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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. C'mon goat boy - presto logs were at one time part of a tree, trees are a naturally occuring phenomena of the environment and so is fire in some places, you just gotta think like Johnny Cockroach er ahh Chochran and you will see the natural light. rolleyes.gif" border="0

  2. I dont know about the Mountaineers courses but, I am somewhat of a newbie myself and can tell you that just because you don't have any desire to lead on rock now, doesent necesarily mean you won't sometime in the future. I really want to learn to lead (and I am) to develop as much self reliance as possible. It's safer to be in the mountains if you arent dependant on someone else knowing what to do in a given situation. Maybe I am just a control freak and need to have the security. blush.gif" border="0[Moon][big Drink]

  3. Yep, sorry David they appear to be soldout as well as on sierratradingpost.com. MEC has some softshell bibs and pants quite a bit cheaper than the Pattagucci stuff. mad.gif" border="0

    Beck - you and your homies did a great job finding the lost dude on Adams in those conditions! grin.gif" border="0

  4. Rules for men to live by:

    1. Thou shalt not rent the movie Le Chocolat.

    2. Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella.

    3. Any man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his fellow partygoers.

    4. When you are queried by a buddy's wife, girlfriend,mother, father, priest, shrink, dentist, accountant, or dog walker, you need not and should not provide any useful information whatsoever as to his whereabouts. You are permitted to deny his very existence.

    5. Unless he murdered someone in your immediate family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours.

    6. You may exaggerate any anecdote told in a bar by 50 percent without recrimination; beyond that, anyone within earshot is allowed to call bull shit. (Exception: When trying to pick up a girl, the allowable exaggeration rate rises to 400 percent)

    7. If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off-limits--forever.

    8. The minimum amount of time you have to wait for another guy who's running late is 5 minutes. For a girl, you are required to wait 10 minutes for every point of hotness she scores on the classic 1-10 scale.

    9. Bitching about the brand of free beer in a buddy's refrigerator is forbidden. You may gripe if the temperature is unsuitable.

    10. No man is ever required to buy a birthday present for another man. In fact, even remembering a friends birthday is strictly optional.)

    11. Agreeing to distract the ugly friend of a hot babe your buddy is trying to hook up with is your legal duty. Should you get carried away with your good deed and end up having sex with the beast, your pal is forbidden to speak of it, even at your bachelor party.

    12. Before dating a buddy's ex, you are required to ask his permission; and he, in return is required to grant it.

    13. Women who claim they "love to watch sports" must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to pick a buffalo wing clean.

    14. If a man's zipper is down, that's his problem- you didn't see nuthin'.

    15. The universal compensation for buddies who help you move is beer.

    16. A man must never own a cat or like his girlfriend's cat.

    17. You girlfriend must bond with your buddy's girlfriends within 30 minutes of meeting them. You are not required to make nice with her gal pals' significant dick-heads--- low-level sports bonding is all the law requires.

    18. When stumbling upon other guys watching a sports event, you may always ask the score of the game in progress, but you may never ask who's playing.

    19. When your girlfriend/wife expresses a desire to fix her whiney friend up with your pal, you may give her the go-ahead only if you'll be able to warn your buddy and give him time prepare excuses about joining the priesthood.

    21. It is permissible to consume a fruity chick drink only when you're sunning on a tropical beach... and it's delivered by a topless supermodel....and it's free.

    22. Unless you're in prison, never fight naked.

    23. A man in the company of a hot, suggestively dressed woman must remain sober enough to fight.

    24. If a buddy is outnumbered, out manned, or too drunk to fight, you must jump into the fight. Exception: If within the last 24 hours his actions have caused you to think, "What this guy needs is a good ass-whuppin", then you may sit back and enjoy.

    25. Friends don't let friends wear speedos. Ever. Issue closed.

    26.Phrases that may NOT be uttered to another man while weight lifting:

    "Yeah, baby, push it!"

    "C'mon, give me one more! Harder!"

    "Another set and we can hit the showers."

    " Nice ass, are you a Sagittarius?"

    27.Never hesitate to reach for the last beer or the last slice of pizza, but not both. That's just plain mean.

    28. If you compliment a guy on his six-pack, you better be referring to his beer.

    29. Never join your girlfriend/wife in dissing a buddy, except when she's withholding sex pending your response.

    30. Never talk to a man in the bathroom unless you're on equal footing: either both urinating or both waiting in line. In all other situations, a nod is all the conversation you need.

    31.If a buddy is already singing along to a song in the car, you may not join him...too gay.

    32.Before allowing a drunken friend to cheat on his girl, you must attempt one intervention. If he is able to get on his feet,look you in the eye, and deliver "FUCK OFF!" You are absolved of your of responsibility.

    33.The morning after you and a babe who was formerly "just a friend" have carnal, drunken monkey sex, the fact that you're feeling weird and guilty is no reason not to nail her again before the discussion about what a big mistake it was.

    34.In Blackjack, always split aces and eights. No arguments.


  5. I had to rap through a smallish waterfall last weekend and was wearing my Scholler pants. Mildly damp. Dried quickly depsite brush belaying through wet folliage. Good stuff. No complaints yet. $42.00 on ovestock.com (Moonstone contortin pants)


    Very satisfied customer.

  6. That is one MANKY lookin bushwack on the N.Ridge!

    You know what else was fun on that climb was every so often I would think "mabye now is a good time to put on our crampons". I had just read one of Chounaird's tip for speed is to cut steps instead of stopping to put on crampons and did that instead. Chop Chop Chop, it only took 2 swings to form a nice secure foot hold and ususally no more than 6 or 7 were needed to get to better footing.

    Jerome: wow! 9.5 hours is awesome! I think route finding would be easier in April under a good snow pack. Was the big boulderfield just east of the summit of Persis covered?

  7. From Freedom of the Hills:

    Rope Without Knot: 100%

    Double Fisherman's: 65-70%

    Bowline: 70-75%

    Water Knot: 60-70%

    Figure 8: 75-80%

    Clove Hitch: 60-65%

    Fisherman's: 60-65%

    Overhand: 60-65%

    I think these are all good knots to know and most have certian scenarios that work better than others. I usually pull a water knot tight with my teeth for rap anchors, but, you guys are freaking me out with your stories though. shocked.gif

    Obviously you should also know a prussik knot and a munter hitch, but, what other knots should aspiring alpinists know?

  8. Alex:

    I have read at least one account of someone doing the traverse durring the winter but instead of descending to Lake Serene they make a 2 dayer out of it and go back to Persis. I think it would be a lot easier to travel over snow than verticle dirt. We took several pictures, but they need developing. I'll send some in if they turn out.

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