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Posts posted by thelawgoddess

  1. Hey Flash Climber,


    I don't understand the reference to Snake Dike. You suggest reading up on it. Where?


    The first time I climbed it I wore EB's. The first climbers probably wore PA's. I have known people that have free soloed it by moon light. The crux was well protected and the anchor's on the run out YDS 5.4 were reasonable. IMHO


    Has it been grid bolted? I think that any solid 5.9 leader with steath 5 rubber, a clear head and a rope with a lower impact force then goldline could safely lead Snake Dike. (Which BTW is a spectacular and very worth-while, albeit technically easy climb by modern standards; contrary to your implication).


    i agree. snake dike is certainly not a "piece of crap route." i felt it would be a good candidate for freesoloing. i skipped some of the upper bolts to alleviate rope drag before i finally decided it was time to unrope. if those upper bolts were added later ... they probably didn't need to be added. aren't all slab climbs run out?

  2. angel's crest!!! take a good partner.
    I'm probably not up to that one yet. That's got some 5.11 in it, does it not?

    not at all! it goes 5.10b. if i recall correctly there are only two 10b "pitches" - one is definitely a one move wonder (that is sporty and easy to pull through if needed). there's a 5.9 pitch that felt harder than any of the 10 pitches, though. cantfocus.gif


    i recommend the 10a's along the base of the grand wall. sunblessed and the first pitch of rutabaga, i think? good stuff there! thumbs_up.gif

  3. yelrotflmao.gif


    never tried that.


    Last time I flew, I just got REAAALLLY drunk the night before so I'd be passed out on the plane the whole time. Seeing as my plane takes off at 5:45 AM, I don't think I can swing that this time.

    there's a bar at the airport. just go early.

  4. shit. yall think you got problems? i got a fuking mrsa infection on my fukin head. had to have the bastard boil lanced. pus and blood and pain. just awesome. four difrent antibiotics later and the medicos think they got it licked. i am scarred for life. again. more. pitty.gifcry.gif

    yuck, dude! i hope you get rid of that!!!

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