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Posts posted by thelawgoddess

  1. That's what happens when they don't offer German in most public schools anymore. Funny thing is, all of the German exchange students that I've had over the years speak perfect English.

    well ... i took lots of german in school (and some in college) and i was never taught "firnspiegl." i also met a number of germans through sailing at the uw who spoke excellent "everyday" english, but didn't know much when it came to sailing terminology.

  2. like dogs, different breeds of cats have different looks, personalities and mannerisms. sometimes the differences are "big" and sometimes ... well, not so much.

  3. I've had friends go a bunch of years ago, and some others who live in Truckee who are thinking to go this year. It actually sounds like a pretty entertaining iteration of the Earth Circus and the people watching is pretty fabulous. I like that sort of public group art and wierdness expression, it would be worth it just to check out the various bizarre vehicles. I expect it was better years ago when it was fully subculture, instead of getting written up in Time and Newsweek. The heat would just add a surreal edge, though I am a fully acclimated Northwesterner who's idea of a great beach is one that includes shade. yellaf.gif


    But no, I'm not going down there. Are you LG? If so, take pictures and tell stories.

    yeah; i think i'm going. i'm not really into the whole freaky people subculture thing (whatever that is), but a friend who knows me pretty well said i would love it and has been trying to get me to go for years. the art cars and structures are supposed to be amazing, and i'm looking forward to seeing some of the results of unleashed creativity. i'm only going for a few days. i think i can handle a few days in the desert ... even if i am surrounded by a bunch of naked weirdos. tongue.gif

  4. Wow, there's quite the gem in Wilkerson:


    Amost half the black widow bites reported in the medical literature in the first four decades of the 20th century were inflicted on the male genitalia by spiders on the underside of outdoor toilet seats.

    OUCH!!! count yourself lucky, marylou! yellaf.gif

  5. visualisation. It seems that it is a very americain habit of placing the pick forward while carrying the ice axe.

    the only time i do that is if i'm using the pick for balance -- like on a steeper slope or next to a snow ledge of some sort. while walking i carry it adze-forward.

  6. I spent 3 years working outdoors in CO, and I can say that the PNW doesn't have extreme heat or cold. However we do have an excess of moderate weather which makes adapting to anything verging on hot or cold harder to deal with.

    that's about it. there's a reason most people around here don't have a/c - 'cause we don't generally need it except for maybe a handful of days every summer. this summer has sure seemed like it's had many more "hot" days than is typical.

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