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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. he's better than you were 10yrs ago, but not nearly as good as you are now. and definitely not even in the same league with me


    thats because you are the best there's ever been ;)


    i have to pause and wonder if there is a man alive who could actually survive minx muffy and archie. i think we might kill them with pleasure....


    You mean you're better than the goat? AND the hedgehog?


    :ooo: :ooo: :ooo:



    i am??? COOL :moondance:


    but i am not sure i want to have sex with you now that i know you do goats and hedgehogs :sick:


    Not at the same time. (I'm not SICK, you know!)



  2. he's better than you were 10yrs ago, but not nearly as good as you are now. and definitely not even in the same league with me


    thats because you are the best there's ever been ;)


    i have to pause and wonder if there is a man alive who could actually survive minx muffy and archie. i think we might kill them with pleasure....


    You mean you're better than the goat? AND the hedgehog?


    :ooo: :ooo: :ooo:


    ...THAT worries me...

  3. he's better than you were 10yrs ago, but not nearly as good as you are now. and definitely not even in the same league with me


    thats because you are the best there's ever been ;)


    i have to pause and wonder if there is a man alive who could actually survive minx muffy and archie. i think we might kill them with pleasure....


    You mean you're better than the goat? AND the hedgehog?


    :ooo: :ooo: :ooo:

  4. Gape on!





    NOW I think we have a winner!


    All the Mountaineer 10 essentials...check


    Lack of appropriate elements...check


    Shorts over Polypro...check


    Goofy Joyous N00b smile...check




    It's all there, Folks. :laf::tup: :tup:



    I'm flattered, it's taken a long time to perfect that look!


    Mouseshit brown hat,


    Blue polypro shirt,


    Khaki shorts over grey polypro ("Mountaineer Elf" look),


    Red gaiters.


    Stylin'. Couldn't be more coordinated.


    Lemme guess - you bought all this stuff on sale?

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