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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. OH MY GOD!!!! Ok, this is going to sound UTTERLY PATHETIC, but I DID THE EXACT SAME THING! The first time I ever tried weed, my roommate made brounies that were SUPER STRONG. I started halucinating and "turning into paint". I seriously thought I was giong to die!


    I didn't call the cops, I called MY DAD. Yes. EVEN WORSE! I told him I was having a drug overdose and I thought I was dieing. Well, I almost did when he got to me!


    I spent 35 hours straight laying in bed..........


    I am a dumb stoner......


    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

  2. http://msn.match.com/msn/article.aspx?articleid=7648&TrackingID=516311&BannerID=544657&menuid=6&ER=sessiontimeout&trackingid=516311&GT1=9983

    or what?


    Someone needs to mail an envelope of (fake) anthrax to the author and tell him they listen to Jazz.


    where is that "i just frew up a widdel" picture???


    that is total shite and makes me want to reach down that guys throat and pull his nutz up and out. :mad:


    i can't imagine what he would say about us punk girls had he the musical knowledge to even recognize as a genera. i take that back i can imagine it wouldn't be anything good.


    Are you trying to say you disagree?

  3. The new media on the web seems to have mastered the art of write-zak. Basically pointless drivel designed to fill space and waste time... not so different from the spray here, except they get paid to do it.


    Another difference is they take themselves seriously...



  4. fat depends on height... i mean a 5 foot tall girl could be 180 and fat but a 6 foot tall girl could just be built 8D


    so what you are saying is that if i wear really high heals i can weigh 180???


    COOLLLL!!!! :tup:


    If I wear high heels, can I weigh 200?



    But you can still wear the heels.



  5. 19. CROP DUSTING:


    Surreptitiously passing gas while passing through a Cube Farm.


    I had a coworker I hated - you can guess the rest of the story.


    She was in the next cubicle.



  6. fat depends on height... i mean a 5 foot tall girl could be 180 and fat but a 6 foot tall girl could just be built 8D


    so what you are saying is that if i wear really high heals i can weigh 180???


    COOLLLL!!!! :tup:


    If I wear high heels, can I weigh 200?



  7. I'm one of those 8-9 hour people, too. I go to bed early, get up early. Some nights I crash early, as early as 8:00, even 7:00 pm...

  8. What is "rich" anyway? No one ever says they are rich.


    the rich people are all the ones that have more money than i do ;)


    ...And "middle aged" means anyone 10 years older than me...



  9. I could sit on a summit for hours and just listen to the wind blow. And freinds at work ask me what I did during the weekend.





  10. To be "serious" for a slit second, the happiest moments I've ever had have been the times when I'm just totally chilled out, laying by some high alping lake in the beautiful sun, smelling the alping flowers and watching the butterflies. Yeah, TOTAL HIPPIE.


    (Caution: Long, rambling, rant warning)


    Yeah, last weekend I was at Greenlake after a 20-mile run. I had gone back to look at some turtles I had seen there sitting on a log near the edge of the lake. I have been going to Greenlake for more than 40 years (my god, I'm friggin' OLD!), and I NEVER knew there were turtles in that lake. So I went over there after I finished my run to look at the turtles.


    I stood there like a goddam geek, staring at these turtles, and believe me these guys are not the most active creatures in the world, and they didn't do much but move their heads back and forth, and turn around when the wind shifted, and sometimes one would slide off the log into the water and swim away, and another would swim up and climb on and sit there... I must have stood ther for a friggin' hour watching these damned turtles before I realized how long I had been there.


    But one thing that blew me away was that other people just didn't have time for such shit. Kids would just yell "Hey, turtles!", and move on. Total sound byte mentality. Noone else stayed more than a couple of seconds. One lady asked me if they were real. I told her that 200 years ago there were more turtles here than there were people.


    I'm rambling!!!


    But my whole point - CHILL!!!



  11. we live in a world of BBD, the bigger better deal.


    momentarily I thought you were referring to big black dick.


    Go Muffy!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Do you ever go solo...?



  12. As for summiting and/or going solo? Um, I don't think my deal has to do with pushing too hard IN the mountains (well, I definately could've packed in more butter fat) but its more of a general "lifestyle problem". This last year especially, I sort of forgot how to de-charge my nervous system. I started waking up earlier and earlier, and training harder and harder, and BANG. The body says: "sleep asshole!"


    Now I'm in the process of relearning how to be human again. You know, humans sometimes chill out, right? Yeah. Thats it.


    Yeah, that's kind of what I was getting at... What is it you're enjoying. I know that's a loaded question, because there's a million things to enjoy about climbing.

  13. So, I know that at least some of the weirdoes on this forum read my little "addiction and climbing" ramble, as well as the overtraining [thing] in the fitness forum....


    Basically, to help myself keep some sanity, I decided a while back to go in and chat with a mental health counselor. And its honestly been a very good thing.


    However, after our wee chat this afternoon, she straight up told me that I have all the symptoms of a recovering drug addict, and told me that I need to find "something besides climbing and athletics to get good at". She essentially told me to quit my passions entirely. Ummm, yeah. Sure. How can I do that when mountaineering (and my other hobby) have been my greatest sources of happiness and contentment thus far???? How do you say: NOT POSSIBLE!!!


    I mean, I am very good at other things. They just don't make me as freaking happy!


    So what's going to make you "happy" 5 or 10 years down the line when you're crippled to the point that you CAN'T do mountaineering anymore, and you're not used to doing anything else? If you've fried your joints or tendons or cartilage to the point that you can't DO any more than a walk around Greenlake by the time you're 35, what are you going to do to kill time until you're 85?



  14. However, after our wee chat this afternoon, she straight up told me that I have all the symptoms of a recovering drug addict...

    Duh. That was transparent from your overtraining post. You sounded like a crack head.


    ...and told me that I need to find "something besides climbing and athletics to get good at". She essentially told me to quit my passions entirely. Ummm, yeah. Sure. How can I do that when mountaineering (and my other hobby) have been my greatest sources of happiness and contentment thus far???? How do you say: NOT POSSIBLE!!!


    I mean, I am very good at other things. They just don't make me as freaking happy!

    Why bother with the counselor, then, if you don't want to hear the advice?


    I know that balance IS the name of the game. I mean look at Fred Becky (although the dude is a little cookoo) he's like 80 something and still climbs ALL the time! He must be doing something right.

    I know very little about him, but I don't think he has overtrained himself to the point of near hospitalization, or at least to where he has required months of physical therapy. He's just spent most of his life outdoors. Not abusing himself.


    I know a few people that are in their 60s and 70s that are active climbers and marathoners, but they listen to their bodies, and don't overdo it, and back off when they get tired or start to hurt. No pain, no gain? Bullshit. Pain means time for a break. And I don't just mean plain old soreness.


    So you're here to rally enablers to support you in your quest to ignore your counsellor?



  15. Marsupials have a cloaca that is connected to a urogenital sac in both sexes. Waste is stored there before expulsion. The pregnant female develops a kind of yolk sack in her womb which delivers nutrients to the embryo. The embryo is born at a very early stage of development (at about 4-5 weeks), upon which it crawls up its mother's belly and attaches itself to a nipple (which is located inside the pouch). It remains attached to the nipple for a number of weeks. The offspring later passes through a stage where it temporarily leaves the pouch, returning for warmth and nourishment.




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