Man I almost got gored by a buffallo in yellowstone when I was there skiing once. Everyone says don't worry about the bison in the winter it takes to much energy for them to chase you, blah, blah. I was out skating on this snowmachine track (don't ask me why) and came across two huge motherfucking bison playing? or fighting? maybe but they were jumping around and butting heads right in the middle of the track. Finally they chill and this dude in a snowmachine tries to pass them, and I decide to go behind him. Then at the last minute I decided just to let the dude go. And he gets up to the bison and the buffallo chases his ass. Dude revs the machine and bairly manages to escape the fuckers horns. I'm like oh fuck standing there in my lycra and shit. But I'm getting cold as hell so I just ski by and the buffallo is eyeing me and grunting the whole time. I don't think I've ever felt as vulnerable. Except for when that one chick put rufis in my drink, but thats another story.