Frank Zappa was a musician of some renown, viewed by some as a great composer, and was fairly popular. At age ten, Beethoven, a fairly well-known composer himself, was tearing shit up on the piano. Clearly, anything a ten-year-old lad can accomplish is unremarkable, and thus we can rest assured that composing music is kinderspiel.
Buenas noches, Poop; and bone swah to Dwayno as well.
Pope...i got a buddy who is an old fart at 16 THAT WILL JUST KICK YOUR ASS PLAIN AND SIMPLE on bouldering...i'll make no claims regarding crack climbing, but if you want to distill down to a couple of moves, you and dwayner won't even hang the first set of holds...and he was climbing almost as hard at 12 and 13 as he is now...go ahead and slam me for saying bouldering only, but if he decided to concentrate in the other realms you'll be blown away there as well...
i disagree...there are oodles of freakoid kiddies running aboud climbing hard at sport and bouldering...there is a reason for that...they weigh 90 lbs! i have never seen a kid climb higher than 12 cracks...
This kid's 150lbs... and that's what they said about sharma and he's a tank now...
also, Jason Campbell was climbing 5.12 cracks as a youngster in the valley as well as tom herbert...additionally, you don't see many 5.13 crack ascents in general, now do you???
ya know people are sending 5.13 cracks at squamish pretty much all the time right?