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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. Hmm I am glad you're begining to come around to my way of thinking! For those who haven't checked out the link the story was broken by reporter Daniel J Watkin the New York Times at the end of October. I have long been suspect of the reporting in the NYT. prole seems to agree that it sucks as well.
  2. Don't tell Jayb...
  3. I will try the headstone guys thanks!
  4. pay attention: it helps the poor by pumping up commodity prices through wise investments in hot private equity funds. Like real estate! there's that damned misallocation again! Thanks Kimmo but seriously help me out here Ivan
  5. Ivan what do oyu mean by this and why is it important? i'd be quick to point out again i had shit grades in econ, and only 2 classes in it at that - i did actually like macro-economics, which this thread seems to concern more at the moment? my primitive understanding is, for folks to be happy in our economy, that money must keep pumping around, not unlike blood through a body, and that when money collects in the hands of a few, it tends to get put into various forms of savings, many of which won't have the effect of pumping the money back into the lowerclasses hands, and can even have the lovely effect of fueling speculation bubbles that bust the overall economy, causing disproportional suffering to the poor I am confused as to why money dissappears when the rich save. Just hwere does it go? (I am assuming savings doesn't mean hidden under their bed)
  6. Oh yea and refuse to buy Cinavia!
  7. Ivan what do oyu mean by this and why is it important?
  8. of course there are other issues with government unions as well: hello!
  9. Thanks I totally forgot about Computer Sonics! I am surprised Best Buy has it and although they are closer I think I'll make the drive north to CS. I was hoping that there would be some place closer tho.
  10. Come on Oly...I just know Santa will be dropping off a new processor Friday night and I want a new snappier server up and running no later than 10am on Saturday!
  11. 23.40*2080=48,672. You were understating annual base wages for 1.0FTE by almost 2%. It is worth repeating that at every dollar above the market clearing wage rate we give to these workers is a dollar we are keeping from education, healthcare, food stamps and so on. It's Kimmo's old misallocation problem again.....
  12. 1) Where can I buy thermal compound (eg Arctic Silver) locally. I want to upgrade a processer and since my brother is out of town I can't go steal some from him. 2) I have a small piece of granite slab left over from a remodel and would like to have it trimmed a bit and a nice finished edge created. Any ideas (Seattle) where I can get that done at a reasonable price?
  13. Another reason we are different: http://www.stripes.com/blogs/stripes-central/stripes-central-1.8040/top-marine-pledges-to-personally-lead-gay-integration-1.129363
  14. I enjoyed watching some pitcher that stayed about half the season.......
  15. click me!
  16. The best pic for me is the last route I was on! Check out the ice above the climber's right shoulder. Last week at a soon to be popular crag.
  17. You goddamn elitest! Stop turning people off of the baseball threads with political BS!
  18. Here comes the drought! I can hardly wait until the forest fires clear the west lowlands of all the moss revealing acre upon acre of new slabs to climb. The future looks great...progress what a concept. I guess that's why J_B has been a progressive all along. As long as they don't turn the Little River fields into parking lots. Picking shrooms and then bouldering till dark....what a life...DOH! They'll peyote fields by then..
  19. Does the word "thug" mean a special kind of hug?
  20. Damn! You figure out the plot! You are the one person keeping our regressive revolt from breaking out.......
  21. Creep on over and read the link.....
  22. J_B it turns out is right!
  23. Sorry been too busy for cc.com. Lee's agreat guy I must say I enjoyed watching him pitch. The best thing tho is to see the Yankees snubbed! Maybe they'll decide to break their bank and try to make the M's and offer they can't refuse for Felix.
  24. I am sure J_B is finding his man down South to be a rare source inspriation amongst all the bad news of late. He's been making the good fight against freedom of speech, a free press, drug laws, and properties rights for so long he must be getting tired. Now it looks like he is going to have to do everything himself. Why he's just like J_B here on cc.com. A man of the people!
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