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Everything posted by dkemp

  1. Yes. And we (the USA) have proven him correct over and over again. You realize he actually won the last election? It boggles the mind.
  2. I climbed R&D with Blake on Saturday - hey Blake, its great to meet you and get out! Sobo and I climbed Ground Hog Day on Sunday - Arrr, trad climbin' in the rain, arrr! Knotzen, I like that Chase dog, watch out or someday he'll be mine! Great beer, great slideshow - and I met lots of people. Mission accomplished.
  3. boy, the forecast has improved quite a bit, eh? NWS Leavenworth forecast Yay!! I'd say we're lookin' good. And as we all know, in climbing, the most important thing is lookin' good.
  4. Uh, yeah, thats all I got.
  5. A neutron walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender pours him a beer and says, "Here ya go pal, and for you (everybody say it with me) no charge."
  6. A grasshopper walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender pours him a beer and says "You know, we have a drink named after you." Grasshopper says, (jewish accent is best here) "You have a drink named Irving?"
  7. Horse walks into a bar. Bartender says "Hey pal, why the long face?"
  8. the tension is building...building...
  9. No no no no no. Now wait just a minute there. Pooping is NOT "dropping the kids off at the pool." It isn't and it never was. "Dropping the kids off at the pool" is, , well, , its masturbating into the toilet! I had a roommate many years ago and she always misused this endearing euphemism. I corrected her, oh yes, I did, but she continued misusing it. And now, all these years later, here it is again. Well, I'm putting my foot down! Use 'dropping the kids off at the pool' correctly, or dont use it at all!
  10. I have the day off work on Friday and plan to drive to Icicle in the morning. I have two empty seats in the car and no partner for climbing Friday. Hmmm, weather forecast is sketchy for Friday, gets better Saturday. sketchy Fri forecast But I already have the day off so I plan to go Friday fairly early morning, return Sun sometime. If you want to join me, shoot me a PM. Doxey ps. should I have posted this in Partners?
  11. Cool. Good luck with the site. I dont see you using CSS at all - perhaps you could consider that? For instance, you could create a div for the Map element, then a:hover font-wieght:bold; In this way the Map links would light up. Hmmm, but dont look at my own site!!! I'm upgrading also! I've been to that Condoriri area of Bolivia. I was ill and couldnt climb much. I got to the top of that subpeak of Pequeno, and took pictures of my friends as they climbed Pequeno. Anyway, thats a very cool neighborhood. Doxey
  12. "Less filling! Tastes great! Less filling! Tastes great!"
  13. The Onion: Intelligent Falling
  14. I have such a garbage can, clean and used expressly for this purpose, and I shall bring it. And I shall bring exactly one bag of ice. I shall.
  15. Seems one need only step outside at night and ponder the stars to see that the universe is more than 6000 years old. How long does it take for the light from those stars to arrive at earth anyway? Anyway, its a silly thing...6,000 years... Its just a shame that such a notion could come into play in this day and age.
  16. Well, I was hoping that by this weekend it would have slowed down so that I could keg it and get it carbonating, but that stuff is still going! Thats not a bad thing, but it means this batch wont be ready for RopeUp. Maybe if I had started it a week earlier... Photo taken a couple hours ago. Waiting is, until fullness.
  17. dkemp


    thats baaa-aaa-aaad
  18. dkemp

    Weekend Thread

    On Thursday I did not go to Smith Rock but instead worked from home . On Friday I again did not go to Smith Rock , but instead I climbed R&D with Norman_Clyde - hey that was fun man! Lets get out together again sometime! On Saturday, rather than going to Smith Rock, I worked in the yard . On Sunday, I was in Icicle Canyon, which is not Smith Rock, and I was getting spanked off an approach gully then hiking through brush to Space Aliens Stole My Face
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