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Everything posted by Dru

  1. whatever. the pix will be ready on monday
  2. Pete Schoening? I think Hank Mather is still alive and living in Vancouver somewhere. Not really pre WWII...He did most of his climbing in Canada but knocked off a bunch of US stuff like the FFA of Canary, and the Nooksack Ridge traverse....
  3. yes i will
  4. I met this cool chica named Myushba Kozlov that way the ultimate belay betty.
  5. Dru

    Return of Miloshk

    Fern and I are going for Slesse this weekend (if her foot holds out) you better show up foo!
  6. "Who's stronger? Thor, Superman or the Hulk?"
  7. So I went bouldering after work at this area out by Hope. I did a few problems, and tried one highball and got scared and jumped off from the big jug halfway up instead of mantling it. Then I tried this one problem about 50 times but couldn't stick the move with net result of sandblasted tips. Then I hiked around and actually saw another guy bouldering (this is the first time I ever ran into another boulderer in Hope, I mean, I know they exist cause they scrub problems, but...) So I hooked up with L. who was trying some weird problem with only two crazy creek chairs folded up for pads cause he is poor. so we used my pad and he nearly sent. then i did an easier version of his problem i wouldnt have had the psyche to complete without a spotter due to the height... Then as I was trying his problem we heard this crashing in the bushes "Oh maybe its someone else and they have more pads! Hey over here!" But it wasnt a person. It was a big black bear! We stared at each other for a moment then I grabbed the pad and flipped it in front of me (brave huh ) and that movement musta spooked it cause it ran away crashing in the bushes. L and I packed up and got the fuck outta Dodge. Pooh can send that problem without us.
  8. Dru

    The french are dumb

    Alpine Kitty says "This thread is dumb"
  9. i have this thing called "route finding skill" which keeps me out of loose dirt chimneys
  10. i hear your moaning
  11. update: two no longer lost
  12. you know you are successful when the people you are insulting can only moan weak instead of coming up with retorts
  13. As I recall, Beckey wrote, "The wimsy of this appelation is lost on those who know the area." So, even he doesn't know. Ya, but that doesn't answer my trivia question
  14. Me, homo.
  15. where is dwayner with some pictures of genetically challenged individuals for this thread anyhow? bastard is probably catching a marlin right now.
  16. all you need to attract trask is a pulse and an indefinite orifice... in fact if you are inflatable you don't need a pulse.... minx i know you are hurtin that trask hasn't been filling your needs lately, what with him being greg w's gimp and all, but attempting to draw me into your menage a trois is a bit much dont ya think?
  17. Who or what is Mox anyway?
  18. my hello kitty avatar picture is a babe magnet. you are all jealous!
  19. and nearly killed fern with the rocks and gravel he threw down too!
  20. Aren't Jack's other 7 fingers over near mt. maude? 3fJ plus 7Fj = two hands of Jack.
  21. 'Bout what I'd expect from a butt-ramming Canadian like you. You're the one with the Hello Kitty fetish. Chicks dig Hello Kitty.
  22. i got killed walking my dog up city park assist!
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