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Everything posted by lI1|1!

  1. We ended up exploring the Wells Creek option this last Sat/Sun. The road was suitable for road bikes up to about the bridge around mile 7. After that it becomes a bit sandier and more challenging. Eventually the combination of steep climb, rock debris, loose sand and some heavy rains at the time made it a combination of riding and pushing the bikes uphill. We opted to pitch the tent around mile 9 and get out of the rain. Then the next morning made a leisurely stroll up the rest of the road and attained the ridge in nicer weather. View from camp: Overall I'm liking the idea of taking bikes down (or in this case lots of up) a closed road. We got into a cool area and had the place to ourselves. The climb was a bit too steep for our bikes given the road conditions but would be much better on a mountain bike.
  2. These are all excellent suggestions. Thanks all who replied. I'll let you know how it goes.
  3. Does anyone know of any closed roads that might be suitable for bike touring/camping? I was thinking something along the lines of Suiattle River Road (reopened now) or the ride into Monte Cristo. This would be done on touring bikes so unpaved is ok but we won't be on mountain bikes. Basically I'm looking for some bicycle accessed camping somewhere uncrowded and wilderness-like. Thanks in advance. Posted in spray because not climbing related.
  4. Came here to pay respects when I heard the sad news. Climb on.
  5. Just stopped by to see if this place still existed. Gets me thinking. Maybe their should be some kind of internet monument to the great sprayers of yore. Something for future generations to see to they can ponder their origins. Might be a bit of a mystery otherwise. Oh well. [img:left]http://static3.moviepilot.de/files/images/0460/6533/alien1_spacejockey_article.jpg?1287646327[/img]
  6. lI1|1!

    Fux Freakout

    do people still here?
  7. and tvash, statistically, the odds relating to gun ownership and survival might be different if you lived in arizona and were hispanic or hispanic looking. i seem to recall a picture of you and you had dark hair. don't think you're immune.
  8. innocent people with guns defending themselves from crazy people with guns.
  9. There has been some discourse, dare I say debate, from time to time about the merits of owning guns purely for self protection. I have traditionally sided with the view that owning a gun does not necessarily make one safer. A recent news story i have been following has made me feel at least partially otherwise: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Raul_and_Brisenia_Flores It's a horribly sad story all around, but it makes it very easy to imagine the unthinkable, and begin to understand the need to own a gun to defend one's self and family. If Gina Marie Gonzalez had not had a gun to defend herself she would not be alive for her surviving daughter, and to bring her husband's and Brisenia's killers to justice. That Gina Marie Gonzalez was able to defend herself makes a strong case for the 2nd Amendment - the right of US citizens to own guns for self defense. The NRA should be hailing her as a hero right now. Please accept my apologies for living in a la-la land where these things don't happen.
  10. [video:youtube]ObKL11A4W0U
  11. [video:youtube]q31XdlsC4D4
  12. lI1|1!

    Dogs at crags?

    only if your horny
  13. lI1|1!


    When I first heard the Richard Gear thing years ago I suppose I filed under things I don't understand. Over the years it faded into urban legend, and became a textbook case of how to recognize an urban legend. I guess no matter how much you know, this is more shit out there than you want to know, and you might not know what you will one day know, and you'll be like holy shit, but it just figures cc.com was involved somehow.
  14. all Americans are entitled to a
  15. Tauntaun Sleeping Bag [img:center]http://shop.starwars.com/kernel/imageload?table=cat_images;ttl2=15;key1=1317466_f;key2=-100_f[/img] [img:center]http://shop.starwars.com/kernel/imageload?table=cat_images;ttl2=15;key1=1317466_img3;key2=-100_img3[/img]
  16. lI1|1!


    :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop:
  17. lI1|1!

    Note to self

  18. freewheels are aid
  19. [video:youtube]urNyg1ftMIU
  20. mad. climbing. skillz. [video:youtube]XaYwx3OpAZY
  21. lI1|1!


    ^^^ this makes me lol continiously ^^^
  22. lI1|1!

    You suck

  23. lI1|1!

    RIP Grasshopper

    and the smiley face is for what exactly? for my memory of george carlin's discussion of said activity Because Caine was one of my childhood heroes I will choose to believe that really what happened is there were a couple Thai hookers involved, something went wrong (hey he was old), and the girls got scared and left.
  24. [video:youtube]3bAg9qL_Bvs
  25. [video:youtube]s_4aGXTHo7w
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