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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. The Brits have succeeded in disarming themselves, resulting in the predictable explosion of street crime. In Britain today, a citizen who fights back to protect himself from assault by a goblin is in serious trouble, but the goblin is not. It is hard to believe, but the socialist solution to this situation is to increase the severity of the penalties for self-defense. It is proposed that what used to get you five years in the slammer should now get you ten. So much for the "land of hope and glory, mother of the free." cooper
  2. After careful observation, I've determined that internet people will be the demise of cascade mountaineering and skiing and that by posting on this site you will eventually lead to the demise of all held sacred and holy in Cascade mountaineering history. Man is born to die, his works are short lived. Monuments decay, buildings crumble and wealth vanishes, but the Cascades in all their glory forever will remain the Mountains of the Gods . I suggest you should all move back home and restore the Cascade mountains to their former isolated glory. trask
  3. Ever hear the story about the little prick who cried wolf? Losing a job and being unemployed isn't funny. And making light of it sucks ass. It was a joke stupid. Get over yourself.
  4. I heard from a reliable source that Fred has had more women than Johnny Wad Holmes.
  5. One good thing might come out this though. Hey rbw, ChrisT really IS looking for work and you should contact her. She does nice shit...check out her site and drop her a PM.
  6. The only tool I get excited about swings between my legs.
  7. Ah shit Goat. I can't lie to you my brother. Lost my job? NOT, April fools.
  8. sucked in by the force, i see
  9. Not if you were using Opera . I can just turn off the styling, and it's all readable! Not that there is anything worth reading... trask - you cheatin haha, i had to because it wouldn't take a double post of this most important beta.
  10. check email
  11. good bullshit artist, but I don't come cheap.
  12. Cut backs. Bam! No warning. Now what do I do? Anybody hiring?
  13. Who wears underwear?
  14. .
  15. a dream date with sexual chocolate
  16. lotsa chicas dancing together viva la lezbos
  18. I think you two ladies nailed it.
  19. try terrorism, hate, evil, cleansing
  20. I'm struggling not to laugh
  21. Not much dark left
  22. damn straight we are. the sex is outrageous and she's a fox. damn, I'm happier than a pig in slop!
  23. allthumbs

    Another shrubby

    where'd ya read that, freebird...in the Jetson's Newletter?
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