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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by trask:
    what the hell is techno anyway. is that like yanni or van gellas or some shitz like dat?
    [hell no]

    I think its some of this new funky Talking Heads crap er sumthin'. Or maybe that New Kids on the Block noise. They play it too loud whatever it is.

    Hey Timmorama, who's house are you talking about? [geek]

  2. Johnny raises his hand in class, stands up and says "Ms. Daisy, I gotta take a piss".

    She angerly responds, "Johnny, are you familiar with the term - urinate?"

    "Yes Ms. Daisy" Johnny answers.

    "Then us it!" she snaps.

    "OK, my dad says yer an 8 but you'd be a 10 if ya had bigger tits" [Wazzup]

  3. check out the Grivel Air Tech RACING axe. Only 12 oz. but 120 bones Ouch!

    In general, the tip of the pick should reach to just above your ankle when hanging straight down from your hand. I've climbed with several different lenghts of shafts and it's not that critical, I prefer one a little too short over one thats a little too long.

  4. Thanks for the advice Phil. I figured on getting there early sunday morning right at first light to take advantage of the cold and get out of there by noon. but, I agree its not the place to be in high avy conditions.

  5. farmer carry - pick up a heavy barbell (no, not a farmer) palms facing in, and walk as far as possible before setting it down.

    I like to do this when working in my swamp and pickup big rocks or slimy old logs and stagger around through the knee deep mud. That will kick your ass.

  6. for what its worth Wallstien, I have had a pair of Scarpa Matterhorns which are real similar to the Cerro Torre. I have worn them a bunch and am extreemly happy with them. They take crampons well, edge like a mutha, (the rubber is super sticky), not that great for skiing though, (yes I tried and probably will again [geek] ). Pretty comfy except on flat, hard trails, (like out of Paradise).

  7. Thanks for your help guys.

    I wonder if any crampons out there are approved for running on concrete stairs. Maybe some of the crampons designed with the mixed climbing in mind would be ok for this type of an activity.

    How do climbers in Europe train for these routes? They should have it rated like the Teleferique Du Beout goes at TC (teleconcrete) IV or somthing....


  8. While driving the Index - Galena Rd about 1 mile west of Garland Mineral springs there is a long, 2 tiered waterfall (maybe 400') that drains into the N. Fork of the Skykomish River on the South side of the river. It faces the north and the bottom elevation is somewhere around 1500'. I know this sucker must have frozen up at some point in time and wanted to fish for some beta particularily on the best approach other than swiming the Skykomish grin.gif" border="0

  9. While cleaning my garage last weekend, I came across a stack of literature, disclosures and warnings that came with climbing gear I obtained over the last year or so. I always put the paperwork in the pile to be looked at “later” (when the weather gets like it is). Anyway, I noticed the bottom line of the paper for my wife’s Grivel G-10 crampons says “ Crampons can be damaged by walking on rocks or running on the teleferique’s concrete stairs”. I am 100% serious people!! We probably would not have selected these crampons knowing this.

    My questions to you are – What the hell is a teleferique? Is this justification for returning the Crampons? If you can’t run on the concrete stairs in the teleferique, why bother?

  10. I get it - rightous dudes are on a "power trip". Sorry I'm a little slow today (like I'm not every other day).

    Spray Away! [geek]

    [ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Bronco ]

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