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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. too long i cant change...


    with practice you can. people have this idea that it takes women so long to cum, this is not necessarily so. generally what takes a woman a long time is the mans unwillingness to go the extra mile where it counts. for each woman that extra mile is different. there is no blanket that covers all women in this area. it takes finesse and interest and some willingness to experiment. women are built to be multi orgasmic. it is pay back for child birth, cramps etc...


    and let us not forget, if you have sent sexy e-mails all day and whispered sweet nothings in her ear all through dinner and took the time to help her mind forget all the other junk that doesn't make her feel sexy... she might cum before you do a damn thing ;)





    Yeah, physiologically speaking you guys are set! I'm not sure what I'd pay to be able to have multiple orgasms back to back. But sinse I'm incapable of childbirth, I think I'd pay in the area of $22,000,000 - if I had that much!


    actually men can learn to be multi orgasmic. i read a book about it once. if i meet a man who can do it.... well i call dibs :lmao:





    OK Muffs. You've got me WAY INTERESTED! How is this awsome feat of skill and nature done??????


    Wouldn't that be overdoing it?


    Oh, wait...





  2. All that shit's overrated, especially about the body, I'd rather ski anyday!


    wait, are you saying you would rather ski than have sex? :o


    ...There's a difference?

  3. Especially for Sherri :) Also, ice cream talk so dieters beware! Skip if you need to.


    I survived a virtual dessert temptation tonight! I needed to find an ice cream for a project I'm working on so I headed over to the Ben and Jerry's website. They have a list of the top ten flavors so I figured I'd start there. No pictures, thank goodness, but I quickly discovered reading the names was enough.


    1. Cherry Garcia - didn't do anything to me so I figured I was safe. Once again, a bad assumption.


    2. Chocolate Chip Cocoa Dough - a craving hit hard and fast. Unexpected, though I shouldn't have been surprised. I love raw cookie dough, picking bites from the bowl and popping them into my mouth. All I could think about was making a batch of cookies. I had everything in the pantry except the chocolate chips. I knew that would be a very bad idea. So I forced myself to look at the next flavor on the list...


    3. Chunky Monkey - Didn't do much for me. Thank goodness, but I still couldn't get the cookie dough out of my mind. My tummy was tingling and wanted a taste. Anything sugary would have been fine at that point. Flashes of icing appeared. The desire for a dessert was so strong. I felt myself moving toward the dark side, dark chocolate that is...


    4. Chocolate Fudge Brownie - I could smell brownies, as if they were baking downstairs in the oven like the other night. The scent wafted in the air, surrounding me, making my mouth water. The smell teased and tried to pull me in. I thought about what Sherri had said about virtual eating and no calories. I was oh-so-tempted, but I thought that might make it worse.


    5. Half-baked Ice Cream - My eyes passed right over this one, giving me hope that I had the willpower to make it through the entire list of ten, and straight onto...


    6. New York Super Fudge Chunk - Heaven. Nirvana. Shangri-la. Serious food lust at this point. No drolling, but close. I remembered the last time I'd had a scoop. It had been awhile but all the details rushed back as if it had been minutes ago, not months. The coldness, the texture, the taste. The brownie aroma I'd been imagining transformed into straight chocolate. I could feel a bite of the ice cream melting on my tongue leaving a chunk there. A piece I could chew slowly and methodically before swallowing. Virtual eating at it's finest. Enjoyable with none of the calories or guilt. But unfortunately, one taste wasn't enough. Suddenly I'm thinking of digging into a pint of New York Super Fudge Chunk with my hands. That made me realize I'd better exit the website before I got in the car and drove to the store to buy some. Instead of caving, I ate an orange.


    Lesson learned: Virtual eating may be calorie free, but it isn't totally risk free.


    I like Cherry Garcia, but MAN does it give me the runs.


    I'm having a pint of Hagen-Daas chocolate after I run the marathon. Who's buying it for $15? Most places sell it ofr $4, some even $3...



  4. you might want to start with drinking a beer first. bears are for those over 30.



    Yeah, you might lose yer head trying to do that!



    Actually, I do understand that age is a state of mind. My dad is a amazing example! The bastard is 63 years old, and still climbs every freaking weekend. He also summited Rainier a couple years ago in (almost) fantastic style. Granted, he has slowed down in the mountains these past few years, but he seems to have more energy than anyone else I know.


