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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: quote:Originally posted by trask: Geez Bone, you've got a real way with words. Is there anyone around here you haven't insulted, mocked or pissed off? ummm I don't know, is there? I don't thik erik minds whenI flip him shit, you on the oherhand...are soooo sensitive yeah, yeah, always tryin' to get in touch with my feminine side and all
  2. Geez Bone, you've got a real way with words. Is there anyone around here you haven't insulted, mocked or pissed off?
  3. allthumbs


    [ 08-22-2002, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  4. Yukity, yukity, yuk (That was pretty damn witty, DFA ) -- now drop and give me thirty. [ 08-22-2002, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  5. Wow!!! This tired old thread is still going.
  6. so what's the alternative to dissin' and sprayin' ?? actual work ... i don't think so
  7. that's right. Check out what this dude has to say about electricity. (copied from another bbs.) "electricity. I have the M.H Solitude tent. Pretty small. I guess conditions were very dry. There was so much static electricity that when I would move around at night I would see sparks, or if my fingernails scratched the bad or side of the tent, more sparks, very large ones. anyone ever had that. Really very strange, not only sparks but also a loud sound of dis charge. It was so bad you could almost start a fire. In 15 years or so of backpacking I've never had that happen. Spark trails from all fingers if I rubbed the bag or tent. No drink or drugs at all. "
  8. remember not to spelunk in an electrical storm.
  9. A guide is leading a client up a challenging first ascent. Every time the guide gets to a particularly dangerous section, he stops and puts on the same red shirt. The guide climbs pitch after difficult pitch, beautifully. As they near the top, the client finally asks about the red shirt. "If I had fallen," says the wise and courageous guide, " this shirt would disguise the blood, and you would not be frightened and loose heart." "Amazing," thought the client, marveling at this forethought. The next day, as they neared the summit, a section more difficult than any before loomed above them. The guide started up, then downclimbed and started rummaging in his pack. "What are you looking for?," asked the client. "My brown pants."
  10. quote: Originally posted by MtnGoat: dammit, what am I doing wrong? Could some kind soul frame this one up to load as an image? I know you'll appreciate it! it was posted last week by someone. Here's how to do it though..
  11. PP needs to get out and party. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
  12. Why doesn't Smokey the Bear's wife ever get pregnant? Every time she gets hot, he throws dirt on her and smacks her with a shovel.
  13. That was a really nice read, D-Dog. Thanks, trask
  14. PP, fess up ... you shave your legs doncha?
  15. that was some scorpio shit from a hippie website
  16. quote: Originally posted by lizard brain: snaffle season "SOUP'S ON !!!
  17. bwahahaha very agile, howie
  18. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: 'Bone I think that pretty much sums up the Lambone. Actualy that proficy almost came true some time last year after I pissed off caveman! Quit showing that big ole stinger. We are not impressed. No one is stepping on you, so what's the deal? Let your partner touch and fondle you. You'll like it after all. Check out the crab, a backwards step and a sideways shift will make a nice little dance routine. Learn to down climb. Oohhhhh...
  19. There once was a Doc from Nantucket Who... ...oops...just got a life. see ya, trask, er dur, er dfa, WTF???
  20. Like I said before, are you SURE I don't climb?
  21. Sure dru- British Rating System E7 extremely severe VS very severe why do you ask?
  22. but but but what about that scary old bear that sleeps on the trail?
  23. What is that, a turd?
  24. No dude! I've got the best job in the world. I love it, and the best part...it PAYS.
  25. Top 11 worst things for your belay to shout to you while you struggle with the crux. 11. Falling! 10. You know, I've wanted to try climbing for years. 9. Hold on, I've got to go pee. 8. My god, you're going to die. 7. Dyno for the jug you can't see! 6. If you fall now you'll deck out. 5. Your fingers must be REALLY aching by now. 4. Hey SK, I can see right up your shorts from here. 3. Your last piece of pro just fell out. 2. Am I supposed to be doing something with this rope? And, the number one thing you don't want to hear from your belayer .... 1. Hmmm, looks like you read the guidebook wrong, this one's an E7 not a VS.
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