting out the exit and enjoying the billowy cruise back to the lake. On the way up after the clearing storm Kyle looking small I like the light in this image, showing Backbone and Serpentine, which usually blend into the face in the summer months. So clear out today... Will downclimbing off Colchuck's Summit Traversing over to the NE Couloir entrance Upper NE Couloir Things start to get tight
  10. If you have a decent pair at the size indicated, shoot me a pm, or email: touring29@gmail.com And if you're asking close to retail price for your stank-dog boots, don't waste our time! Thx! John
  11. Before this traverse, I used to look over there and think, "what a pile of shit." Then a couple of visionaries come along and send it. Now when I look over there I shall think, "Wow, someone climbed that pile of shit."
  12. Givler's Dome or Icicle Butt. Close guess Telemarker, it's Warrior wall. I book-ended it...
  13. Cool photo of the W. Face of Rock. Love the summit view, year 'round it's great. Nice TR! Do you think just skinning back up the W. face, traversing towards the summer trail on the S. side would have been just as challenging?
  14. I know it's a bit early, but considering last year's nesting on library ledge, does anyone think snow creek wall will be automatically closed this spring like midnight rock?
  15. My climbing partner wore the Champrau d'Amour while on Colchuck Balanced Rock, and I found it to be a bit annoying at some of the hanging belay stances.
  16. In my post I said, "It's a long way from being melted out" Distance wise, 4 miles is very modest...
  17. Y'all are screwed in the head. WA skiing season is just starting...
  18. It's a long way before the road is melted out. Lots more snow on the road this year than last, which has made for a nice cruise back to the car on ski outings for once!
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