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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. is not. fight club would be on my list. so would requiem for a dream. so would pi. and meet the feebles. there's more ... but i ain't got time to list them all!
  2. and i thought you were just tryin' to get yourself drunk because you like me better that way.
  3. thelawgoddess


    i guess that's hard salami then? (too much information!!!)
  4. thelawgoddess


    hey, isn't that iain? or is that timm@y? or some other crazy oregonian?
  5. so, is the for you or for the shoes?
  6. THAT MOVIE IS WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah ... and? you should see the other movies that would be on my list!!!
  7. i'm not sure, but i think somebody told me approach shoes are aid.
  8. i'm not even packing my moss for this trip. i'm going tent-less. maybe i'll pick up some cheap bastard (and by bastard i actually mean "tent") along the way. ps - donations gladly accepted ...
  9. if i had to pick just ONE: the city of lost children.
  10. "All is linked and explained by the title, which the less perceptive reader will already have recognized as a quotation from Wittgenstein." hmm. i wrote a REALLY LONG paper on wittgenstein -- yet i don't recognize the quote at all ...
  11. faust, i'll be there. pm me when you hit town. (valhalla pure has a computer.)
  12. thanks! i'm just about ready to gas up the car and go. i managed to squeeze my bike and my xxl bouldering pad into the back seat this morning. now i just have to fit everything else into the trunk and i'm golden. i wish that box of beer i picked up at the border last time wasn't so friggin' huge!
  13. "sticky weekend"? very cool name!
  14. WHAT is it?
  15. i hear ya. all my family's pretty far east of here.
  16. hey salami, as far as i could tell you weren't so sqeaky!
  17. very cool. i wish my siblings climbed!
  18. umm ... isn't part of that because we're not paying the tax on them by buying from overseas?
  19. i got the impression that the gunks are horizontal cracks as opposed to vertical ones???
  20. me, too. i could use some more pizza now that i'm going to be a "real" dirtbag.
  21. can they climb like you? and are they cunningly bald like you?
  22. that's sick!
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