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Everything posted by Dru

  1. it's my stomach that's concave.
  2. wasnt chix hunting on the bus. if'n i saw any cuties tho, id just take off my shirt and show em my chest scars like leo does in Gangs of NY
  3. I used to use the same method to get a seat on crowded busses. Nobody wants to sit next to a guy with puke on his shirt at 8 AM !
  4. too late, you win!
  5. Dru

    Turn on Ch. 5

    no... your choice was between, a) Stupid TV, or b) read a book/ go for a walk/bike etc; drink; have sex; write a poem; see "Gangs of New York and oogle sexy movie stars (Diaz, hotcha!!!!!!); break a window; hug a tree; fake a UFO sighting; sign up in the US army; experience Buddhic oneness with the cosmos; spray online; do laundry; make dinner; phone your friends to tell em you love em cause you might die this weekend; training in the gym; philosophical debates; taking a night course; robbing a bank; learning to juggle; hunting giant squid in a bathysphere; dressing up as a Goth; learning Cantonese; saving a whale; building a robot; killing vermin ; winning the Nobel peace prize; selling used cars; living on the street; translating Etruscan; playing Scrabble; playing poker; blowing your brains out with a shotgun; waxing your bikini line; astral voyaging; smoking a fat blunt; baking a cake; brewing a keg of home made beer; silently screaming cause no one can hear you; redefining the definition of speed; stealing cars and joyriding; quitting it all and moving to montana to raise prize stallions; you know what i mean.
  6. Chavez is the democratically elected "socialist" president of Venezuela MtnGoat was calling on to resign before his term ended, just because there's big protests against him in his country.
  7. whassa matter, your rachel babkirk poster gettin too sticky?
  8. in response to alpine k's points above what PNW alpinist needs to climb 5.13 when there are thousands of unclimbed lines out there (within 1 days' travel distance) in the 5.11- and easier range. in europe you have to climb hard to put up new routes cause all that is left are the blank spaces between the classic lines. look at the density of routes on most major peaks and faces in Europe, vs. here: a face in Europe that might have 2 dozen climbs jammed in, a few meters apart,here has 2 or 3. the only areas developed to a similar degree here, are popular crags (eg. castle rock) and famous/accessible peaks like rainier and SEWS. and necro, there's only been like 4 alpine routes climbed in the rockies, this whole winter, and those weren't even in the winter but the fall.
  9. greg w sez: Erik, he's right in implying that he need not shift his focus based on public opinion of the moment or poll results; that would be foolish. He's already been elected into office (let's not resurrect that tired debate), now it is his job to put his plan into action. You're smarter than this Erik. but I bet he wouldn't say the same thing (give him time) about the siomilarly, democratically elected, Hugo Chavez
  10. sounds like your def of "expedition" climbing is plain ol' seige climbing and should have a link to big wall... and mixed should evolve from alpine, not from ice climbing... alpine climbing has been mixed since day 1... and where is speed climbing?
  11. except bushwacking in the rain. full 3 ply gore bibs are gonna keep you wet from sweat instead of rain in that case, but at least you'll be warm. but for mountaineering, under all but the wettest conditions, you dont need hardshell bottoms.
  12. you were trying to paste it directly into a post? insert the .jpg into the photo Gallery with Browse, or Attach it to a post. Don't try to cut and paste it inmto a bulletin board post. 70k should be fine cause the limit is 100K, no?
  13. wayne, save it as a .jpg file, paint works with .bmps. if you cant save it as a .jpg you are screwed.
  14. i guess thats why fowler and ramsden won the piolet d'or this year then.
  15. wait a while it'll take care of business itself
  16. it doesnt say if them and the two missing women were found together or not....
  17. you misspelled it!!!
  18. Big Turk, yup. GROSS!!
  19. Actually itll be funny watching someone try and spell it.
  20. arent they just fruit leather with hazelnut chunks but minus the leather?
  21. purple nougat is turkish delight or maybe its something else in canada. "Eustace Scrubb". hell thats almost as good a name as "Augustus Gloop"
  22. Springer is a whale. "Springer The Little Lost Orca"
  23. Edmund. How come there aint a Smith route for all you lycra fashion conscious types called "The Line, The Pitch, and The Wardrobe" Doesnt a "3 Musketeers" bar have Turkish delight in it?
  24. it's a little wooden boy with donkey ears.....
  25. $32 billion, thats a whole lotta turkish delight
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