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Everything posted by chelle

  1. Size XL, color red. Patched in a couple places. $50, OBO Buyer pays shipping. Paypal or cash only.
  2. Mike, We've got some book shelves if you decide you need some of those, an IKEA corner desk and a coffee table that is glass and iron. Send a pm if you're interested. Stuff not yet posted on craigslist, but heading there soon. Michelle
  3. Happy Birthday, Kurt. Whoop it up and enjoy the celebration.
  4. This makes me sooo mad. This industry gets worse and worse every year. They are the Mafia of current times. The claim I filed on the bike did get shared with my insurance company when I purchased a home last year. I was able to get insurance, but lost the opportunity for the "no claims" discount for then next 18 months until the claim falls off my history. It was a difference of about $75 a year, so in the end I am still ahead since my bike was worth $2100.
  5. There is some vary cool climbing out there. I did a weekend trip with Terminal Gravity a few years ago and we had an awesome time working on a project of his. One of my best trips ever. Contact him via this site or at the brewery in Enterprise for beta. I am sure he will be full of lots of ideas. Have a blast.
  6. Your car insurance will not cover anything that is in your car. If you have home owners or renters insurance you will be able to file a claim. But, depending on your provider and what type of coverage you may or may not get a check (less deductible) to replace your gear until after you have already spent money to replace all that was stolen. Many companies these days, presumably to cut down on fraud, will not cut a check until you produce receipts of each item you repurchased. This is what happened when my bike was stolen a couple years ago. I couldn't afford to replace my bike at the time and ended up getting a bike of far lesser value and had to put the whole amount on my credit card and pay interest on the $500 deductible. My best advice is not leave anything in your car you cannot afford to have stolen.
  7. "Tents in the Clouds" by Monica Jackson and Elizabeth Stark is a good read about women in the 50s who did Himalayan exploration. "Nanda Devi, the Tragic Expedition" by John Roskelly is another good read about Willi Unsoeld's daughter and the expedition to climb the peak after which she was named. I also liked the Alison Hargraves book BC mountain girl mentioned.
  8. Crazy_t: Do you know the name of the cool place in the hills above Quito that Oswaldo Freire was developing back in 2002? Thanks.
  9. chelle

    What annoy's you

    They either can't afford headphones or an ipod...
  10. How is the 2nd pitch on Aries an OW? It takes #2 Camalots and is perfect hands. The crack is in the back of some flared rock... but it isn't an offwidth like Damnation in L'worth, or Battered Sandwich in Index, or even Vector in Squamish. One of my personal favorites.
  11. Kevino- The reverso is yours if you still want it. All the quickdraws are available, and if you want hexs there are several to choose from. Available cams are listed above in my edited original post. Stoppers are sold. I don't think my pm's to you are getting through, so pm me to let me know what you want and we can work a deal.
  12. Got a good chuckle from this one. Table is my spouse's and even though I can't stand it, it isn't currently for sale. Keep your eyes peeled on craigslist this summer... maybe he'll consent to sell it by then. Dog is also his (our's now I suppose ) I think he'd need more than your generous offer of $6 to recoup the vet bills and trainer costs.
  13. Either my prices were fair or way too cheap. I'm happy to have some cash in my pocket. There's still some good stuff left. I've worked 3 long shifts and am tired, so I am going to bed before heading back tomorrow for some more fun on the oncology unit. I'll update the post tomorrow eve or early Thursday morning. I'm too tired to think right now. Night.
  14. Hey Whirlwind. The shoes may be available, I need to check with Chuck on his earlier bid on my day off since I have been a slave at the hospital for the past few days... You spoke up for the nuts first so if you want the #1, 2, & 3 for $5 each (+ a few $ shipping) they are yours. Let me know.
  15. I tried to send you a pm for details on an exchange, but you don't accept them. Send me a pm and we can figure something out.
  16. Spirit biners sold to NTM. Email sent about the Neutrinos.
  17. Sold. PM sent.
  18. PM sent with answers to your questions.
  19. SOLD. PM sent to arrange details. I forgot to put that I am asking $60 each for the ropes. Given that the Supersafe was $200 I think that is a steal.
  20. You BASTARD!!! I'll take the rope bag off your hands :tup: Sold. PM sent to arrange details.
  21. Sold. pm sent to arrange details. Inbox cleared out.
  22. UPDATED 3/28. Below is what is left. The time has finally come to be honest with myself about my "retirement" and liquidate the rock gear. Even my dog is sad. All gear listed in good to very good condition, a couple things are nearly new. Photos are small files (low resolution) so they load faster... All pieces listed individually, if you want to buy a full set of something a discount may be possible. Buyer picks up gear in Seatle with cash in-hand or mails check/money order including shipping. Paypal also available. Camming devices BD Camalots (pre-redesign) sizes 0.75, 3, $35.00 each Metolius TCUs sizes 0, 2, 4, $22.00 each Metolius Powercams sizes 3, 6, 7, 8, $25.00 each Caribiners: 10 Misc locking caribiners, $6.00 each 7 BD D-shaped, $2.50 each 1 BD oval (no pic) $2.00, 3 REI D-shaped, $2.00 each 6 Quickdraws (with BD caribiners), $10 each Passive Pro, mutiples in ( ): BD Stoppers sizes 1, 2, 3, $5.00 each (Likely sold) Hexcentrics sizes 1(2), 2(2), 3(3), 4(2), 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, $6.00 each Perfect for the weight conscious alpinist Misc Devices Wild country variable controller $6.00 Trango Figure 8, $5.00 Kong Adjustibe Daisy plate (takes 6 or 7mm cord), $3.00 BD nut tool (including caribiner) $7.00 Edelrid Fifi hook, $4.00 Super Chalk ball (still in package) $2.00 Misty Mountain Aid Harness/Chest Harness Size Sm/Med (No falls-nearly new), $25.00 each
  23. Metolius Gear Bag: $20
  24. If you and your gf are local to Seattle, she is welcome to come try on my pair of Solomon uber warm leather climbing boots. I believe they're a 7 and a little big for my foot so are fairly new. I used them one season. send me a pm if you want to arrange something. I also have a pair of sub zero overboots that I'm willing to part with.
  25. I'm with you Sobo. Visconti's is a place to avoid because of the service/attitude. I had the same exact experience with a group of climbing friends back in 2001, gave them a second chance a year later and they failed again. Gustav's is great when you want fries, otherwise head to Uli's. Way better food and beer.
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