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Everything posted by dkemp

  1. Proud of you guys! I bet that night on the summit is one you will never forget.
  2. Today I received an email that contradicted the above re redaction. Whatev. Here is what she emailed me today: Okay Im done.
  3. It's a RCW issue. So it really can't ever "OK with the cops". Do what you will with this information but I just called WA State Dept of Licensing. She said redacting the address on your registration would be altering an official document and thus a violation. The only remedy she offered was if we had a PO Box we could get the registration changed to that.
  4. The Bushwhacker Climbing Club has opened application for its 2014 Basic Glacier Climbing Course. Applications will be accepted until February 28. Learn more at Bushwhacker Climbing Club
  5. Great! Doin' the dad thing mostly but I'll get out a some this year. I plan on getting lost. My compass has a setting, Over Yonder, which has always worked in the past, so I'm not too worried about it.
  6. Greetings! The Bushwhacker Climbing Club is opening registration for its Backcountry Scramble Course. We'll cover ice axe-y, map and compass-sy, rocky-scrambly skills. The destination will be remote but not too droppy-offy. Our club is all about making friends and spending time together in the mountains. If this sounds good to you or your S.O. then sign up today. Doxey
  7. There are only a few spots left! It's a great course, and I make great pancakes. Hope you can join! Doxey
  8. The Bushwhacker Climbing Club is proud to sponsor a Wilderness Advanced First Aid course in Carnation, WA, Thursday through Sunday, April 29 - May 2. Cost is $395. Wilderness first aid is a crucial skill set for anyone that hikes, backpacks or climbs in the mountains. Plus there is a lot of cross over education that is useful in a city setting. Also you should know that its a very fun time with quality people. Good stuff! The WAFA curriculum was developed by Wilderness Medical Associates and is taught around the country by certified instructors. This four-day intensive course combines classroom and homework with lots of hands-on scenarios. The instructor we hired is top notch, and has taught this course all around the world. The included books and workbooks are thoroughly researched and easy to use. The club is providing lunch each day. On Friday I will personally drive to Carnation with my kid Elliott to provide a pancake breakfast for the students. :winksmile: And that, my friends, is why I am president of the club. Well ... that plus no-one else wants to do it. Membership in the club is not required. Participants must be at least 16 years old. Bushwhacker WAFA course, April 29 - May 2. Enjoy!
  9. Yeah but I bet you wished you had my hexes! Good job guys, way to go. Dox
  10. I noticed that the survey has checkboxes for such activities as paintball, but no box for climbing.
  11. I've had a few takers, and thats cool. I will be out there tomorrow so not on a computer. If you want details, be sure to PM me today or tonight.
  12. Hello. I am looking for a ride to Icicle Canyon this Friday morning. I live in Phinney/Greenwood area, but I can come to you for a ride. I think I have Friday free for climbing too. Have rope and rack, and I can lead mid-fifth and/or set up topropes. I think I have partners for climbing Saturday, and I have a ride back on Sunday.
  13. If you are climbing and camping in the Icicle this weekend, our club has a group site reserved and as it turns out attendance will be very low. That's the way it goes. So, there will be some space at the campground, hate to waste it. PM me for info. Doxey
  14. Good one guys. Way to get out there.
  15. There was some rockfall right near Gunrack a year or so ago. I searched here a little but I dont see a post about that incident but I'm pretty sure climbers were on the right side and heard it come down near Gunrack. Yikes.
  16. Wow, this makes me wonder... A few years ago a friend of mine died at 19k on Chimbarazo. He was about the same age, and strong as an ox, fit as a fiddle. The Equadoran coroner said that it was altitude induced heart arrhythmia. (I think I got that right). He was fine one minute, enjoying the scenery and the climb, then boom, fell over dead.
  17. dkemp

    R.I.P. Tom

    Very sad to hear this news. AZ tv website story Very sad indeed. Great guy.
  18. Hello everyone. The Bushwhacker Climbing Club offers it's Outdoor Photography Course for its fourth year. It is a fantastic course, taught by professional outdoor photographers, Steve Matera and Seth Pollack. Steve is a working professional outdoor photographer, having been published in many magazines, catalogs and calendars. Steve is a cool guy and an enthusiastic dad to his little boy. A very friendly, warm and welcoming person. Seth has traveled around the world taking photos and has been published in Alpinist magazine (full two-page spread!), as well as gear catalogs. Seth is a very good climber and a super individual and it's my pleasure to count him as one of my best friends. The two have put this course together themselves. It is a very good course and they are continuing to improve it. This year they are contributing their real world experience on how best to collect and catalog images. I should add that neither Seth nor Steve are paid for their efforts in the course. The Bushwhacker Climbing Club is a non-profit organization and all-volunteer. The fee for the course goes to the club, which uses funds for such things as new ropes, event rentals, and the like. The course begins Wednesday night April 30. There are five evening sessions and two outings. To learn more about the course, and to register, visit Bushwhacker Outdoor Photography Course site. Doxey
  19. What, no homebrewing? Slacker.
  20. Funny about that. It started out not-so-bad but got worse and now it really stinks. Sounds like one of my outings!
  21. Me? Mostly hangin' out with my little belayer. Dang. Trying to get the image to show... Ah, got it...
  22. WAFA is not a pre-req for participating. It is a pre-req for outing leadership. Climb stuff? Oh shit, I thought we were going bowling!
  23. The Bushwhacker Climbing Club is proud to offer a sponsored Wilderness Advanced First Aid (WAFA) course. And for the third year in a row, the course is offered through Rescue Specialists, at their learning center near Leavenworth. The club has again selected Rescue Specialists for the following reasons: They climb, hike and whitewater raft, so they understand the wilderness context. The instructors have experience providing emergency medical care in town as well as in the mountains. They communicate human anatomy and physiology in a manner that assumes the participant can grasp advanced terminology. They consistently check with the students, clarifying and encouraging when necessary. They establish a lively dialogue with the students, making the course an engaging experience. Their friendly and disarming manner sets a welcome tone for this four-day, intensive course. Rescue Specialists has excellent facilities. Their modern, ranch-style center includes a kitchen, showers and a bunkhouse. They have a lawn outside where they practice scenarios, and beyond that is a forest, where they do more scenarios. Cost of the Course The course costs $400. Note that the entire fee goes to Rescue Specialists; the club keeps none. The fee includes four days of top-notch instruction, books and other materials, breakfast and lunch, and bunk lodging. Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for the course. You do not have to join our club to participate. Schedule Thursday - Sunday, April 10 – 13, 2008. Registration Registration has begun. To get started, just send an email stating your intention to take the course to bwcc_information@bushwhackerclimbingclub.org. We will reply with the particulars.
  24. Matt, thanks for letting us know about this. I plan to be there, and I sent a message to the Bushwhacker Climbing Club listserve, so perhaps a few people from the club will participate. See you then! Dox
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