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Posts posted by lizard_brain

  1. Excellent questions Muff.

    I've got to say it depends. If she is the right one, she may be greasy and do anal, it all depends on your kink.


    I just don't want to hear the words "greasy", "anal" and "depends" in the same sentence again.



  2. This goddam cold has destroyed my appetite. Fever of 101. Constantly drinking water. I'll waste away a few pounds just from being sick this next couple of days. The diarreah should help a little, too. I hope this is the max. My doc says it should be gone in 5 or 6 days. I sure as shit hope so, because I have a fucking marathon to run in 12 days from now.


    That sucks, lizard_brain. Take care of yourself.


    Have you ever seen a naturopath before? I got hit with a nasty virus sinus thingy and could not afford to be sick due to an event I was scheduled to attend. Cancelling really was not an option so my naturopath had me take these three different things. It was a lot of pills, which I usually avoid, and I can't remember what they were right now, but they worked. I was able to fulfill my obligation and no one had any idea I had been so sick just a couple days prior.


    Hope you feel better sooner rather than later.




    I just suspect it'll go quickly because it came quickly, and generally when I am in good shape these illnesses don't tend to last too long anyway. My doc just said take it easy and rest, and start running as soon as I feel better, but WAIT until I feel better. He said it should be within 5 or 6 days, normal run. So I hope to be running Saturday!!!


    :tup: :tup: :tup:

  3. ZICOM. serious. it's the shit. cuts the colds i catch form my walking petri dishes in half.


    I just heard of that. Just tried it. I guess zinc (Zicam) is the new stuff. I've gotten some pretty good recs for it.

  4. This goddam cold has destroyed my appetite. Fever of 101. Constantly drinking water. I'll waste away a few pounds just from being sick this next couple of days. The diarreah should help a little, too. I hope this is the max. My doc says it should be gone in 5 or 6 days. I sure as shit hope so, because I have a fucking marathon to run in 12 days from now.

  5. A man walks into his bedroom with a goat under his arm. His wife is lying in the bed. The man says:


    "This is the pig I have been fucking behind your back."


    His wife says:


    "That's not a pig, it's a goat."


    The man says:


    "I wasn't talking to you."

  6. I'm sick as shit and I have a marathon 12 days from now! What do I do! I've trained 4 months for this! Now all of a sudden, my sinuses are packed with sticky snot, my head and joints are killing me, I can't sleep, my appetite is all over the map, but it's mostly the sinus thing.






    Also, I read a short article in this week's Newsweek about Diet Coke. It talked about how habitual diet soda drinkers are generally overweight (they haven't proven a cause and effect, but it's interesting to note). Any thoughts on that?


    Prolly 'cause they are using it to wash down a Big Mac and large fries.


    I read somewhere else recently that 1 regular soft drink (not diet) per day works out to about 10 pounds of weight gain in an average male over a period of about 1 year.


  8. Damn! I already lost 10 pounds since fall. I'm 185 now. I have a marathon about 2 weeks from now. I might lose a couple in the mean time. I may be at my minimum, though. Been running 30-40 miles a week, and I'm not loosing any weight. Maybe I should cut back on the Haagen-Daas.



  9. I like running too, and am training for my first marathon. Been doing 20-mile long runs on the weekends, but now it's time to taper off. I was snowshoeing almost every Saturday and Sunday in January and February, and stopped sometime in March so I could stick to running. I was getting back from snowshoe trips and going running. I got back to where I was resting the day before and after the long runs. Now I'm looking forward to getting the damned marathon over with, so I can get back to rollerbalding on the Burke-Gilman on these long evenings after work, and spend my weekends outdoors again. The race is just over 2 weeks away. I'll still run after the race - just not on the weekends, and I'll trade some weeknights for some evenings of zen-state rolling on the Burke.

  10. How the hell does anyone get so obsessed with post counts?


    strange. I'd rather post about everything I've done and my sex life than post about other people's post #s.


    To each his own I guess.


    I miss Sir Norris. And Cobra Commander.


    To have that many posts you wouldn't have time for a sex life, or lack the personality to have one. With another person, that is.

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