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Posts posted by thelawgoddess

  1. Yeah, true, they dont do that 'check back' thing. I did have to go ask. Guess thats the way they do it.

    pretty much.

    if you haven't already, check out brouwer's cafe in fremont. they don't have my favorite (floris appel witbier), and they haven't managed to make a real belgian frite (though they've gotten closer than anywhere else i've tried around here) ... they do have a lot of belgian beers. i recommend the duchese de bourgogne ... yum! bigdrink.gif

  2. Speaking of catfights, if I was female, I'd definitely be anonymous around here.


    Too many creeps and stalkers.

    yellaf.gif amen. wave.gif


    that said, i prefer to keep my real name and real-world contact info off of this site for many reasons. there are quite a few people on here i've met and know to some degree or another, and when it comes to those people i certainly read more into (and/or get more out of) what they have to say. but when it comes down to people i don't know ... it generally doesn't matter to me whether they are using their real name or an avatar. (the big exception to that would be for posts from people like lowell skoog and don serl ... whose names definitely speak for themselves.)

  3. ...to obtain the necessary permit for our campout.


    what's the rules on this anyway? you need a permit just to hike up to muir as a day hike? is the permit for overnighters/climbing? cost?

    is there a free/self-issued if you are just doing quick trip up and back?


    no permit required to hike to muir. (climbing permit required to go beyond.)

    free "Wilderness Camping Permit" required to camp there.

  4. So when ever I go climb/Hike and I meet someone on the trail I usually say something like "Hi how's it going" Most people replay something like "great day to be out here" but a lot of people come up with an excuse why they didn't reach the summit. "My foot was bothering me to much so I had to turn around", "I turned 57 last week so I am to slow" And they are all so upset about the fact that they didn't reach the summit that they can't enjoy that they are out in the wilderness. I don't really care if they reached the summit or not I am just being polite but why do they feel obligated to confess there grand failure to a stranger within the first 10sec of conversation and why do they feel it is such a huge failure not to reach the summit. I more often then not turn around before the top and still have a great time. People need to lighten up and enjoy life.

    you're right, but some people believe you either succeed or you fail. hopefully you were able to enlighten them to the fact that success can mean something besides reaching the top.

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