    Its just strange. Moving closer to the mid 20's.... I mean, C'mon, my whole life I've been a kid. And now I'm not, but still not quite grown up either. Everyone I talk to says the early 20's are some of the wierdest years...... and thats certainly my experience!


    The first time I summited Adams, one of the guys I was with was 82. On my first ice climb, my rope partner was 65.


    Don't mean sheit.




    Does it mean youth of today will not climb with you?


    Neither of those was yesterday!



  5. Since we could perish at any moment, its best to have your mid-life crisis often, lest you miss out because you got the timing wrong.


    I'm working on my mid-life crisis right now... Capital City Marathon, May 20...

  6. you might want to start with drinking a beer first. bears are for those over 30.



    Yeah, you might lose yer head trying to do that!



    Actually, I do understand that age is a state of mind. My dad is a amazing example! The bastard is 63 years old, and still climbs every freaking weekend. He also summited Rainier a couple years ago in (almost) fantastic style. Granted, he has slowed down in the mountains these past few years, but he seems to have more energy than anyone else I know.


    Its just strange. Moving closer to the mid 20's.... I mean, C'mon, my whole life I've been a kid. And now I'm not, but still not quite grown up either. Everyone I talk to says the early 20's are some of the wierdest years...... and thats certainly my experience!


    The first time I summited Adams, one of the guys I was with was 82. On my first ice climb, my rope partner was 65.


    Don't mean sheit.



  7. Heres a new rant:


    For the past FIVE YEARS, I've ALWAYS, ALWAYS had some sort of big science mid-term on my birthday! What the hell is going on???!!!


    Second bitching point: I am now 23 years old. This means that I am no longer 19 years old. Fuck. I am beggining to understand now what this "aging" thing means. Don't get me wrong, I certainly know that I'm still WAY YOUNG. But dude, I'm already OVER 1/5 of a century old!!! This just feels unnatural..... I remember being eight years old so vividly........


    Man, I seriously still feel like a kid in so many ways. But here I am spending so much damn time growing up, stressing the crap out of my adrenals over school, when all I honestly feel like doing at this moment is to either move to Mexico and do nothing but surf and get tan, or be a full time dirtbag and climb mountains.


    OK I'm done. For now. :pagetop:


    Dude, you are cracking me up.


    I am also 46. I keep thinking I am 28. I keep thinking something is wrong with me, because everyone around me keeps ageing, and I'm still a frickin' kid. I know so many people in their 30's that are old men and women already. I would feel sorry for them if I cared. It's their problem - not mine. (I blame part of it on TV and other media.) Run, climb, have fun. Why look back, especially if it makes you feel bad.

  8. On March 16th:


    597 BC - Babylonians capture Jerusalem, replace Jehoiachin with Zedekiah as king

    1190 - Crusaders start to massacre the Jews of York; many Jews commit suicide rather than submit to baptism.

    1249 - The Servite Order is officially approved by Cardinal Raniero Capocci, papal legate in Tuscany.

    1322 - Battle of Boroughbridge in the First War of Scottish Independence.

    1521 - Ferdinand Magellan reaches the Philippines.

    1621 - Samoset, a Mohegan, visits the settlers of Plymouth Colony and greets them, "Welcome, Englishmen! My name is Samoset."

    1660 - The Long Parliament disbands.

    1689 - The 23rd Regiment of Foot or Royal Welch Fusiliers is founded.

    1792 - King Gustav III of Sweden is shot; he dies on March 29.

    1802 - The United States Military Academy West Point is established.

    1812 - Battle of Badajoz (March 16 - April 6) - British and Portuguese forces besiege and defeat French garrison during Peninsular War.

    1815 - Prince Willem of the House of Orange-Nassau proclaimed himself King of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, the first constitutional monarch in the Netherlands.

    1818 - Battle of Cancha Rayada - Spanish forces defeat Chileans under José de San Martín.

    1850 - Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter is first published.

    1855 - Bates College in Lewiston, Maine is founded.

    1861 - Edward Clark became Governor of Texas, replacing Sam Houston, who was evicted from the office for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the Confederacy.

    1867 - First publication of an article by Joseph Lister outlining the discovery of antiseptic surgery, in The Lancet.

    1872 - The Wanderers F.C. won the first FA Cup, the oldest football competition in the world, beating Royal Engineers A.F.C. 1-0 at The Oval in Kennington, London.

