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Posts posted by thelawgoddess

  1. To summarize: I think you implicitly project unrealistic expectations uponn situations and others and are continually let down when they dont meet your impossibly high standards.

    so, in other words, expect people to be flaky? yellaf.gif honestly, gary; climbers *are* flaky ... to an extent i have not experienced in other "groups" i've been involved with ...

  2. it's a meat product. better to ask how it tastes and leave it at that. it's just one of those things you don't want to know too much about the origins of ... evils3d.gif


    pair it with some sauternes and it's a match made in heaven.

  3. Any Penguins were probably killed off by the sodium hydroxide spill on Friday, unless they were able to get out of the water in time. At least the penguins would have been capable of getting out - all those trout and steelhead in the Cheakamus didn't stand a chance. Of course, a penguin in bondage would have a harder time making it onto shore, but it would still be better off than a fish, what with having no arms or legs at all. Tough call, but I'm going to say the penguin probably is just fine, despite the bondage thing.

    yelrotflmao.gif (sucks about the spray-on concrete, though.)

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