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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. Walked up Alaskan from the Ferry Terminal to Pike Place Market on Saturday afternoon. Never in my short life have I seen so much North Face apparel and hiking boots. I thought it was a climbers convention or sumthin'. I don't hang out in cities unless required to, so I was somewhat surprised. Pretty good chowder at Ivars though.

    Anyway, we decided with the forecast for good weather (which didn't happen) to go on a hike up to Lake 22 in the Mt. Pilchuck area. Pretty gloomy conditions, wet snow on the ground and dripping out of the trees on your head, cloudy with temps in the mid 30s. Almost everbody up there was having a great time in basketball shoes, flannel shirts, levi jackets and jeans soaked to the knees. grin.gif" border="0

  2. Hey there Mr. Adamson:

    Since you are in flatlander city, maybe you need someone to take care of your rack. I'd be happy to if you want to ship it out.

    [ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: Bronco ]

  3. Thought I'd let you folks know Sports Replay in Sultan is also going out of business and has a killer sale going. 40% off of already reasonably priced goods.

    Was out there today and noted:

    3 sets of mostly micro cams, lots of biners, nice ice axes (I couldent justify another), a pin or 2, some quick draws, nuts, hexes, 2 primus himalayan stoves, some big ol' "high altitude" overboot type things. lots of ski gear and goofy off-brand outer wear that looks like pretty decent quality, several climbing books, some harnesses, shovels, some climbing ropes.......

    You can call Tony if you are looking for something specific (360) 793-4273

  4. Thanks for pointing that out dude.

    Whoa man, I am totally stoked super sketchy now duuude. 420!

    That route at index sounds "interestin" in the Sky Valley Rock book.

    "Despite plenty of dirt, parts of this climb are very enjoyable" Sounds like good training for the N. Ridge of N. Peak across the river.

  5. Coulden't resist one more.

    Noted in the Mt. Persis summit register this fall: "Mountaineers group reached the top in good weather. All those who persevered were able to reap the benefits of the summit. Joe Schmoe, Leader"

    And the next entry a few days later said:

    "Then how come you didn't let them sign the summit register, jerk?"

    Gave me a chuckle.

    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: Bronco ]

    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: Bronco ]

  6. A good, understanding woman is paramount for a climbers career. But the cards, boquets and dinners out every once in a while don't hurt nothing grin.gif" border="0 The key is your wife needs to be convinced that she takes a higher priority than climbing. This can be a lot of work considering how much time you gawk at catolouges, train, plan trips and acually climb.

    Heinousdude: sorry to hear about your buddy. I've witnessed a few people act strangely like that and can tell you it's more him than his wife. He was looking for an out and found one, it's too bad he is blaming his wife instead of owning up to it.

    Bowling is a rush though (and monkeys might fly out of my butt)

  7. A friend of mine went climbing with Crack last saturday. I saw him a few days later and he has this big bruise on his forehead over his right eye. So I ask and he tells me that coming out of the little roof on the lizzard route, he's feeling a little gripped and in order to reach the crack on the face he plants his forehead on the edge of the roof so he can keep 4 points of contact with the rock or he is going to whip off into space. He made the move but was left with a reminder of course I had to tell him its not ethical to use your forehead while flailing.

    Sounded funnier the first time. Oh well.

  8. quote:

    Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:
    Has been great. Hopped on many new routes and flailed madly in the last few days...

    There is no other kind of flailing I've seen.

    Acually, that's not true, if you've seen me try a 5.12 move (I'm not even close) then it can look pretty meager. frown.gif" border="0

  9. Howdy

    I need ONE snowshoe tail for my MSR shoes. 4" preferred but I'll take what I can get. Let me know how much $ you want for it.

    I found one last spring durring the thaw (BOOTY!) and wondered if anyone else had an extra.

    email: rpmcousa@aol.com

  10. If you think about the typical Mountaineer, it seems that the majority of them are city folk who want to get into Mountaineering while playing it safe. So they have no alternative but to look like silly savages on the first outings of thier lives all roped together with their names on thier helmets roped together wearing the newest plastic boots. This is a good way for them to get into the sport and do it with out really endangering themselves like they would if they did the standard clothes line and tennis shoes intro to climbing (not that there's anything wrong with that).

    I did look closley at joining a few years ago and decided I didn't care for all the regulation, extra expense and prerequisite stuff. After having climbed Rainier with RMI I also didn't like the idea of being stuck with a large group of wimpy whiny (whaaa my feet are cold) yuppies who don't like me cause I am in my Danners and camo gaiters whooping it up. I also understand not everybody has had the luxery of growing up in a rural area with nothing to offer but climbin on stuff and camping out in garbage bag/duct tape tents with your "converse mountaineering boots" which rock of course [Moon]

    And I am being sincere when I say mountaineers are just an easy target for those of us who are still insecure about our own climbing abilities and I am sure there are plenty of mountaineer members who could out climb me, kick my ass and would be glad to do it. Bring it on you wieners!! [Wazzup]

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