note to all WORTHLESS mofo's
You know absolutely nothing about me pukes. You make assumptions and spew shit with no basis of fact. You're just pint of piss hippie fucks without a cognitive thought or a worthy dick to show the chicas. Go off yourselves you worthless choads and end your suffering.
Eat shit and die numbnuts. You've nothing to bring to the table but poor grammar and spelling. Change your diaper and get off mama's tit.
Take a bath, you stinking hippie!!!!
Josh, you need to lay off the Barleycorn and animal ass. Cavey has a right to speak his mind without a cunt like you harrassing his ass to Battle Cage. Go wack off, loser.
If I lived in Tacoma or the Eastside I'd tell you bicycle riding, cheap tavern whiners to go fuck off. I'd never drink with assholes like you that aren't flexible as to location. What a bunch of babies.