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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. I make way less than my boy friend. i make way less than my best friend who is a woman. come to think of it, i think i make less $ than pretty much every one i know.


    I wonder what that says about me?


    does that make me a gold digger or just unintimidated the they success of others?


    either way i didn't ask anyone for a financial statement before i got involved with them.


    You make more $ than me, then again, I don't think we've met, so you don't know me.


    Why not ask for a financial statement? You don't want to build a life with someone with terrible credit. Or fight down the road because someone is paying late on bills. Too bad my bf and I both wait until collections to pay bills.


    Funny - I might ask a women for an STD screening... I'd never even think of asking for a financial statement.



  2. so I've posted this story before, but I don't remember where.


    When I was working on my master's degree, I worked in the university's library. I was sitting behind the desk whispering to a buddy of mine about stuff. He is a really nice guy, and super polite and a bit shy. I had my cellphone in my back pocket. I had heretofore not known that I had the vibrate option on the phone, and had somehow inadvertantly set it. While leaning forward, whispering and trying not to disturb studious individuals, my cell phone went off and vibrated in my back pocket. I was so startled I farted.




    I was soooo embarrassed I blushed. My very quiet, polite friend paused midsentence and then discretely decided to continue as if nothing happened. I was mortified--but it is my second best fart story and it was worth it.


    Okay - I'll bite - what is your first-best fart story?



  3. I wish I had a REALLY FAST motorcyle. That would be a great stress reliever!


    I was gonna ask, by the way, is there anything you like to do besides climbing and working out?


    Besides exercise??? Oh god....


    Yeah, I like big dogs, off road trucks, fast cars, fast motorcyles, BMX bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes, pencil sketching, playing with clay, women, meditating, yoga (sometimes), movies, reading medical journals, reading physiology journals, reading The Journal of Glaciology, avacados, EATING, hanging out with my mom, fretting about graduate school, fretting about school in general, getting tanned, not fretting about skin cancer (dumb), SPRAY, poking Muffy The Wanker Sprayer, sitting on the couch, pondering quantum physics, pondering the universe, pondering the meaning life......


    what about you???? :moondance:


    So in other words, there ARE other things besides training in your life... It sounded from your initial post and your overtraining thread that mountaineering and training were it.



  4. I wish I had a REALLY FAST motorcyle. That would be a great stress reliever!


    I was gonna ask, by the way, is there anything you like to do besides climbing and working out?

  5. When I was a kid I had a major problem with putting shit in my mouth. And this one time! I put a staple in my mount and started chewing, and totally stapled my tongue! I pulled it out, and said "that was weird" and went on with life without incident. No joke.


    Yes, but did your scrotum get repaired?

  6. ...I'd use something like DUCT TAPE or, chewing gum........ :lmao:


    I have one word for you... HAIR.




    Very true. However, I personally would rather lose some genital hair than jam staples through my scrotum! Youch!

    You can be both plucked and pierced.


    and spanked and shocked and tied up and hot waxed and punished... oh my *sigh*





  7. ...I'm just wondering who in the shop FOUND this "avulsed testis", and what they thought it was! And if they didn't find it, is it still there, shriveled and stinking...



  8. I am too ashamed to admit my weigh in this morning, but I brought whole grain brown rice mess and leftover salmon (bbq, not fried or anything) for lunch today.

    I had almonds for a midmorning snack--thanks to Sherri for good advice.

    I should eat with a baby spoon so I feel like I am eating more. *sniff* *waaaa* *chubby bunny*


    I'm so proud of you! :tup: :tup:


    Hey, no shame in trying the baby spoon thing. Utensil size is not an inconsequential factor in how much/quickly we eat. Stay away from those big soup spoons at any cost. Switch to chopsticks if you want to go hardcore. (Unless you happen to be especially dextrous....)



    I tried switching to chopstick for all of my meals, I just ended up eating just as fast once I got good at it.


    ...You need to use ONE chopstick.

  9. This article says "Volunteers who helped rescue five men from Mount Hood over the weekend said the climbers were well-equipped, but ill-prepared to tackle whiteout conditions."


    "These guys had the correct equipment — maps, compass, altimeter, cell phone, mountain locator unit," said rescuer Steve Rollins.


    "But not all of them knew how to use the equipment, and the climbers were also unfamiliar with the mountain's geographic features, he said.


    "The real problem here is people not appreciating the strength of storms on Mount Hood," Rollins said.



  10. I now know WHY I want to be a doctor........


    ...A urologist, maybe? ;)


    I also NOW know never to masterbate around power tools.......


    If you do, keep the staplegun nearby.



  11. If we had a naked work day, I would not show up. A bunch of 40+ enginerds sitting around naked?







    a lot of them still look good in their 40s.


    Not in my office!!!



  12. I think what these folks are trying to say is the same as the old "calculator" argument. It's fine to use a calculator to quickly multiply 236 by 341, just know how to do it without one! A GPS can actually help, even if you know little about maps and compasses. But isn't it better to know both?


    Correct, but also do not overly rely on electronics. Like people, batteries go dead. The same goes for even a compass. They too can go tits up. Read the F*CKing maps, descriptions, etc ahead of time and commit it to memory. Take copies along on the climb. The total reliance of GPS is BS.



    No kidding. When I tell people at work that I climb without a GPS, they say "WHAT?", as though it's impossible to do so. Jesus Christ, I've been climbing with maps and compasses and altimiters all my life. Now a GPS is suddenly indispensible? I don't trust them because like SS and Dino said, batteries go dead, and all electronics can fail in one way or another. I just don't trust them. I have used them, but see them as entertaining novelties more than anything else. I'd rather save the weight and use the map and compass.

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