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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. I hear United Airlines has some some killer rates to Iraq for Spring Break. The tickets are one-way though.
  2. I touch myself when I look in my fish tank... Oh wait...
  3. and this is newz?
  4. does a hobby horse have a hickory dick?
  5. Dru, if you're banned, I vow to keep the alive in your memory.
  6. allthumbs


    The guys at Fox said he was having barrels of oil placed all around the perimeter of Baghdad. The idea is to light them and thus create a smoke screen so our bombers won't find their mark. That's some pretty high-tech weaponry...hahaha
  7. I love that song. Now I'm gonna have to drag out my oldies disc. Louis Louis Morning Necro
  8. headin' to Texas for Gurlz gone wild.
  9. What's with all this old man shiz I been hearing lately? Last time I checked I could hold my own with any of you wippers. Not to mention the fact that the chicas dig my silver hair highlights and my massive loaf of summer sausage. You should be so lucky as to age as well as me. Suck it beotch, and stifle the old man prods.
  10. you're such a gurl
  11. stiffle it chode; that backyard banter don't work with this pilgrim suck this fine crack, hoe
  12. now there's a queen that plays the skin flute
  13. that's right brah. nuttin' like playin' the slobber blues on the ol' meat whistle
  14. whoa bro keep them fetishes to yourself!! if trask gets wind of this he is gonna be irrate!!! just for you Erik touch here
  15. are you a lesbian or what? can I watch? I suppose a blow job's totally out of the question?
  16. Here's how we serve it up in my neck o' the woods.
  17. What!!! No Chianti or Merlot? You barbarian! i knew i couldn't trust trask not screw the recipe up! bitch, next time give it to me when you're not digging your nails into my back then leave when you're asked like I said, no means yes, and you dig it
  18. What!!! No Chianti or Merlot? You barbarian! i knew i couldn't trust trask not screw the recipe up! bitch, next time give it to me when you're not digging your nails into my back
  19. "don't worry, I'll pull out in time" no means yes
  20. FDA will never show up cause he lives in Mt. Vernon, WA
  21. Erik's a whiny little pussy. Screw him. I'll serve his testicles w/Ward's eyeball and a nice pasta.
  22. so that's how it's done in your group of circle jerks
  23. My nut sack is much larger than yours, FDA
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