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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Damn, y'all be beer snobs. Don't ya know the best beer is free and cold? I can't believe Bud prices are going up again!
  2. I was wrong, and you're right about the State level, Poseur. And it was two Davis appointees that made the pro vote. The California election sure is depressing, too. I've read it described as "the evil of two lessers": Davis and Simons.
  3. quote: Originally posted by Lambone: In theory a new 10 mil rope will typicaly be more "static" than a 9.6 mil rope right out oof the bag. That its they typicaly have a higher impact force rating. No. Impact force of a rope is a reflection of the fiber type and weave more than diameter. For example, Bluewater's 11mm Enduro has an impact force of 8.5 kN which is less than the thinner 10mm Energizer at 8.7 kN. With regard to determining the force of a fall, there are too many variables to do so by calculation. It's gotta be done empirically. Even then, the body tension of belayer and climber (faller?) will affect the force, and be tough to duplicate.
  4. bonehead, I recognize that most people on this board don't even know what a boccacio is let alone sympathize with my "rapist mentality" of our ocean's resources. You've read the LA Times article, but understand the numbers: sportfisherman caught 150 tons of rockcod over three years compared to the 23 tons caught by commercial fisherman because they're caught by rod and reel, not by net, or trolling. (By way of comparison, a single light boat can haul 30 to 50 tons of squid per night during the summer season from these same waters. For 2001, the tonnage of anchovy commercially caught was 141 times as much as the 150 tons of rockcod caught over a three year period). BTW, the tens of tons of fish eaten by the exploding population of sea mammals weren't considered (the sea lion and elephant seal colonies on the Islands have reached such high levels that they're colonizing on the mainland. For example, near Moonstone beach, a colony that started with 19 elephant seals in 1991 was at over 6,000 last year)). The summer ban on rock codding was effective in increasing numbers of boccacio, but was not allowed to continue further. The recent world record boccacio is evidence of this. But with the closures, even fishing for pelagic species is prohibited. There are no resident populations of yellowtail and tuna on the Islands, but you can't fish for them within the forbidden zones. Anyways, quoting percentages of ocean closures is misleading since the oceans aren't homogenous. The closures cover the most productive rock reefs on the Islands. It tweaks me that the views of two people on the DFG commission will affect the lives of tens of thousands.
  5. What? You mean OJ might have done it? That loud popping sound was my bubble bursting. I'm not sure I can ever rent a Hertz again.
  6. Is the rope static, or dynamic? (I've become discombobulated by all the pages of this thread.)
  7. It's a totally bad situation.
  8. The California Fish and Game Commission voted 2 to 1 to create the fishing-forbidden zones that will exist FOREVER. Two from the five member commission were absent. That's the f'ed up part of Federal bureacracy: a few make rules that affect millions. Something like those that "manage" Mt Rainier National Park. What do our votes mean?
  9. check ski swaps and hope you're lucky
  10. quote: Originally posted by gapertimmy: computer guys function better when under the influence of mind altering substances. Mountain Dew Code Red doesn't count as a "mind altering substance".
  11. if you're worried: http://www.clearchoiceofny.com/quickfix.html If not, it's usually just pissing over a strip (that's been my experience when tested by the police [long story]). If they give you a cup, fill it to the brim. Or, better yet, give 'em a sample of another body fluid.
  12. Fishing Permanently Banned Around the Channel Islands. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-reserve24oct24.story I've watched this go down over the last year (I wasn't able to attend any of the DFG open meetings, as if it would have done any good. Sport fisherman were only allowed 20 minutes total speaking time whereas the pro-closure people got 6 times that). Psuedo science was used to ban the fishing despite evidence to the contrary (the world record Boccacio was caugt last year --not an indication of a fishery in trouble, IMO). Sportfishing is a multi-billion dollar industry in southern California. And I thought the Republicans were pro-business (that's certainly how out Natl. Parks and Forests are being run --as if they were businesses instead of public trusts). Makes me want to become a Libertarian.
  13. It's not like there's a shortage of furbags on the west coast. But that doesn't stop the Marine Mammal center from spending thousands to "rescue" naturally sick and injured animals. (I wonder how many human lives would be saved if that money were spent on something like providing clean drinking water?). Sometimes, things don't go as planned: http://www.nbc11.com/news/1719206/detail.html
  14. PETA freaks are stranger than Greenpeace pussies.
  15. quote: Originally posted by allison: I wish one of the manufacturers would wise up and make a 2 person bag, nuttin' fancy, just a nice 35 degree down or fill bag for two. That would . been there, done that: http://www.nunatakusa.com/Sleeping_Bag_DoublePerson_Nunatak.htm I'm hot-blooded, check it and see. Got a fever of . . .
  16. I realized that I do have a 70s era axe that I still use occasionally for mountain strolls. It's a 70 cm chouinard piolet that's been flaking its bright red paint since the day I bought it. It's damn scary on ice steeper than 50 degrees.
  17. Leashes? Oh yea. Saved my pitiful life. BTW, ice-tools and crampons are aid. So are chalk and sticky rubber. Where does Olde E and Prozac fall?
  18. werd. it ain't the tools, it's the climber. No. NO! Cancel that lame idea. Buy into the hype: you WILL climb WI5+ by using the super-twisto bent wonders.
  19. "Why else do you like the bivvy bag?" Well, foremost because I have one. You know, one in the hand being worth two in the bush. Also, it's nice when sleeping in wind and/or wet. Snowcaves and floorless tents become no problem. I've also used it without a sleeping bag to keep bugs off. With regard to laminates, in the truly cold (-30+), the laminates won't breath enough and you'll get ice forming in the insulation. A vapor barrier is the way to go (Hefty makes some nice disposable ones). I thiink they just add cost without significant benefit. For the 0 degrees mentioned in the original post, down is far more packable. If you lose the zipper on a bag, you'll get more warmth per weight, too. Personally, I've got too many bags, but am still jonesing for a half bag. Too bad they cost as much as a full bag. Maybe I'll get lucky at Goodwill and score one to cut down.
  20. a bivy bag will add some degrees of warmth to your bag (like around 10, in my experience).
  21. "Can't we all just get along?"
  22. quote: Originally posted by russki82: at this rate we might be climbing ice before you!!! Whatever. Skiers in Utah and Colorado already have made turns this season. Loveland has already opened its ski resort. No doubt the ice of Lincoln Falls on Hoosier Pass in Colorado is climbable. I'd bet that's there's also ice in other early season areas like Bullion canyon in central Utah.
  23. Road-trip? Sounds like a schweet one-way ride to portero chico, or however far you get.
  24. quote: Originally posted by b-rock: Wondering anyone's thoughts on descending 3rd and 4th class quickly and safely. MTB, or parasail. Snowboard if snow-covered. Shred, dood.
  25. wired cuz that's the way they're made these days.
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