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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. Friend of mine's husband got killed by a DUI driver, so I'd suggest you take it as a serious lesson and not write it off as merely "stupid." This happened years ago, and I never met him, so it's not some personal trauma. It is a notch closer to home than a story in the paper, and it has happened several times in the last year on roads I frequently drive. I think it deserves felony status. I agree 100%.
  2. I already cancelled my climbing plans for some mountain biking at 7am, then helping one of my wife's hottie nurse friends move into her new house. Snow level tomorrow is 6000 feet. I only climb in fair weather.
  3. ...We'd have to act all civil toward one another. That wouldn't be much fun, would it?
  4. That's you're and don't, Einstein.
  5. You sound bitter, Whidbey. But I'm glad you have a Yale B.A. and a M.B.A from Harvard all the same. The only president in US history to hold a masters, I believe. (?) It's also quite satisfying that your GPA was higher than Kerry's. I'm glad you're so smart. I just wish you could put that whole anger thing behind you.
  6. Economic Left/Right: 0.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.10 Good Lord! I'm right near the center along with...Gerhard Schroder? I think their methodology is askew.
  7. As you can read here, prole, not too many folks are interested in your version of class and race baiting. (Chelle being the predictable exception.) I suspect that most of the people in that nice neighborhood acheived their 'status' either through hard work, or by risking limited capital. I'm sure a few of them are living on inherited wealth...you'll just have to deal with it. By the way! Where's j_b these days? This may sound strange, but I can smell him every time I read one of your posts, your use of WSJ notwithstanding. ....Could it be???[/b]
  8. Gary, your thread title does not match your solution. Main Entry: 2corporal Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin corporalis, from corpor-, corpus body -- more at MIDRIFF 1 obsolete : CORPOREAL, PHYSICAL 2 : of, relating to, or affecting the body <corporal punishment> - cor·po·ral·ly /-p(&-)r&-lE/ adverb Corporal punishment involves the physical. I support a return to this practice in our schools. I believe teachers need this valuable tool to maintain order within their classes without fear of a parent seeking litigious retaliation in kind. I still have one teen in school, and if he was so deserving I would have NO problem with a teacher using this type of corrective action.
  9. Dave, I rode Suntop on Saturday and finished it off by riding out Skookum Flats. Done by noon. Yoga is for girls. Bumbershoot is for freaks.
  10. http://www.zippyvideos.com/8911023771013466/countdown-looting-in-walmart/
  11. Oh, I'm sure. Why nominate a more mainstream justice when you can have your newcon senate leaders go against hundreds of years of established senate rules. Was Clinton's nominee, Ruth Bader Ginsburg "mainstream"? No. Yet she passed the full senate with 96 votes. The president gets to pick his nominees, and short of demonstrated contempt for the constitution or criminal activity, they are confirmed. I suggest it is obstructionist Democrats on the judiciary committee who should be labeled as idealogues.
  12. Main Entry: ir·re·gard·less Pronunciation: "ir-i-'gärd-l&s Function: adverb Etymology: probably blend of irrespective and regardless nonstandard : REGARDLESS usage Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word." There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead. Just messing with you.
  13. Yes. I've always been employed. Yes. You correctly spelled the word entymological. I'm flattered that you came down here for some good old-fashioned, 'real world' discussion. Must have been difficult for someone of your intellectual stature.
  14. I think most reasonable people do consider unemployed a bad word/condition...in a nation with 95% employment, at least. I sure do.
  15. Scalia for Chief Justice!
  16. You make the usual liberal/left mistake of branding all conservatives as religious. Far from the truth. I have never seen the article you posted, nor do I agree with most of its conclusions. Nice try. On another note; I doubt you would call me, PP, JB, KK, "nasty little conservative shits" in person....so why don't you just tone it down a bit. http://www.wordreference.com/definition/prole prole A noun 1 proletarian, prole, worker a member of the working class (not necessarily employed); "workers of the world--unite!"
  17. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/s...true#Post494065
  18. Now the other football, aka 'soccer', I never understood. I would just-as-soon watch golf...or even bowling!
  19. I'm curious why you haven't condemned the mayor of New Orleans. While he's busy bitching about the administration, complaining about his lack of air conditioning, and expressing paranoia about a CIA assasination plot, over 2/3 of HIS own police force has DESERTED. No Rudy Guliani, he. Had Bush rushed to the scene in a more expedient fashion, no doubt you would have accused him of pandering to a red-state. And meanwhile, on another thread, a liberal laments the limited destruction inflicted on the deep south and expresses his desire to see the entire region inundated. You guys are fucking amazing.
  20. Damn, Josh. Just when I think you're a lost cause, you reveal your true self. Football Unfortunately, those friends of yours with wire-rimmed glasses, whispy gotees, Che t-shirts, wool caps, and pony tails will be knocking on your door shortly to educate you on the evils inherent in such a violent, barbaric, masculine game.
  21. I'll admit, it's time to offer some 'encouragement' to people who drive vehicles that consume a lot of fuel - to make changes. I've heard a couple of modest ideas that I could live with until CAFE standards become (rightfully) tougher. SUV's, light trucks, or any vehicle over a specific weight, say, 3500lb curb, should be restricted to the lower truck speed limit where applicable. ie: 60mph in the 70mph zones of I-5 and I-90. I still believe in freedom of vehicle choice, but the case for slower speed can be made on several levels, ie vehicle stability, fuel consumption, etc. Allow hybrids...or any high mileage vehicle access to carpool lanes, even when occupied by a single driver. The vehicle could have some sort of endorsement sticker. Say 42mpg or more. There are a few non-hybrids that also exceed this standard. Disclaimers: Our family vehicles are; 1)SUV 16mpg hwy, 2)sport coupe 34mpg hwy, 3)small sedan 40mpg...and I vote Republican about 95% of the time.
  22. I do far more hiking/climbing than I do mountain biking. Frankly, I wonder why they even added mountain bikes to the middle fork snoqualmie trail plan! After all, they are closing down a road on the other side of the river. At the behest of the WTA! I suspect that's where the bikes will end up once that road shuts down and intolerant curmudgeons like Harvey call in and complain about how the aluminum horses ruined his day in the wild. WTA provides a great service, but it shouldn't give them USFS standing such that they have the power to join loco enviro groups and shut down an entire road system that is/was extremely popular and provided some of the best trailhead access in the state! The Middle Fork debacle was - and remains - a tipping point for me and how I view the entire enviro movement. WTA has become an environmental organization that masks as a 'trails organization'. WTA sucks. Period.
  23. Ah yes. Angry liberal anti-southern dogma finally rears its ugly head. I knew it wouldn't take too long.
  24. Credence' Run Through the Jungle and Born on the Bayou are going through my head as I watch this unfold on TV. Sucks.
  25. WTA. These are the guys who lobbied for/supported the closure of the upper Middle Fork Road. A trails oganization, for God's sake! And now we're thrown scraps in the form of mountain bike access on odd-numbered days??...access that will, no doubt, be yanked the first time Harvey Manning claims he's been accosted by the 'silent menace'. (his words) Once the road shuts down, I'll be riding my bike well beyond the Dutch Miller trailhead.
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