    1900 - Sir Arthur Evans purchases the land around the ruins of Knossos, the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete.

    1912 - Lawrence Oates, ill member of Scott's South Pole expedition leaves the tent saying, "I am just going outside and may be some time."

    1914 - Henriette Caillaux, wife of French minister Joseph Caillaux shoots Gaston Calmet, the editor of Le Figaro.

    1916 - 7th and 10th US cavalry regiments under John J. Pershing cross the border to join the hunt of Pancho Villa.

    1924 - The free port of Fiume formally annexed by Mussolini's fascist regime.

    1926 - History of Rocketry: Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-fueled rocket, at Auburn, Massachusetts.

    1935 - Adolf Hitler orders Germany to rearm herself in violation of the Versailles Treaty. Conscription was reintroduced to form the Wehrmacht.

    1939 - From Prague Castle Hitler proclaimed Bohemia and Moravia a German protectorate.

    1939 - Marriage of Princess Fawzia of Egypt to Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran

    1942 - History of Rocketry: First V-2 rocket test launch (exploded at liftoff)

    1945 - World War II: The Battle of Iwo Jima ends but small pockets of Japanese resistance persist.

    1945 - Würzburg, Germany is 90% destroyed, with 5,000 dead, in only 20 minutes by British bombers.

    1952 - In Cilaos, Réunion, 73 inches (1,870mm) of rain falls in one day, setting a new world record.

    1956 - St. Urho's Day is first celebrated.

    1958 - Ford Motor Company produces its 50 millionth automobile, the Thunderbird, averaging almost a million cars a year since the company's founding.

    1962 - A Flying Tiger Line Super Constellation disappears in the western Pacific Ocean, with 107 people missing.

    1963 - Mount Agung erupts on Bali - 11,000 dead

    1966 - Launch of Gemini 8, the 12th manned American space flight and first space docking with the Agena Target Vehicle.

    1968 - Vietnam War: In the My Lai massacre, between 350 and 500 Vietnamese villagers -- men, women, and children -- are killed by American troops.

    1968 - General Motors releases its 100 millionth automobile, the Oldsmobile Toronado.

    1969 - A Venezuelan Airlines DC-9 crashes shortly after takeoff in Maracaibo, Venezuela killing 155

    1970 - Publication of complete New English Bible.

    1971 - Government of Trygve Bratteli in Norway

    1972 - The first building of the Pruitt-Igoe housing complex is demolished.

    1976 - UK Prime Minister, Harold Wilson resigns.

    1978 - Aldo Moro is kidnapped by left-wing terrorists in Italy and is later killed by his captors.

    1978 - Supertanker Amoco Cadiz splits in two after running aground on Portsall Rocks, three miles off the coast of Brittany, resulting in the 5th-largest oil spill in history

    1983 - Demolition of the radio tower Ismaning, the last radio tower in Germany built of wood.

    1984 - William Buckley, the CIA station chief in Beirut, Lebanon, is kidnapped by Islamic fundamentalists and later dies in captivity.

    1985 - Associated Press newsman Terry Anderson is taken hostage in Beirut. He would be released on December 4, 1991.

    1988 - Iran-Contra Affair: Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and Vice Admiral John Poindexter are indicted on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States.

    1988 - Halabja poison gas attack: The Kurdish town of Halabjah in Iraq was attacked with a mix of poison gas and nerve agents, killing thousands of people.

    1993 - A blizzard on the east coast of the United States kills 184 (see Great Blizzard of 1993).

    1995 - Mississippi formally ratifies the Thirteenth Amendment, becoming the last state to approve the abolition of slavery.

    1996 - Göran Persson is elected leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party.

    1997 - Sandline affair - On Bougainville, soldiers of commander Jerry Singirok arrest Tim Spicer and his mercenaries of the Sandline International

    1998 - Pope John Paul II apologises for inactivity and silence of some Roman Catholics during the Holocaust.

    2001 - The only day between 1993 and 2002 when nobody in the United Kingdom killed themselves, according to a health survey.

    2003 - Largest coordinated worldwide vigil, as part of the global protests against Iraq war.

    2005 - Israel officially hands over Jericho to Palestinian control

    2005 - Ripudaman Singh Malik and Ajaib Singh Bagri, accused of the bombing of the Air India Flight 182 in 1985, are found not guilty on all counts.

    2006 - The United Nations General Assembly votes overwhelmingly to establish the UN Human Rights Council.

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