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Everything posted by Dru

  1. oh well whatever. i wondered why the climber looked so much bigger than the belayer!
  2. bush full of s
  3. senor s
  4. ya especially for your brake pads!!
  5. Kevin Bacon knows all of them first hand
  6. Maybe you should read some of the literature on anorexia which eventually kills something like 25% of the people who have it...and not always because they starve to death...
  7. your upload don't work???
  8. hey mike if you find saddam do you get the 25 million or is that offer only good to iraqi?
  9. 'samatawitchoo you dont like furry cock?
  10. Dru

    have u noticed

    there are no l33t or darth cause they all got personal titles??/ how much is it to be a supporter anyways? $20 a year or something? i suggest you have a bunch of forms and envelopes ready for donations at the rope up.
  11. i have seen you you dont look like 5% to me let alone 3%.
  12. Isnt the "worm" in the mescal bottle a Mexican grub, or larva?
  13. This might be of interest to some people on this site planning on going to a certain range of mountains near Bella Coola soon.
  14. Dru

    Whatcha Readin?

    i love this book!!!!! one of my favs!!! also a good read is the sun also rises... both great reads! almost all the steinbeck is good. i just finished his king arthur book. too bad it ends halfway thru cause he died before he finished it.
  15. yuip. Canadian Border Pk on left, american in middle, larabee at right.
  16. the attachment don't work post it in the gallery!
  17. puffers are aid
  18. Should read - "Both gates are locked, you need pins." the locks are inside bell cans I think. hard to get at the lock. you could always call cattermole and ask to borrow a key?
  19. thanks for sharing?
  20. http://www.wusatv9.com/consumer/consumer_article.asp?storyid=21121 "fat free horsecock"
  21. and cut down on the sessions as smoke is bad for asthmas.
  22. 60% chance of rain in chilliwack!
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