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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. RURP:

    Shadup for a minute and quit speaking so I can answer your question.

    My favorite Big Wall is the Great Northern Slab at Index. Especially the first pitch although hauling pigs while they drag across the rock and up that gully is really hard. My portaledge is hard to set up on those boulders down at the base and just doesn't sit level. I think big wall climbing is just not for me.

    What is your favorite? (thats your opening for chest beating Tarzan)

  2. Thanks for your warm comments Kathy, and I have no idea about the Monroe humper shirts, but, I am intreaged.

    Back to the work at hand, I'm considering recruiting some locals who engage in these kind of activities for recreation on a regular basis. In fact one of them punched me in the throat this weekend, [hell no] (all I did was look at his beer). Seems like I saw a big dead cow somewheres recently........

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by Kathy:
    Hey Youngins,

    Me, Rat, Joe, Dean, and el Ski Thing are all getting older, and it is up to you to do the cool Index shit like we used to do. We are willing to mentor you in the fine arts of:

    Burning shit up (including tires, spray cans, and dishes)

    Shooting shit with our potato gun ( who can ever forget Rat hitting the belay slings on Princely Ambitions from the RR tracks!)

    Puking green shit in the parking lot

    Getting real drunk and yelling "fall, fall, I hope you fucking fall"

    Spending all day fighting each other in the parking lot and Private Idaho

    And of course - the vertical installation sundry deceased farm animals.

    This kind of behavior has gone on at Index for many years but recently it has been lacking. One of the most famous climbers in Washington helped grease City Park. [side note] Everyone who hates spray is always bitching about how we are going to drive off Cascade ledgends and yet one of them greased City Park [side note]

    We just want to help the next generation carry on some fine traditions.
    grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0

    [ 12-14-2001: Message edited by: Kathy ]


    Some clarifications are needed:

    - Are old fiberglass canopies on a stack of pallets going to create the right kind of thick black smoke that will coat all the other climbers cars with soot? How about dousing the old truck that's already there with some deisel fuel and shoot it for effect?

    - If I don't have access to a potato gun is a real gun ok to use? ( I like guns )

    - pukin is self expalitory, the brighter the color the better.

    - yelling at the other climbers is fun and easily rattles the newbies, I think I got that one.

    - fightin is probably gonna be automatic once you start the aforementioned behavior.

    - is road kill an appropriate substitute for farm animals? In your opinion, should we hang them in an area hidden from below so it suprises climbers when they reach a ledge or hang it out for all to see?

    -I think running around the lower wall with a chainsaw and cutting up downed logs would be considered annoying by others, but maybe not enough to actually make them angry. Thoughts?

    - is it ok to climb on the days you are being abnoxious or should you just focus on keeping the place looking snappy?

    All in all it sounds like a good way to waste time you could be climbing, but if it needs to get done, then, well someones gotta do it. mad.gif" border="0

  4. It seems like a precarious place for a glass container, I would wrap it up in an extra set of socks and put it inside your pack. Although that kind of interferes with regular rationing [big Drink] Is it a possibility you switch to Jim Beam while you are climbing? If so, you could get 2 of those plasic traveler bottles which are smaller than a fifth and it would fit in your wand pocket and it's unbreakable. tongue.gif" border="0

  5. I've hot dried a 10 year old goretex parka and it works sweet. I didn't want to hot dry my newer one incase it melted, but it seems to work pretty good and hasn't melted anything, yet. [hell no]

    Has anyone done this (hot dry) with a scholer product to revive the waterproofing?

    [ 12-17-2001: Message edited by: Bronco ]

  6. You should look into the classes offered at Cascade Crags for the youngun' if you haven't. They seem to tailor the ciriculum to the transition from the gym to the outdoors.

    You can never have too many 'biners when you are starting out.

  7. Im too poor to have a coat yet, but the pants are great. They shed snow and light rain yet breath like fleece. If you do get wet they dry pretty quickly. Fair on the weight and compression depending on the design.

    Do a search friend, this has been discussed in detail more than once.

  8. I noticed my thread from yesterday (How long has Erik been moderating spray?) was moderated to the round file for some reason. mad.gif" border="0 I didn't think it had anything controversial in it? Was I wrong? Are there some new ground rules or just enforcing old ones? Are you gonna have Caveman cut my tounge out for asking too many questions? tongue.gif" border="0

  9. Up until recently, I was an avid bow hunter. One birthday I opened a present from my mom, a "bow" light. Only problem was it is the green and red light you mount on the BOW of a boat. Sure woulda looked funny puttin the sneak on a deer with my red and green light mounted on the top limb of my bow to indicate which direction I was going. rolleyes.gif" border="0

  10. Three guys are drinking in a bar when a drunk comes in, staggers up to them,and points at the guy in the middle, shouting, "Your mom's the best sex intown!"

    Everyone expects a fight, but the guy ignores him, so the drunkwanders off and bellies up to the bar at the far end.

    Ten minutes later, the drunk comes back, points at the same guy,and says, "I just did your mom, and it was sw-e-et!"

    Again the guy refuses to take the bait, and the drunk goes backto the far end of the bar.

    Ten minutes later, he comes back and announces, "Your momliked it!"

    Finally the guy interrupts, "Go home, Dad, you're drunk!"

    [big Drink]

  11. I like caveman's advice but for a specific suggestion, grab a bottle of red wine, your candle lantern, get a couple scale burgers on the way out to Paradise (your comfort zone) and have an ice cave picnic, while asking her about her hobbies, family, job, future plans etc. She probaby won't ever forget it and if she doesent like it, you can always strap on your boards....

    You seem like you could handle it on your own anyway erik, youre a smart guy despite your spalin rpolem.

    Or you can go to a movie for $20.

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