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Everything posted by specialed

  1. You mean Van Hagar
  2. Its cool to have opinions and be educated on the issues But its when you start disrespecting not just disagreeing with other people's opinions that we start being un-American.
  3. OK that's cool. But other than that concerts suck
  4. Dude I'm talking somethin atleast 80 cm at the waist and not a shit ton of sidecut = pooder boards so what's the best scene is Hot Dog? The broom hockey game? Harkin's stirring rendition of "Lovers on the wing?" The Chinese downhill? Any scene with ski ballet? or other?
  5. I don't really give two shits about Roper and Steck's book except that it maybe keeps boners off other routes, but I agree with MattP about Lib Crack. Regardless of being in 50 classics I thought the second half sucks compared to the first part. Its not really exposed, the rock quality is poor at times, and it wanders way left instead of taking a plum line.
  6. The energy you save by going lighter by ditching the tent will more than be made up erecting a temporary dwelling of ice and snow. If you want to go light and hardcore, bring a bivy sack and hope it doesn't snow hard. And if it does, go down.
  7. concerts suck. go climbing instead.
  8. N Ridge of Baker looks kool But circumnavigating Baker is fact the first objective in my quest to circumnavigate the seven largest peaks on every continent
  9. Big fat alpine or tele 195s in good shape, around $200
  10. I'd buy 'em if they were 195 cm
  11. Dood you are so right. Simpson is dumb as hellllll. And he wasn't trying to lead that Scottish ice climb I think he was trying to solo it. Simpson was such a bumbler, an epic waiting to happen. But yeah This Game of Ghosts and Touching the Void were awesom books.
  12. That's quite the generalization. People solo for different reasons.
  13. However, only one of those dudes you mention has soloed Astroman BUT BUT BUT he wimped out and didn't solo the cruxes!!! Unlike Peter Croft Pa-leaze!!! Potter wimp out?? Whatevah...
  14. If snaffles eat your horsecock that's defenitly at least E1+
  15. Thaw's "Fifty Favorites" is way better.
  16. So what constitutes an E5? Does it have to be something like Shakleton's Arctic Expedition? That's got to be off the fucking charts. What about Simpson's touching the void shit? Or Doug Scott's Ogre crawl? According to Dru's descriptions, I've only been through a couple E2's. But that's enough for me. I think by surviving those you learn enough to decrease your chances of having any E4 or E5s.
  17. Where dat?
  18. I've failed on the Grand Wall twice. Both incidents involved poop.
  19. Best way to do Lib. Crack is to climb the first 5 pitches, then rap.
  20. That's mildly humerous and all, but Canada homes.
  21. However, only one of those dudes you mention has soloed Astroman
  22. Scot... yer not allowed to post gym climbs on my thread yo
  23. I know yer crew...
  24. Erik what are you doing spraying so late? Its way past your bed time. As far as Epics in the mountains go: its often said - don't do stupid shit, but the only way you learn not to do the stupid shit is by doing it in the first place. I've learned the most I've ever learned climbing by epicing. I'm not one to tell anyone how to go about climbing, but the best thing I ever did was venturing off the beaten path and trying routes that I was unsure and even scared about. That really is the best way to learn about yourself and what it really means to be a climber. Don't go looking for epics, but for routes that truly challenge all of your mountain skills, and I'm sure along the way you'll experience whatever it is your looking for and more.
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