Ivan what do oyu mean by this and why is it important?
i'd be quick to point out again i had shit grades in econ, and only 2 classes in it at that - i did actually like macro-economics, which this thread seems to concern more at the moment?
my primitive understanding is, for folks to be happy in our economy, that money must keep pumping around, not unlike blood through a body, and that when money collects in the hands of a few, it tends to get put into various forms of savings, many of which won't have the effect of pumping the money back into the lowerclasses hands, and can even have the lovely effect of fueling speculation bubbles that bust the overall economy, causing disproportional suffering to the poor
I am confused as to why money dissappears when the rich save. Just hwere does it go? (I am assuming savings doesn't mean hidden under their bed)