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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. I think we are talking about folks we know, right? Obviously women are still beaten into submission or lit on fire until they stfu in many many other countries, so I am obviously not talking about those folks.


    I am not the exception within the group of people I know. I am sorry for you if you don't have a group of successful, educated, ambitious, highly-compensated women for friends. They really make my world a better more exciting place to live. To each her own I guess.


    What's got me curious is why you even feel the need to measure up every one of your freinds and their significant others by their incomes. Do you do that with all of your friends? Is that how you judge everyone? Seems a little superficial to me...

  2. No shit. Funny how guys still use that old cliche. All the women I am friends with make more than their b/f or s.o.



    Just because you're the exception doesn't mean it isn't true for the majority.


    I'd be willing to bet it's true for 99% of the population of the country - make that the world...



  3. Carbs, sugars, fats, whatever. In the end the only thing that matters is the delta between caloric intake and caloric expenditure. Burn more than you consume and you lose weight. Consume more than you burn and you gain weight. End of story.


    Right on. Calories in, calories out.


    Try the "Eat less, exercise more" program. Works wonders.

  4. I'm just getting over that damned cold - I haven't been out running in a week, haven't changed my eating habits any, but gained at least 5 pounds from not training. I finally went running yesterday and could feel it bounce. Have to shake it off in the next couple of weeks.



  5. men value women by their appearance and themselves by the young hotties they can score.


    What's your point? :confused:



    women judge each other by appearance but themselves and their friends by the person inside not the boobs on the outside.their men's wallets.



  6. i am NOT over 40. i've got quite a few years to go before I hit 40. i'd go back to my late 20s but not my early 20s. no way, no how!


    I WAS going to say 30, but I thought I'd see if I could touch a couple of nerves...



  7. life is great at all junctures if you have inner peace and outer smile.


    -I like that - I'll have to remember it. Sounds like something the Dalai Lama would say...


    Having taken care of myself, I like being able to say that I am old enough to say I can outrun guys half my age, and young enough to still do it!


    I work in a hospital (administrative, not medical work), and a physician told me he was out of shape. I asked him why he didn't work out. He said he was too old to exercise! The sonofabitch is four years younger than I am! AND he's a goddamned healthcare professional! AND I ran 20 miles the other day! I didn't know whether to bitch-slap him or feel sorry for him.




    I like that too. V i am going to quote you in my blog today... I don't want to forget that!!!


    you should feel sorry for him and never see that person as your doc.


    He's a research physician anyway.


    My doc is the greatest. He's a primary care phycicaian that also specializes in pediatrics and sports medicine, and he hikes and runs and skis. A couple of years ago I saw him in August about having a minor procedure done, and he suggested I wait until October to have it done. I asked him why, and he told me that way, it was inbetween climbing season and ski season, and I wouldn't miss anything. Now THAT is the doctor for me!



  8. life is great at all junctures if you have inner peace and outer smile.


    -I like that - I'll have to remember it. Sounds like something the Dalai Lama would say...


    Having taken care of myself, I like being able to say that I am old enough to say I can outrun guys half my age, and young enough to still do it!


    I work in a hospital (administrative, not medical work), and a physician told me he was out of shape. I asked him why he didn't work out. He said he was too old to exercise! The sonofabitch is four years younger than I am! AND he's a goddamned healthcare professional! AND I ran 20 miles the other day! I didn't know whether to bitch-slap him or feel sorry for him.



  9. i don't know about the rest of the women posting here, but i for one am glad to be older than i_like_sun. :grin: there's not enough money to make me go back to my early 20s. blech! being older is fun. every single one of these lines, scars, and crows feet has well earned story :eveeel::moondance:


    Very true, Minx. The only way I'd want to go back is if I could take all that I know back with me. Otherwise, no way!


    :lmao: Is there some law somewhere that when all women hit 40 they must claim to prefer to be older than younger and would NEVER go back? :lmao:

  10. I don't know where to find it, but I have read some stuff written by the Swiss chemist who accidentally created LSD and then accidentally dosed out and rode his bike home. It is interesting reading.


    That was Dr. Albert Hofmann (the "Doc" whose face was used in the "Flashbacks" video, by the way). It is in his book "LSD - My Problem Child" and can be found HERE . The bike ride is described in the chapter "How LSD Originated", "Self-Experiments".



  11. Shorts over polypro stuck around for a long time. I'm sorry to say that I have a picture of me on top of Slesse from the late 80s or early 90s after climbing the NE Buttress dressed in shorts over polypro.


    It's still quite common, actually.




    BTW... Known as the "Mountaineer Elf" look.



  12. Shorts over polypro stuck around for a long time. I'm sorry to say that I have a picture of me on top of Slesse from the late 80s or early 90s after climbing the NE Buttress dressed in shorts over polypro.


    It's still quite common, actually.



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