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Posts posted by thelawgoddess

  1. WA Pass is nice, but the Bugaboos are bigger and more impressive. Winter comes earlier up there though...

    indeed. not sure i have enough time to go up there, though. how long of a drive is that from seattle anyway?

  2. Dr. Terry Bennett says he tells obese patients their weight is bad for their health and their love lives.

    saying it's bad for their health is one thing; saying it's bad for their love lives might be crossing the line.

  3. Sobo, I will disagree with you that keeping CC open with zero balances will hurt your credit score. As long as you don't have 5 or 6 cards open with zero balances, leaving a cc or 2 open while carrying a zero balance proves to a lender that you have the ability to manage credit and will reflect positively on your score. For example, my parents opened a credit card in my name when I was 10 years old to build my credit so that by the time I was responsible enough to have my own credit card, I would be blessed with a higher credit score and lower interest. They carried a zero balance on it the entire time and my credit score increased during that period of time.


    Yes, ryland, you're entirely correct. I wasn't clear in my recommendation about closing accounts with $0 balances. I was putting it out there for Marie and others who do not have the benefit of extended credit experience/histories. It is good to have a couple accounts with $0 balances that are open. You have a "safety net" to fall back upon in an emergency. I have 2 such accounts (make sure that there are no "maintenance" fees that automatically get billed to the account that you might overlook paying in a timely manner) that provide about 3 months of gross salary coverage. But as you say, 5 or more such accounts is not good, as banks will look at you as if you're living off your credit cards and not within your means. It goes back to my earlier comment about Utilization/Obligation ratio.


    And closing accounts and then opening new ones also doesn't look good for the debtor, either.

    i don't think they really care how many zero balance open accounts you have. i think are more interested in how much available credit (i.e., potential debt) you have.

  4. hellno3d.gif that does not sound good, marie. have you tried cleaning out all of your cache/cookies/etc. and rebooting? if that doesn't help, i'd say something is pretty royally wrong and you might need some professional help.
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