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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. I am only basing my opinion on heresay, news paper articles, dreams after eating mexican food and personal experience. All Mountaineers are bad mojo. Until I need them to rescue me, then they are my best buddies. [Moon]

    We are just spraying here guys, swaping stories and whatnot. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. I'll buy you a soda if it makes you feel better.


    Broncocurrent owner of several cascade mountains

  2. payaso - nevermind

    Last March me and a buddy were doing some snowshoeing above Paradise and were the first hikers out of the parking lot that morining. We headed toward Muir in thickening clouds, breaking trail in about 16" of new really soft snow. I could see a large group coming up behind us I figured to be an RMI group except they kept stopping. We kept stopping as we were in a nice whiteout and couldent tell up from down. We reached the approximate elevation of the base of Panorama Point and turned around to go down and do somthing more exiting. Of course having a trail to follow the Big group came racing up. I commented on the lack of visibility, asked the leader if they were going to keep going and he condecendingly said, "Of course, we know this mountain like the back of our hand, it's not a problem for us" and asked if I would mind if he had one of his party follow us down as he was without snowshoes and really slowing them down. I, of course, said I would and headed down twoard the parking lot with a mountie flailing about up to his crotch in the snow.

    We descended almost to Paradise and found approximatly 50 new mountaineers practicing self arrest directly across the trail. This meant everybody else on that hike had to either climb 100' up the hill, 50' down the hill or wait for them to pause so we could sprint through. I asked the leader if there wasen't a better place to perform the drill with a response of "I am not having all of these mountaineers pick up and move just because you have to go around" In that time, the group we left at Pan Point had walked up behind us and acted like I was some manaiac for having hiked to Pan Point in such bad conditions. What a bunch of HOSERS! mad.gif" border="0 Rather than waste anymore time than we had we just walked away while being berated for not having nearly enough stuff hanging off of our packs, no helmets.....

    All I have to say is thank God I didn't get involved in that group when I started climbing. I would need therapy by now. [hell no]

  3. it was still there monday morning

    come to think of it, the saturday someone tried to break into my truck (12/22) I was setting up to climb the first pitch of the lizard when this wanker sprints up to that pin and starts hammering away like a mad man. I said "nice morning eh" and he just muttered something. nice guy. Maybe he was pissed off at not being able to get that pin out (he tried for 1/2 an hour)so he vandalized my truck. BASTARD! mad.gif" border="0

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Bronco ]

  4. The fact still remains that if YOU mr car thief are smart enough operate a computer and somehow read this, (which I doubt) the next time you are in my 'hood breaking into cars and you hear the distinct sound of a Stihl 044 chainsaw start, you better pray you can outrun a short angry man carrying that chainsaw!! mad.gif" border="0

    What kind of fool are you anyway to break into cars in a climbers parking lot? Most climbers I know are tough as the rock we climb on and could pop your head like a pimple without even thinking about it. We are so mean I think Robert Dinero was a climber (are you talkin' to me?) shocked.gif" border="0

    I'll be waiting for you - [hell no]

  5. quote:

    Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:

    Beta for Libra:Get feet high and go for it on those thin hand jams. Flail
    smile.gif" border="0
    Crack shame on you for flailing on that!

    In Crack's defense, someone rolleyes.gif" border="0 ripped a knuckle and greased the crack with blood pretty well.

  6. I thought of that but, you know, there was these 4 dudes (suspects) still sleeping when I drove into the parking lot that seemed pretty upset I would wake them up at an ungodly 7:00 am. One of them even made fun of my hat! mad.gif" border="0 As it turned out, they were so wimpy , they coulden't even go climbing until they had fluffy french toast at the Index Cafe. I decided they were fairly suspicious, but too girly to be criminals, (other than possesion of drug parafanalia). grin.gif" border="0

  7. erik:

    were you out at Index this saturday?

    I thought I recognized your truck parked next to mine but decided it wasent as you would certainly been courteous enough to come by the GNS area and scream beta as we flailed on Libra Crack. [Wazzup]

  8. What kinda gloves do you like for cold weather rock climbing?

    I've been using fingerless wool for the climbing and leather work gloves that fit over the wool for belaying/rappelling. I guess I am not super happy about the performance of the wool gloves but they seem durrable and grip the rock reasonably well.

    Any suggestions??

  9. quote:

    Originally posted by Zenolith:
    ...(BTW, [to noone in particular]you will notice the proper use of they're, their, and there in my posts. If you wish you may follow my posts to learn more about your native toung.)

    Flame on girls!
    grin.gif" border="0

    maybe Zenolith is talking about American Indians wearing lingerine.

  10. quote:

    Originally posted by Dru:
    USA is threatening Canada right now cause you want us to ship you raw logs....... you gonna protest that one too Fairweather?
    rolleyes.gif" border="0

    Seems like I read somewhere the US was protesting your lack of a sewer treament plant in Victoria sending us too many "raw logs" through the Straight of Juan de Fuca. [Moon]

    [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Bronco ]

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